

Research on China’s Strategy of Green Agriculture under the Institutionalization Tendency of Green Barriers on Agricultural Products

【作者】 赵建华

【导师】 郭立夫;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 农产品贸易在我国对外贸易中占有举足轻重的地位,近年来国外形形色色的绿色壁垒对我国农产品的影响日益巨大,已成为制约我国农产品出口的一个重要瓶颈。21世纪的中国正在步入一个全新的繁荣发展阶段,农业在这一阶段要实现转型,农产品要实现升级,这种质的变化是在WTO的外部环境和人类环境保护事业迅猛发展的大背景下进行的,其复杂性和严峻性备受世人瞩目,能否选择正确的农业发展道路,从根本上跨越绿色壁垒对拥有13亿人口、近9亿农民的发展中国家来说是至关重要的。本论文以技术经济资源优化配置的视角研究了我国农产品在国际绿色壁垒日益制度化的外部环境中如何审时度势、因势利导地规划自身的发展方向,走既符合国际发展趋势,又符合中国国情的农业发展之路,从根本上提升我国农产品的竞争力,跨越绿色壁垒,实现农业可持续发展。本文提出,农产品绿色壁垒是协调环境与发展矛盾的必然产物,是平衡人类眼前利益与长远利益的工具,我们应通过发展绿色农业来适应农产品绿色壁垒的发展趋势,在新的国际竞争环境中通过农产品生产的绿色化、区域化、产业化、集约化、标准化和信息化来实现农产品升级和农产品新的竞争力的培育。绿色农业的实现机制是市场拉动、政府推动、龙头企业带动和农民启动。其中的关键是政府利用所掌握的规制手段和政策资源建立互相配套的制度和政策环境,引导企业和农户走发展绿色农业之路。龙头企业、农户是发展绿色农业的实施者,行业协会是引导者和服务者。上述四方各司其职、相互配合形成我国发展绿色农业的协调机制,这一机制对提高我国农产品竞争力、跨越绿色壁垒,实现可持续发展具有重要的意义。

【Abstract】 Agricultural products trade plays a decisive role in our country’s foreign trade. In recent years, the impact on it arose by different kinds of green barriers has being gradually enormous. Green barriers have already become the bottleneck which restricts the export of China’s agricultural products. In 21 centuries China’s stepping into a brand-new prosperous developing period during of which the agriculture will realize transformation and the agricultural products will realize upgrade. Fulfilling these qualitative changes under the background of WTO and environmental protection undertaking swiftly being developed, the complexity and austerity of it is catching attention from all over the world. Whether China can choose the correct road of agricultural development to leap over the green barriers is of utmost importance to the country who owns 1.3 billions population and almost 900 millions peasants.From the current literature, we can find some achievements in the study on green barriers, but few of them are monographic study focusing on agricultural products. Limited by the research angle, the previous studies failed to reveal systematically the deep reasons and developing tendency of agricultural products’green barriers. That caused the countermeasures study in this regard could not meet the urgent demand in practice.This dissertation has a foothold in the blind spot of the previous researches, transforming the studying angle from“on border measures”to“behind border measures”which related not only to trade policy, but also to series domestic policies including environment policy, industrial policy, agriculture policy and etc. It analyzed the reasons, the institutionalization tendency of green barriers and the reality of Chinese agriculture trade environment; draw the conclusion that China should develop green agriculture to deal with the new external macro-background and to enhance the competitiveness of its agricultural products.Green barriers on agricultural products are the series of measures adopted by the import country’s government or its nongovernmental organization to restrict the import of agricultural products which could not reach the standards of their own or to restrict the rival agricultural products from the outside countries. The aim of setting green barriers on agricultural products is to protect the health, the food security, the ecological environment, the domestic market and the domestic industry of the importing country. The measures include“on border measures”and“behind border measures”showing as laws, regulations, policies and standards which regulate the whole life chain of agricultural products from production to consumption.The green barriers are the inevitable outcome of the contradiction between environment protection and economic growth. It’s also an implement balancing human being’s immediate interests and the long-term one. In most of the time, it still is the competitive weapon for different countries to use in the international economic and political competition. The Countries, especially the developed countries who are getting used to put green barriers into practice has its reality and certainty. There will be more and more green barriers infiltrating into every corner of the Agriculture.The current international conventions, WTO regulations, international standards and the import countries’relevant laws and regulations compose an integrated system of green barriers. That is the institutionalization of the green barriers. It is the external circumstance for Chinese agricultural products that we must envisage.Taking this external circumstance and our internal circumstance (including our advantages and disadvantages) into consideration, we come to the conclusion that we should choose the strategy of developing green agriculture to escalating the competitiveness of Chinese agricultural products, ensuring China’s food security and ecological security, raising the income of farmers and improving the life standard of Chinese rural country.Rooting in the reality of Chinese agricultural status, green agriculture absorb essence of traditional agriculture, eco-agriculture, organic agriculture and natural agriculture, learning strong points from all kinds of agriculture and offsetting their weakness. It is a new way to develop agriculture. It is also a Chinese characteristic way to develop sustainable agriculture. After the developing strategic direction becomes clear, the implementing plan should be taken into consideration in order that the strategy can be carried out successfully. The road to realize green agriculture in China is green + regionalization + industrialization + intensive production + standardization + informationization. The realizing mechanism is market pulling, government pushing, leading enterprises driving and farmer starting up.The key for developing green agriculture is to set up and consummate the institutional mechanism including laws and regulations, quality assurance, policy support, agricultural technology transfer system and agriculture public service system, which can leas social resources to allocate towards green agriculture and formulate a circumstance to encourage development of green agriculture. A coordination mechanism should be built among the participants who join the development of green agriculture by alignment of the goal, reasonably dividing of the works, clearly specifying of the duty and responsibility and building up unhindered communication system.The role of the government is to construct developing environment for green agriculture. He undertakes the tasks which includes: making relevant laws, formulating essential rules and regulations, working out policy guidance and gaming with foreign countries and international organizations to build a more impartial external environmental for Chinese agricultural products.The leading enterprises and the farmers are the main body who carry out the course of developing green agriculture. The leading enterprises play an important leading role in this regards. They shall change their concept to“green”first, and then cultivate their own competitiveness by operational diversification, building up industrial chain, standardization and getting international certification.The farmer, as the fundamental role of green agriculture, should carry out the green agriculture by safety cultivation, standardization processing, and adopting improved varieties to improve the quality and safety of their agricultural products. Meanwhile, they should participate in nongovernmental organization (such as agricultural association) or embed themselves into the chain of the leading enterprises to formulate stable sale channel and stable information exchange passage that can help them connect directly with the real market and supply marketable products meeting man’s“green”and“natural”demand.By taking reference of foreign counties’practice, the industrial association should improve their operational mechanism to combine the agricultural enterprises and the farmers together and formulate industrial power. It should make suggestions to government for policy decision and provide the enterprises (including the farmers) all-round service to help them developing green agriculture and leaping over foreign countries’green barriers.Jilin Province is one of China’s biggest agricultural provinces. It is the representative province whose agricultural products suffer seriously from foreign countries’different green barriers. At the end of this thesis, I use the conclusions and methods draw from the former study in theory to analyze the issue and test the conclusion.The theoretic meaning of this research is to study an international trade issue from a new perspective of technological economy which is related to agricultural resource allocation. The conclusion extends the applying realm of the technological economy theories and enriches the international trade theories and that of agriculture economy as well, pushing forward the research in this regard a little bit.The realistic meaning of this research is to define the responsibilities of the government, the leading enterprises, the farmers and the industrial association in the course of developing green agriculture and their cooperation mechanism, which make the strategy become workable in practice. It also makes the target become more clear and feasible. In a word, developing green agriculture is useful for us to upgrade our agricultural products’competitiveness, to leap over different kinds of green barriers and to realize sustainable development of our agriculture.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期
  • 【分类号】F752.02;F320
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】2386
  • 攻读期成果