

Research on Information Crime

【作者】 高德胜

【导师】 李洁;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 刑法学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 信息犯罪是信息社会的产物,是不同于传统犯罪形式的新的犯罪类别。从根本上讲,信息域是一个无形的虚拟的数字世界。也就是说传统刑法体系是建立在原子(Atom)的物质世界基础之上的,而不是为比特(Byte)的数字世界而制定的。因此,我认为1.以原子世界的法律来规范比特世界的行为,显然不能完全契合,会存在诸多的问题。2.信息域是与我们平常所言的实在的物理空间相对而言的虚拟空间。信息域是在人类社会进入信息时代与社会信息化背景下产生的,在这之前尽管存在某些信息犯罪的个别类型,但由于信息空间还没有产生,因此还没有形成完整意义上的信息犯罪。所以信息域又可以称之为人类社会的“第二法域”。3.信息犯罪行为不是自然意义上的行为,是人—机一体的行为,是社会评价意义上的行为,是虚拟行为、是逻辑行为。所以,信息域的犯罪行为由于其不同于发生在现实空间行为的特点,所以无论是在犯罪构成,还是在犯罪形态理论研究上我们都得以一个全新的视角切入主题。4.信息不仅具有价值,而且具有重要的、战略意义的使用价值。所以我们没有理由将其排除在法益范畴之外。信息法益是信息社会基于信息生产基础之上产生的全新法益。信息犯罪的本质不是利用了计算机或是其他信息工具,而是侵害了信息法益。5.信息犯罪结果在两个空间(信息域和现实域)的不同体现,是一个犯罪行为的结果,是刑法评价意义上的一个结果。

【Abstract】 Information crime is the special product of information society which is a new form of crime different from any type of traditional crimes. However, the current criminal laws and constitutions are based on the objective world and the research on information crime also interpret information crime from the perspective of reality space. So the writer of this paper holds that research on information crime should base itself upon information space and the nature of informational criminal act.The first chapter is information and information crime. Following the thinking of information, information society and information crime, this paper discusses information within the field of criminal law and provides theoretical foundation for the study of information crime. Generally speaking, the developing phases of information crime are closely connected with the development of information technology. The initial stage of computer development is symbolized by single computer, so the information crime of this period was called computer crime. As the development of information technology, more than one computer are connected to form the network and information developed into the network era. So information society formed and information crime of its full meaning appeared. Information crime becomes one category of criminal law. Information crime can be divided into the following types according to its manifestation: invading type, robbing type , destroying type, spreading type, forging type and stealing type.The second chapter is the space of information crime—information field. The emergence, implement and result of information crime are all within the information space, so information crime must have the original characteristic of information field. The concept of information field is a kind of creation of the writer. The study on information field is constructed basing on the basic theory of information communication. According to the heterogeneous characteristic between information space and reality space, the writer proposes a design of criminal jurisdiction constitution which is centered by principle of nationality and combines with victimsim, the principle of first acceptance and corditional acknowledgement of abroad judgement.The third chapter is object of information crime—legal interest of information. The nature of information crime and the basic distinction of it from other traditional types of crimes is the object of information crime—legal interest of information. Legal interest of information is a kind of legal interest totally different form traditional ones. In detail, legal interest of information can be divided into the following types: one concerning property and one concerning right. Legal interest concerning property can be further divided into knowledge property and virtual property such as game equipmeng, ID in information space represented by QQ number ,etc. The third is useful information including economic information and political, cultural and military information. The forth is information resources such as radio frequency channel, number resource, name of information space,etc. The fourth chapter is the constitution of information crime. From the perspective of act, the act of information crime is a kind of logical act combining human being and computer which is complex. The process of it is vague and the subject of it is absent. Seen from the structure of the result of information crime, it has two levels which are result of information space and result of reality space. However, these two levels of result is the result of criminal act although they appear in different spaces. So it is one result according to the assessment of criminal law. At the same time, information crime is complex, uncertain, nonmaterial and anticipation in the information era. It is the constitutive requirement of information crime. In other words, in the theory of the constitution of information crime, technology probability is the general requirement which can judge all kinds of information crime instead of being the exceptional status of probability of anticipation in the traditional theory of criminal constitution.The fifth chapter is the study of joint offense of information crime. The virtual and transpace characteristics of information field enrich the theory of joint offense. Criminal agreement can be divided into melting type and integrating type according to its intrinsic sematic scope. The integrating type can only exist in information field. Based on this, one—side accomplice becomes a normal criminal type in the information field.

【关键词】 信息信息域信息犯罪
【Key words】 Informationinformation spaceinformation crime
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期