

JueJie of the National Subjective

【作者】 李广昌

【导师】 高文新;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 马克思主义哲学中国化的历史固然是在中华民族的实践过程中展开的历史,但是这种实践的哲学意义,却在于它在以民族的基因与现代世界对话的过程中,铸成了一个现代民族的心智品质,这就是马克思主义哲学中国化的想象力。中国马克思主义哲学的形成是这种想象力的结果,而马克思主义哲学中国化问题的重新提出,则是中国当代哲学在清理自身地基过程中的理论自觉。马克思主义哲学中国化问题的想象力经历了经验想象和先验想象历史的冲刷之后,成为一个能够为中华民族带来无限希望的“问题”。它在“全球化”语义中绽放出的哲学花朵,就是民族主体性的觉解。

【Abstract】 In the contemporary context of Chinese philosophy“the sinicization of Marxism”had double meanings. It was not only the "Chinese" history of Marxism after which being introduced into China, but also the sinicization of Marxism as“philosophical questions”. Based on the research of the "history" and the "problem", I regarded the sinicization of Marxism as the theory which was the projection of contemporary Chinese philosophy. Its process of formation, growth and mature had reflected a very hard growth of contemporary Chinese philosophy. Its achievement had opened a rational philosophy road. And its question had opened an extremely broad theory space for researching and developing the contemporary Chinese philosophy. As a result, the studies on the sinicization of Marxism were not only a survey of the development of Chinese philosophy but also the theoretical demand and the review of the philosophical development today. Of course, how to upgrade the experience of real world to the definition of philosophy on metaphysical aspects was one of the missions of the philosophy of the reality. However how to give a bird’s-eye view of the history and reality and to give an ideal longing for the significance of the world to the future which was inherent in the shape and form of philosophy should be an important growth point of fostering contemporary Chinese philosophy. To this end, the sinicization of Marxism was under discussion.Perhaps there was no philosophy so closely linked with the fate of a nation, and there was no philosophical proposition which would carry such a heavy cultural meaning in history. The sinicization of Marxism was the progress of JueJie Chinese national subjectivity awareness. The evolution of the philosophical proposition soaked the most important elements of philosophical imagination. Hence, philosophical imagination opened up a thinking space of the times. In history, it had finished the construction and narration of theory through the transcendental or empirical characteristics. In reality, it made thinking go out of the thinking ruins through clearing the heavy fog which was brought about by modernity. After surveying and clarifying the logical relationship between philosophy and the philosophical imagination in the process of deduction in the history of Western and Chinese Philosophy, I had come to a basic conclusion that the significance of the sinicization of Marxism was how to enhance the philosophical imagination of the times by the way of cleaning up its own "ground" in order to complete JueJie of the Chinese national subjectivity awareness in new context. This conclusion constituted the title of this paper, and Introduction: Philosophy and Imagination of Philosophy was its interpretation.There was no doubt that the introduction and dissemination of Marxist philosophy played a vital role when the Chinese nation tried to change the destiny of their own era in their efforts. But the same can not be denying that the "effectiveness" of the theory originated from the demand degree and the way of the demand for the nation. The imagination of national liberaty were formed from the desire to go out of humiliation in the history. The October Revolution in Russia (1917) not only gave a successful experience, but also latched-up the national imagination of space. The sinicization of Marxism in its formative stage gave a promise with a philosophical meaning in experiential imagination. That was to unite the universal truth of Marxism-Leninism with specific practice of Chinese revolution. This experiential promise took the experiential imagination which came from the national liberaty as a great ideal. The great Chinese revolutionary practice carried out the promise and the success of it was a splendid chapter in which ideal turned out reality. The "heritage of philosophy" which was left in this period of history was the Sinicizootion Marxist philosophy which had a decisive significance for contemporary Chinese philosophy and which was formed in conscious guardianship of the national subjectivity. The original understanding of Marxist philosophy not only affected the historical process of the Marxist philosophy in China, but also deeply affected the subsequent Chinese philosophy in its entirety. The first chapter of this paper started from the promise which was given by the experiential imagination.The experiential imagination turned itself into concrete ideal in the efforts of "seeking truth", but its characteristic bogging the presence of time down weakened the general function of philosophy. The limitations of the experiential imagination gradually exposed after ? was turned into reality. The philosophical desires will not be satisfied with the limited world that was provided by experience. Then the rudiments of transcendental imagination which roos in the experiential imagination grew up rapidly in new context of Marxist philosophy. The transcendental imagination with the help of Western epistemology on the comparison with experiential promise made by experiential imagination gave a transcendental promise of the sinicization of Marxism: Marxism-Leninism, the truth of "one size fits all", as the ultimate truth and the ultimate faith of human understanding. The mission of Chinese philosophy was to turn the truth which Chinese people had mastered into eternal standard of truth and code of conduct. The mode of thinking of Western epistemology eventually subverted the Chinese nation’s tradition and the traditional values by the pursuit of the ultimate truth in the consciously effort of the Chinese Marxist philosophy. When it no longer took the "nation" as the scale of the subjectivity, a national philosophy lost not only its national significance, but also its sense of the time. When the Chinese philosophy pushed Marxism philosophy forward the altar of God in the way of "ultimate truth", all sorts of theories of the sinicization of Marxism would be the last contingent of the pilgrims. With the nightmare of Chinese philosophy that had been localized in Marxism, the issue of the sinicization of Marxism dispelled its entirety. The second chapter of this paper analyzed the cause and the philosophical result of transcendental imagination of the sinicization of Marxism with the core of the analysis from experiential“being”to transcendental“being”.The origination of the sinicization of Marxism was not simply to portray a historical process. Contemporary Chinese philosophy must have its own reasons to take it as fundamental problem. As an "issue" of the sinicization of Marxism, it was not the history of Marxist philosophy in China even though it came out from history and it was not a "reality" even though it existed in reality. Logic and philosophy maybe turn the issue into a issue of philosophy , while the demand of contemporary developments of Chinese philosophy turned it into reality: The "issue" of the sinicization of Marxism was not a "real problem", but a "philosophical issue" in the reality of China in the national "vision". In the horizon of chinese nation, the significance of this issue did not lie in how to re-discussion the semantic content which had been dispelled in the history ,but lie in how to give the issue a new meaning in a new way, and give it a new significance. The important theoretical task was to try to foil the significance of "issue" of the sinicization of Marxism and try to explain this significance from the logical and philosophical point in the process of "cleaning up the foundation" of‘here and now philosophy’. It is just by disscusing on how to take Marxist philosophy as a "philosophical issue", the Principle of subjectivity of philosophy highlighted its significance of time and became a core of contemporary Chinese philosophy. Chapter III analyzed and expounded these contents in the way of putting forward the "problem", explaining new issues which formed in explaining the problem and thus extending the philosophical principles of national subjectivity.The connotation of the times which was conceived in the bumpy history of the sinicization of Marxism showed JueJie of national subjectivity. These were philosophical efforts of Chinese nation to go out of the history and create history. Such efforts took place in the present. It meant not only that we may absorb excellent philosophical characters of the national tradition and may take it as the basis but also meant that we may take the history of world philosophy as essential resources and background. The imagination of the third division of the sinicization of Marxism built on the philosophical imagination of the times. It could not weave the future longing with transcendental requirement, and could not fill the lack of reality with empirical statement. What it can do is to open the horizon of“thinking”by cleaning up the foundation of national philosophy which took the issue of the sinicization of Marxism as the starting point. I take the philosophical imagination whose support is the issue of the sinicization of Marxism as theoretical consciousness of contemporary Chinese philosophy. By clearing up its own history, clearing the relationship between thinking and the product of thinking, and understanding the historical mission of Chinese philosophy the philosophical imagination with Chinese characteristics would ram foundation of contemporary philosophy down through its meritorious history and abundant real connotation. Starting from all kinds of anxiety for interpreting the issue of contemporary national subjectivity, through analyzing the modern implication of the traditional Chinese philosophy category, the JueJie, Chapter IV explores the relationship between“Jue me”and“Jue him”of the sinicization of Marxism, and through criticizing the imagination of traditional philosophy placed the imagination of contemporary philosophy into the imagination of trying to go out the plight of epistemology to the wisdom realm. It concluded that, when the sinicization of Marxism takes national subjectivity as a historic solution, Marx and his philosophy showed this era by the way of the results of human wisdom rather than bounded our nation by the way of knowledge, science or in the form of eternal truth. Marx’s philosophy and the rich resources of Marxist philosophy in the history was a unique condition by which Chinese philosophy today developed. After cleaning up the theoretical foundations, Chinese philosophy takes it as a starting point and turned the vision of the imagination towards the interpretation of“loving wisdom”of the times. It was its significance that philosophical imagination was sublimated beyond the restrictions of old thinking framework, so that the national spirit entered a new realm. Chapter IV of the article focused on this.In contemporary Chinese history the sinicization of Marxism outlined the mood of beauty which existed only in philosophy through forceful and desolate pursuit of philosophy. In conclusion I have summed up this spirit and mood as "the forever Sisyphus", and the conclusion of philosophical imagination of the sinicization of Marxism lied in the pursuit of this spirit and mood through which we can achieve the philosophical growth space of JueJie of national subjectivity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期