

Study on the Life Cycle Consumption of Energy and Resource of Air Conditioning in Urban Residential Buildings in China

【作者】 李兆坚

【导师】 江亿;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 土木工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本论文针对我国城镇住宅空调的绿色评价、方案设计、相关节能标准和政策的制定中的一些重要问题,综合采用实际调查、现场测试和模拟分析等方法,对我国城镇住宅空调生命周期能耗和材料资源消耗进行研究。论文主要创新性工作为:①通过大量实际调查测试分析,揭示了不同住宅空调方式夏季运行能耗特性和住宅空调行为节能的重要性,得到了一些新的结论;②对我国城镇住宅空调运行能耗简化算法进行研究,提出了新的简化算法——SIM法,该算法计算简单、且具有较高准确度;提出了空调器新的能效指标——综合运行能效比IOEER,为住宅空调运行能耗计算提供了更为准确的基础参数;③首次从材料、部件、设备和系统四个层次,对常见空调方案的资源消耗和生产能耗进行调查计算分析,提出了可再生材料生命周期能耗的新算法,得到了大量重要基础数据;④首次从生命周期评价的角度,对我国不同地区城镇住宅节能空调器生命周期能耗和费用进行研究,确定了节能空调器的适用范围。论文主要结论为:①目前我国城镇住宅空调运行能耗特点是:空调器装得多、用得少,总体能耗水平较低;但不同住户之间能耗差异巨大,能耗集中度高;空调行为方式是影响住宅空调运行能耗的最重要因素,通过行为节能可使住宅空调运行能耗大幅度减少。因此我国住宅空调的节能潜力和“耗能潜力”均很大,加强行为节能和空调能耗大户节能是住宅空调节能的一个主要方向。②分体空调方式的运行能耗、生产能耗、材料资源消耗、投资和运行费用均远低于户式空调和集中空调方式,因此分散式空调仍是我国住宅空调的发展方向,而在住宅中推广户式空调、尤其是集中空调,则会使我国住宅空调的能耗和资源消耗大幅度增加。③对于北方地区的不少住户和其他气候区的低能耗住户,采用节能空调器会使生命周期能耗增加,因此应根据不同地区的气候条件和经济发展水平制定不同的住宅空调器能效标准。④住宅节能空调器的平均生命周期费用大大高于普通空调器,国家应出台补贴等鼓励政策,促进节能空调器的推广应用。本论文的研究成果和建议对住宅空调的绿色评价、方案设计、相关节能标准和政策的制定均有重要意义。

【Abstract】 Focusing on some important problems in the green assessment, scheme design, establishment of energy efficient standards and policies for air conditioning in residential buildings, the life cycle energy consumption and resource consumption of air conditioning in the urban residential buildings of China has been investigated by the methods of survey, tests and simulation.The creative work of this dissertation are as follows:①The energy consumption characteristics of different air-conditioning modes and the importance of occupant behavior on energy saving in residential buildings have been discovered through a lot of investigations and tests;②A new simple method, simulation induction method (SIM), for calculating the energy consumption of air conditioner in urban residential buildings has been developed. A new index, integrated operating energy efficiency rate (IOEER), has been put forward, which gives more accurate fundamental data for predicting the air-conditioning energy consumption;③The energy and resource consumption for different air conditioning schemes have been studied in consideration of material, component, equipment and system, based on the new calculation method of life cycle energy consumption developed for recyclable material; and④The regional application range of different energy-efficiency-grade room air conditioners (RAC) has been proposed, according to the life cycle energy consumption and the cost analysis.The main conclusions of present study are listed as follows:①The main air-conditioning characteristics in urban residential buildings is gained. The total energy consumption of the air conditioning is rather lower, since most of RAC in the households operate in short period of time. The air-conditioning energy consumption difference of different households is quite large, only few households consume the largest part of the total energy. The air conditioning operating pattern is the most important influencing factor of the energy consumption. One of the best way to reduce the RAC energy consumption is to improve the air conditioning behavior pattern of the households;②The best air-conditioning scheme for Chinese urban residential buildings is the split air conditioning mode, according to the operating energy and producing energy consumption, material resource consumption, primary cost and operating cost comparing results with other air conditioning schemes;③The life cycle energy consumption of the energy efficient RAC may increase for many households in Chinese north areas and some households with low energy consumption in other areas. So the standard of RAC energy efficiency should be determined according to the climate and economic developing level of different areas; and④The life cycle cost of energy efficient RAC is quite higher than that of the common RAC, therefore, some political allowance should come on to encourage the application of energy efficient air conditioners.The research results of present paper will benefit to the green assessment, scheme design, establishment of energy efficient standards and policies for air conditioning in Chinese urban residential buildings.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期