

Political Analysis of Despotism

【作者】 王义保

【导师】 杨海蛟;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 政治学理论, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 滚滚的历史车轮早已将专制主义碾得粉碎,使其成为历史的尘埃,遭到普遍的唾弃。民主作为人类的一种理想追求与价值目标已经成为历史的潮流和趋势。中国共产党人始终不渝地高举民主的旗帜,并将其作为领导中国人民革命、建设和改革的重要目标和不懈追求。改革开放以来,中国社会主义民主政治建设取得了辉煌的成就。但是,封建专制主义残余影响仍然在很大程度上影响着中国社会主义民主建设的进程。要彻底清除封建专制主义残余的影响,必须首先从理论上对专制主义有较为清醒的认识。本文坚持历史唯物主义的立场、观点和方法,运用政治学原理,从政治权力的研究视角,以中国古代专制主义为例,深入探讨了专制主义的政治基础、权力结构、权力运行方式,揭示了专制主义禁锢思想,扼杀生机,激化矛盾,导致动荡,阻碍发展的危害,旨在使人们更加深刻地认识专制主义,反对专制主义,进一步抵制和清除专制主义的残余,积极地推动我国社会主义民主政治的建设和发展。

【Abstract】 People’s Democracy is the life of the socialism. To Build socialist democracy must stand clearly against feudal despotism, and eliminate the traditional despotism residual factor in today’s society. Construction of democracy can not be separated from the despotism deconstruction. It is of great theoretical and practical importance to know the sort of "despotism", understand Chinese traditional despotism political basis, analyze structure and mechanism of despotism power, understand the political danger of despotism and promote Chinese socialist democratic politics development from the perspective of political science."Despotism" as a key word of political science is not discussed and researched as widely as democracy, freedom, equality, justice" and so on.So the concept of "despotism" is very ambiguous in the field of politics.And the corresponding English words of the "zhuanzhi zhuyi" are "despotism, absolutism, autocracy, tyranny, authoritarianism, totalitarianism" and so on.But only "despotism" specifically refers to the form of government of ancient eastern countries (esp. China).Despotism is a form ruling the human society,which has aroused the attention of thinkers from the ancient Greece.From then on ,many thinkers in different periods of history propose different theories of despotism. It is an important step to gain the reasonable interpretation of "despotism" in political science, and understand the distinction between "despotism","autocratic monarchy","feudalism","totalitarianism".Rulers of the world have to give the satisfied explanation of their rule.It is more difficult to control with simple violence. Chinese ancient despotism existed in the special political ecology. Following fate was the source of legitimacy of the despotism power. The mystical phenomena, religious,and other factors were important ways for the despotism power. The structure of home country was an important basis to maintain the balance of power and the despotism political order.The political cultural of loyalty and piety made the realize the despotism political order and stable development. Violence built a strong barrier to the despotism, and became arms for the despotism system to preserve themselves. Special political environment was the ruling base of the ancient despotism,and the important reason for the long-term despotism society.Unlike the western absolutism power structure,Chinese ancient political power was carried out in a different divisions,and became a complex structure. The highest secular power was nominally in the hands of the monarchy in feudal society of Europe.But it was restricted with feudal aristocracy, the Church, Level Meetings, Self-government of city , the tradition of law, and many other factors. Chinese ancient monarch dominated the country’s highest political power. There were a mode of "decision-making,implementation,monitoring" under the monarchical power. The relationship between the country and local showed a high degree of centralization of the vertical power structure under the value of "unification".Despotism power turning into a real force would call the operation and configuration of the various elements of the despotism society. First of all, the law had become a symbol of the despotism power.It was the primary way to control social relations with the despotism law. The law fully became a tool to control the people, demonstrating the value of an instrument.Decision-making process was an important part of the application of despotism power.Appropriate Ways of despotic decision-making can not only avoid most mistakes of the despotism monarchy, but also prevent others from winning the power of the despotism monarchy.Therefore, the despotism monarchy used sorts of decision-making ways to deal with affairs of government for stable development of the despotism.Once the despotism will became into the real power, the power would depart from the will in the course of officials’rent-seeking. It was a important method to establish a strict selection system and build a faithful bureaucratic ranks to prevent the abusing power.The value of the political power lies in establishing and maintening an effective public order.It does not mean that any stable public order is human- natural and can promote the development of political civilization.There were many insurmountable barriers like imprisonment of mind,killing of vitality,intensifying of conflicts and causing social unrest in despotism society. Once the unrestricted power and Confucianism were combinated in the despotism society, independent man would disappeare in despotism order.The unrestricted despotism power control everything in traditional society.The power lossing institutionalizational competition continued to corrupt. With extravagant monarchy, bureaucratic corruption everywhere, the despotism society inevitably fall into conflicts and turmoil. The traditional Chinese community became a closed operational system in the control of the strong despotism power. Social turmoil and replacement of dynasties did not changed the nature of the despotism power system. The development of the despotism ran into the system of reincarnation of its position,and went towards the astray of the human society.

【关键词】 专制主义君主权力制度
【Key words】 DespotismMonarchyPowerSystem
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期