

Research on Grid Mobile Location Services and Its Key Techniques

【作者】 彭春华

【导师】 刘建业; 晏磊;

【作者基本信息】 南京航空航天大学 , 精密仪器及机械, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 网格移动定位服务的研究来源两个方面的需求:一方面,移动定位服务作为一种新兴的增值产业模式越来越受到人们的关注,同时,也就迫切需要一种技术能更好的将其所涉及地理位置分布、异构的各种计算资源、存储资源和网络资源等集成起来。另一方面,网格是近年来发展起来的国家级高性能计算和信息服务的战略性基础设施,并随着其进一步发展,网格已逐渐应用于各个领域的资源共享与互操作、高性能计算等。基于移动定位服务中资源集成需求和网格寻找新的应用领域需求,本文重点研究了网格移动定位服务及其关键技术,全文的主要研究内容如下:详细分析网格移动定位服务的研究背景、研究中所涉及的理论、技术以及应用研究体系,同时分析了其研究基础。在此基础上,详细分析了网格移动定位服务中的标准和规范、技术和应用研究的现状。归纳分析了当前三种主要的网格体系结构,即五层沙漏体系结构、开放式网格服务体系结构以及Web服务资源框架。同时,重点分析了网格移动定位服务的相关技术:可扩展标记语言、Java开发平台、移动通信技术、GIS及嵌入式GIS技术。在此基础上,详细分析了移动定位服务架构在网格上的必要性和可行性。分别从移动定位服务理论、移动定位服务中网格理论、移动定位服务系统工程以及移动定位服务价值链角度详细分析研究了网格移动定位服务。提出了采用虚拟用户层和虚拟资源层来构建网格移动定位服务的思想。同时,针对虚拟用户层和虚拟资源层分别提出了虚拟移动用户对象、虚拟移动运营商对象、虚拟服务提供对象、虚拟地图数据提供对象、虚拟定位技术提供对象以及虚拟终端设备提供对象,进而,构建了网格移动定位服务的概念模型、总体框架、逻辑体系结构、技术体系结构以及数据体系结构。在此基础上,基于网格移动定位服务应用和产业价值链中起主导作用的不同分别提出了网格移动定位服务中基于服务功能的六种应用模式和基于产业价值链三种应用模式。研究了基于移动定位服务的统一定位模型:定位技术概念模型和定位技术逻辑模型。初步研究了定位要素、定位要素属性以及定位要素关系的定位技术概念模型。在此基础上,针对移动定位服务中定位技术的确定和发出请求对象不同,提出并研究了“PULL”和“PUSH”式定位逻辑模型,并深入研究了“PULL”和“PUSH”式定位逻辑流程。研究了面向网格移动定位服务的元数据服务模型、资源代理服务结构模型以及资源副本服务体系结构。针对网格移动定位服务中的元数据服务提出了层次式核心元数据服务模型、层次式功能元数据服务模型、层次式产业价值链元数据服务模型以及层次式混合元数据服务模型;研究了网格移动定位服务中虚拟处理资源代理服务和虚拟存储资源代理服务结构模型;同时,提出了面向网格移动定位服务的资源副本服务体系结构和资源副本服务协议栈,并详细分析了其实现流程。研究了基于五层沙漏结构的移动定位服务体系结构,并初步设计了其中的基础设施层、通信层、单个资源处理层、资源汇聚层以及应用层。在此基础上,详细分析研究了基于五层沙漏结构和开放网格服务体系结构的公交导航服务实现流程。初步实现了基于Java EE/Java ME的移动定位服务原型系统。在对原型系统进行总体设计的基础上,详细设计并实现了客户端、中间层以及数据层。研究并实现了原型系统实现过程中的多区域地图查询和服务端地图缓冲的关键技术。实现了兴趣点查询服务、公交导航服务以及公交查询服务。

【Abstract】 The research on grid mobile location services comes from two requirements: On one hand, as a new value-added industry mode, mobile location services acquires more and more attentions, at the same time, one necessary technique is required to integrate all kinds of the heterogeneous resources in different places, including computation resource, storage resource and network resource, etc. On the other hand, in recent years, grid, as a strategetic infrastructure for high performance computation and information service, developed very fast and was being used to resource sharing and interoperability in different fields. Based on the requirements for resource integration of mobile location services and new applications for grid, grid mobile location services and its key technologies are studied in the paper, and the researches in the paper are the following.The background of grid mobile location services is analysed in detail. The research on theories, techniques and applications, involved in grid mobile location services, are presented detailedly. Based on the before-mentioned analysis, the research status quos of standards and specifications, techniques and applications are set forth. As far as the architecture for grid is concerned, three main architectures are presented in detail. They are, respectively, five tiers hourglass architecture, open grid services architecture and web services resource framework. Some related techniques: extensible markup language, the development platform for java, mobile communication, geographic information system and embedded geographic information system are presented in the paper. In addition, the necessity and feasibility that grid is used to form mobile location services are analyzed in detail.From the viewpoints of the theory for mobile location services, the theory for grid, system engineering and value chain, the tier for virtual user and virtual resource are produced, and are used to form grid mobile location services. On the basic of the tier for virtual user, virtual user object is presented. At the same time, on the basic of the tier for virtual resource, virtual service provider object, virtual data provider object for map, virtual location provider object and virtual terminal provider object are also presented. Furthermore, the conception model, overall framework, logical architecture, technique architecture and data architecture are formed eventually. Moreover, based on different functions in service applications and value chain, services-based six application modes and value chain-based three application modes are brought forward.The uniform location models: location conceptual model and location logical model are studied. The location features, properties for location features and relations for location features in location conceptual model are studied primarily. Location logical models for“PULL”and“PUSH”, based on location conceptual model and different requests, are investigated; moreover, location logical flows for“PULL”and“PUSH”are also analyzed.Mobile location services oriented to metadata service, resource borker service and resource replication service are studied deep. The hierarchical core model, hierarchical functional model, hierarchical value chain model and hierarchical hybrid model for metadata service are proposed. In additional, the grid mobile location services based model for virtual processing resource broker and virtual storage resource broker are established; the grid mobile location services based architecture and service protocol stack for resource replication service are established.The architecture of grid mobile location services based on five tiers hourglass architecture is studied. The tier for foundation establishment, communication, single resource sharing, resource collection and application in it are designed primarily. According to the characteristics of grid services, the instance of bus navigation based on five tiers hourglass architecture and open grid service architecture in grid mobile location services are studied.In the end, a prototype system for mobile location services based on Java EE/Java ME is established. The client tier, middle tier and data tier and overall framework for the prototype system are designed and established. Several key techniques in the prototype system are analyzed and implemented. The service for point of interest, bus navigation service and bus query service are implemented.
