

Study on Novice Driver’s Typical Psychology-Behavior

【作者】 张开冉

【导师】 张殿业;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 低驾龄驾驶人是交通事故频发人群,这和驾驶经验有很大关系。然而,驾驶经验的初期积累却更多地存在于不安全驾驶行为多发的申领驾驶证后的前几年中,这是一个矛盾。在低驾龄阶段,身心条件特征对行车安全的影响尤为明显。本文着重研究低驾龄驾驶人的注意品质、紧张特性、信息处理能力和自我效能感等典型心理-行为特性,初步揭示影响低驾龄驾驶人驾车安全的内在要素。首先,对低驾龄驾驶人的注意特征进行了测试分析。借鉴认知心理学的研究范式(如任务转换与双重任务研究范式等),对低驾龄驾驶人的注意集中、注意转移、注意分配及注意广度四种注意品质进行测试。鉴于四种注意特征属注意在不同时空维度上的表现,故对各注意特征分别进行数据处理与分析。结果显示:在基本注意能力上,低驾龄驾驶人组与对照组没有显著差别。但是,当模拟驾驶场景测试时,在注意集中特征方面,虽然方差分析未揭示各组被试在抗干扰性方面存在差异,但多重比较显示,低驾龄驾驶人组的抗干扰能力不如经验丰富驾驶人(MD=22.69,P=0.03;MD=23.55,P=0.04);在注意分配特征方面,低驾龄驾驶人组的注意分配能力不如经验丰富驾驶人组(MD=-1.47,P=0.01);在注意转移特征方面,低驾龄驾驶人组与对照组呈现显著差异(MD=69.54,P=0.03),前者的转换速度慢于后者;在任务转换方面,低驾龄驾驶人组与对照组未呈现显著差异(P=0.65);在注意广度特征方面,低驾龄驾驶人与对照组均未呈现显著差异(MD=1.93,P=0.81)。其次,对低驾龄驾驶人的紧张特性做了探讨。分析了低驾龄驾驶人驾车过程中的紧张源。包括基于任务的紧张源、基于角色的紧张源、基于行为环境的紧张源。测试分析了两种典型情况下低驾龄驾驶人的紧张特性:有超车影响下低驾龄驾驶人普遍紧张;雨天行车时受试低驾龄驾驶人也表现出紧张并车速下降。再次,对低驾龄驾驶人的信息处理能力做了分析。讨论了驾驶行为的特点,包括:复杂性、模糊性、随机性、相关性、连续性、突变性、离散性、自学习性、自适应性。测试比较了低驾龄驾驶人典型的信息处理能力——速度判断。驾驶人信息处理的限制不在于接受信息量的多少,而在于信息处理的速度上。对低驾龄驾驶人组和经验丰富驾驶人组进行信息处理速度能力测试,结果表明:低驾龄驾驶人组速度判断水平低于对照组(p<0.05)。其中包括:速度递增时、速度递减时、速度保持恒定时低驾龄驾驶人的速度判断水平均低于对照组。最后,对低驾龄驾驶人的自我效能感进行了分析。构建了低驾龄驾驶人自我效能感量表。在充分遵守“领域的特殊性”和“领域的完整性”两个原则下,本文设计了6个因素25个题目,在此基础上形成初步的自我效能感问卷。用SPSS对数据进行因素分析。运用主成分正交旋转,取特征值大于1的因子。这样低驾龄驾驶人自我效能感量表最终包含20个项目,累积解释量达到70.23%。通过信度和效度检验,最后确定的低驾龄驾驶人自我效能感量表由5个因素、20个项目构成。

【Abstract】 Novice drivers are accident repeaters in traffic system. This does something important with driving experience. However, the experiences are accumulated during first few years after they get driving license which is a traffic accident occurs frequently period. It is a contradiction. During this period, new drivers’ physiological and psychological factors play an important role in driving safety. Novice drivers’ attention ability, tension, information processing and autobiographical sense are deeply studied in this thesis. Some inherent factors which influence novice drivers’ driving safety are uncovered.First of all, novice drivers’ attention ability is discussed by borrowing ideas from cognitive science those are task switching and dual task studying mode. New drivers’ attention concentrating, attention diversion, attention distributing and attention extension are tested in this thesis. Allowing for these characteristics of attention ability possess deflections, those data getting from testing are disposed respectively. Results show that the basic attention ability remains scarcely difference between novice drivers and experienced drivers. But, when it comes to simulative driving scene, the attention ability is different distinctly between those two groups. New drivers’ anti-jamming in attention concentrating is not so good as experienced drivers (MD=22.69, P=0.03; MD=23.55, P=0.04). Novice drivers’ attention distributing is poorer than experienced drivers (MD=-1.47, P=0.01). New drivers’ attention diversion is different remarkably from experienced drivers (MD=69.54, P=0.03). The former’ switching speed are slower. On the other hand, the task switching between them shows little difference (P=0.65). Novice drivers and experienced drivers have scarcely any differences in attention extension (MD=1.93, P=0.81).Secondly, stress during novice drivers’ is probed into in this thesis. Above all, the source of driving stress is discussed. It includes stresses from driving task, driving role and driving environment. Further more, new drivers’ stress under two typical situations in driving is tested. Novice drivers go through stress when overtaking happens. At the same time, their heart rate changes remarkably. The second typical situation is rainy day. New drivers undergo stress too in this situation. What is more, they are inclined to reduce their driving speed.Thirdly, novice drivers’ driving information processing ability is discussed. Based on the analysis of driving behavior, such as complexity, fuzzy trait, randomicity, associativity, continuity, mutation, self-educated and self-adapted, new drivers typical information processing ability is tested. What makes new drivers’ this kind of ability different from experienced drivers is not the quantity but the speed. Test results show that new drivers’ driving speed estimation ability is not good as experienced group (p<0.05). That is, when the driving speed increasing or reducing new drivers’ estimating ability is worse than the other group. So is the speed holding situation.Finally, novice drivers’ autobiographical sense is studied. According to some former studies, the scale is formed to test new drivers’ autobiographical sense. In this thesis, 6 factors and 25 items are brought forward. On the basis of this, questionnaire about autobiographical sense is erected. SPSS is used to process the data after testing. 20 items are chosen to test new drivers’ autobiographical sense at last. Hermeneutic shows 70.23%. After reliability and validity testing, the scale of new drivers’ autobiographical sense is formed which includes 5 factors and 20 items.

  • 【分类号】U491.254
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】1255
  • 攻读期成果