

Research on the Brand Development in Service Enterprise

【作者】 耿佩民

【导师】 吕有晨;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着世界经济结构及交易方式的不断改变,市场已从产品为主向服务至上转型,服务业也迅速增长。目前我国服务业的发展总体水平仍相对落后,整体竞争力不强,如何提高服务企业的竞争力已成为当务之急。品牌作为企业持续发展的基石,是取得竞争优势的有力武器。但是,在研究界,对于品牌的研究主要集中于有形产品品牌上,而对于服务品牌研究不够,造成服务品牌理论相对滞后。服务品牌由于没有实体产品作为品牌的载体,顾客对服务产品的理解几乎完全是靠品牌。在这样的背景下,本文在文献回顾的基础上提出了一个服务品牌的培育模型,首先,要塑造独特的品牌文化和品牌个性,品牌文化是品牌的价值核心,是企业和消费者共同构建的价值观。品牌个性是品牌文化的集中体现,是相互竞争的品牌间区别的根源;其次,确定品牌文化指导下的服务质量管理。由于服务的无形性、异质性、生产与消费同时进行、易逝性等特点使得企业提供的服务品质难以完全相同,造成顾客感知的服务质量不太稳定,影响顾客对服务品牌的良好感知。因此,对于服务品牌来说,质量控制是关键,要做到这一点必须从员工、有形设施和服务流程三方面入手;再次,塑造服务企业的品牌形象。向消费者传达一种明确、稳定的品牌形象是建立市场竞争优势和取得品牌成功的关键,品牌形象可以通过品牌形象策划(CIS)策略和品牌整合传播策略的实施来塑造。最后,服务企业要考虑品牌长远发展的问题,在品牌经营环境变化不大或变化不足以改变品牌定位与形象时,品牌管理的重点在于继续强化原有的品牌形象,但同时品牌的经营者必须时刻保持对环境变化的警惕性,能够根据变换了环境及时反应,这就要求企业必须具备学习与创新两种能力。总之,服务品牌是一种整合,整合所有能为消费者创造价值的过程,服务品牌也关注全盘,调动企业全方位的力量来提供优异的、独特的品牌价值。通过本文的研究,不仅丰富了服务品牌领域的理论研究内容,也为服务企业的品牌建设提供了指导和建议。

【Abstract】 With the changing of economics structure and trading mode, market already transformation from product primarily to "service first". People have been living and working in the economic system which is service-center, pay much attention to service and the service industry is also growing rapidly. At present, the level of service industry development in our country is still relatively backward, the overall competitive power is not strong, how to enhance the service enterprise’s competitive power to become the urgent matter. The brand as the cornerstone of enterprise sustainable development is the tie of establishment good relations with customer and the powerful weapon to get competitive advantage. In addition, with the enhancing of consumption level and consuming conscience, service enterprise can improve service product value through the establishment brand which also is an inevitable choice in the new century. But, in the academic field at present, research about brand theory mainly concentrates on the visible product, little pay attention to the services brand. In the service industry, services are first sold, then produced and consumed simultaneously, services are performances, rather than objects, and they cannot be seen, felt, tasted, or touched in the same manner in which goods can be sensed, so customer understanding services almost completely though brand. In such background, this paper proposed a service enterprise brand building path model based on literature review and analysis.First, construct brand cultural and brand personality in service enterpriseThe brand existence first is the cultural approval, and brand culture is the corevalue and philosophy of brand, is values which the enterprise and the consumershared. Brand personality is a concentrated expression of the brand culture, is thebasic element to attract consumers, is also distinction between the competing brands, brand personality give the product philosophy and value which beyond its physical characteristics. In addition, brand personality and brand culture is unique and can not be imitative, it will be the enterprise most lasting competitive power when set up. As a result, service enterprise should establish own brand personality and brand culture firstly. Services brand is the centralized reflection of corporate management philosophy and values, its essence is a commitment which expressed a particular service and products associated with a particular commitment to its customers, when customers identified this commitment, approved through information communication and the actual experience, the services brand will get a real value.Second, service quality management in enterpriseDavid Acher thinks, brand should maintain and improve product or service quality which is the commitment to consumers firstly. Services has four characteristics----intangibility, inseparability of production and consumption, heterogeneity, and perishability, which make service quality often vary form customer to customer, and from day to day. This will influence service quality perceptions by customer. So, quality control is the key for service brand, company can do it through employee, physical facilities and procedure. First, consistency of behavior from service personal is difficult to assure. Because there are difference between employee’s quality, training, education and technical level, even service performance from the same person may also differ. Therefore the enterprise should train their employee to make sure their service skill and attitude can achieve the standard which customers are satisfaction. Second, because of service intangibility, service quality is more difficult for the consumer to evaluate. When purchasing goods, the consumer employs many tangible cues to judge quality, but when purchasing services, fewer tangible cues exist. Therefore the services must rely on other tangible cues, such as physical facilities, equipment and personal to establish brand image. Last, since the customer must be present during the production of many services, service quality evaluations are not made solely on the outcome of a service; they also involve evaluations of the process of service delivery. So, service enterprise should have set of standard procedures and the standard service measure, which can assure customer have a good experience each time, then service quality may be to achieve stability and consistency.Third, brand image building in service enterpriseBrand can help consumers understand the difference between different brands, to facilitate the purchase decision-making. Therefore, to convey a clear, stable brand image is the critical to get competitive advantage for a enterprise, brand image has become a core element that influence the enterprise brand construction result. Brand image building mainly includes two aspects: one is corporate identity system (CIS), which including Mind Identity (MI), Behavior Identity (BI) and Visual Identity (VI). Through CIS planning, the enterprise has a clear idea as guiding to form a unique and distinct management as well as visual characteristics, in order to strengthen the internal cohesion and improve brand awareness external. The other is brand communication strategy, which is an essential way to establish brand image, transmission brand information, so that consumer could know the brand, pay an attention to the brand and then become brand loyalty. Because of service intangibility, brand communication strategy is more important to service brand, which can let consumer know the service content, eliminates the service strange feeling, demonstrates the service difference, understand service position, convince service attempt and then create customer loyalty. Service enterprise should be able to coordinate all the media, implement integrated marketing communication strategy, start from its various elements, and integrated the entire message together, to convey clear, specific and consistency information to target customers in an effective, coherent Way. Based on this, customers will fully understand the brand; have the positive association with the brand; forms a good brand image; and then establish relationship with the brand.Forth, brand maintenance and development in service enterpriseIn order to avoid the brand weaken over time, managers must to pay attention to the maintenance and development of the brand order to maintain brand competitive power. First, maintains the brand image consistency. When the business environment is stable or change is not sufficient to change or to change the image and brand positioning, brand manager should focus on strengthening the original brand image, Such as maintain brand identity and advertising theme, to ensure that brand awareness, brand attitude and brand image consistency, consolidated brand status. Second, brand learning and innovation. Business environment is complicated and diversified, managers must have vigilance to the environmental variation, respond promptly to the environment change, adapt to the new environment, and this require enterprise must have two kinds of abilities: learning and innovation. Learning is a dynamic ability, it refers to the brand manager found more effective brand strategy through reconsideration its own management and observation competitors, thus leading brands to grow and develop. Innovation is the highest form of core dynamic ability, it means predict environmental change and plan the future development strategy for the brand through in-depth insight into the business environment, so that the brand vitality forever.In short, service brand is integration, integrated all process to create value for consumers, service brand also pays attention to overall, aroused resources to provide supreme and unique brand value. This article not only enriched theoretical research in service brand field, but also provided guidance and suggestions for enterprises in brand building practice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期
  • 【分类号】F273.2;F719
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】2298
  • 攻读期成果