

Xun Kuang and the End of "Hundreds Schools of Thought Contend" Period

【作者】 张铮

【导师】 吕文郁;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 荀况是中国先秦时期伟大的思想家和学者,他的学说体系以儒家的理论为基础,综合吸收了战国时期诸子百家的思想精华,成为战国后期“百家合流”的代表性人物。荀子的思想境界和学术成就标志着一个伟大的历史时代——“百家争鸣”时代的终结。本文主要以文化史和学术发展史为视角,对荀子的思想学说和历史地位作出新的评价。在内篇,笔者对荀况的学派属性进行了考辨,也就是围绕荀况如何以儒家学说为基础,创新战国儒家思想体系的问题进行探讨。首先将历代讨论荀况学派属性的诸家说法进行了回顾及述评;其次,通过分析诸家关于《荀子》成书的研究成果,笔者认为《荀子》一书是研究荀子可以信据的重要资料。其次,从该书中笔者发现无论从文字还是学说思想,荀况都是完全符合汉代学者关于“儒家”定义的。最后,本文又针对荀子学说中的核心思想、他在儒家典籍的经典化问题及传承的地位及作用等方面进行考证,认为荀况是先秦儒家代表人物之一。又根据荀况对儒家经典整理、传承及其弟子中的分化情况,可知荀况在战国晚期儒家思想体系的形成以及后世儒家学术的发展中,都起到了不可忽视的作用。在外篇中,笔者认为《荀子》书中有多处批评先秦诸子的文字。其出发角度是存在差异的,它的差异正体现了荀子治学的前后阶段性差异。本文针对《荀子》中批评其他诸子的文字和吸收其他诸子的文字,考证了荀况是如何吸收诸子的学说,并将这些纳入到他的儒家思想体系的。随后,本文又对荀况如何影响战国末期其他诸子的情况进行了探讨。最后,本文通过对历代荀学研究总成绩的回顾,指出尽管历代学人在荀学研究方面取得了丰硕的成果,但是时至今日还没有哪一位学者在荀学研究中把荀况置入特定的文化和学术背景下,对荀况及其学说给予准确定位,并作出全面、系统的评价。这就为本文的探讨留下了较大的学术空间。这正是本文要努力探索的新课题。

【Abstract】 Xun Kuang is an important representative of Confucian in pre-Qin period of China,his theory was based on the Confucian theory,and had absorbed the essence of other thinkers in the Warring States period.He unified the pre-Qin academic and set up the system of Confucian ideas,finally became a representative who integrated hundreds of schools of thought in the Warring States period.How did Xun Zi inherited and absorbed the essence of other thinkers critically, basing on the Confucian theory?Why could Xun Kuang finish setting up the system of Confucian ideas and unifying the pre-Qin academic?They are the main problems that this article studies.Therefore, the core of this article is discussing the relations between Xun Zi and the pre-Qin academic.Now I will introduce the viewpoints of the article in summary.There are three parts, inside,outside and subjection.It is reaserched and discoursed that how Xun Zi critically inherited the pre-Qin academic in the inside part.First, because the property of Xun Zi’s theory and his school of thought had been argued since the ancient time,with studying and debating kinds of statements about the property, it is brought forth that the property of Xun Zi’s theory and his school of thought was recognized through the whole of the book Xun Zi and the main ideas of Xun Kuang,instead of simply according to some specificity of his theory.Then I investigate in three parts,the relation between Xun Zi and Confucian from the book of Xun Zi ,the relation between Xun Zi’s ideas and Confucianism,Xun Zi and the inheriting Confucianism.Ultimately,Xun Zi is concerned as an important scholar who had contributed a lot to the development of Confucianism.His contribution is irreplaceable to making Confucian books become classic and spread.The relation between Xun Zi’s theory and the pre-Qin academic is discussed in the outside part.First,the meaning of study and method in pre-Qin document is inspected.Secondly,the process of the pre-Qin academic is deliberated ,mainly pointing it out that Xun Zi had unified hundreds of schools of thought because he could combine study and method,which also could be found out from the division among his students.Thirdly, the phenomenone is debated that different scholars Xun Zi criticized placed emphasis on different aspect ,such as Opposing Twelve Scholars,andJiebi,Tianlun,the former focused on the bad political influence of scholars,however,the later proposed criticism according to schools of thought.Then, the relation between Xun Zi’s theory and the scholars who influenced on Xun Zi and the culture area of Qi,Chu,Qin is discussed.When it concerns the scholars(they are classed as scholars of Qin culture) who were influenced by Xun Zi,it is considered that Xun Zi was the first scholar who made study and method unified,but some of his students broke the unification later.In the subjection part,the theory of Xun Zi is defined firstly,then it can be seen that the theory included the reaserch of Xun Zi himself,the studies of the book of Xun Zi,the whole achievement of studies on Xun Zi’s theory.They are no doubt a process of history.the study on the theory of Xun Zi is divided into two phases,before morden times and after morden times.In recent years,with waking up of scholars in our country and the introducing of westen science and culture,the range of studies on Xun Zi’s theory has been enlarged,and finally,the completement of the system of Xun Zi’s theory has been promoted.The studies on the history of the development of Xun Zi’s theory is an important part of the studies on scholars.In the last century Luo Genze,who was a main representive of the school which distinguished the ancient documents,had proposed the studies on the history of the development of scholars’theories.They are quested and reaserched roughly in this article.With unscrambling these problems, the deficiency of the studies on Xun Zi’s theory and what important work had been done by the forescholars would be found out.As a Confucian master,Xun Kuang built up his own system of the Confucian ideas without limiting to the Confucian theories.His academic could be divided into two phases,they are the period when he stayed in Jixia of Qi and the period when he lived in Laning of Chu.Therefore,as one of the represetative terminators of the“Hundreds Schools of Thought Contend”period,Xun Kuang integrated hundreds schools of thought in a different way contrasting to Han Fei ,History by Lv,and the school of“Huanglao”.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 08期