

Research on Optimization Methods of Products of Machine Building Enterprises

【作者】 崔国辉

【导师】 赵英才;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 机械工业是国民经济的基础产业,为国民经济提供装备。随着市场经济的不断完善和科学技术的进步,市场环境发生剧烈的变化,企业经营环境也随之改变。机械工业企业产品经营已由单一品种大批量生产向多品种中小批量混流生产转变。优化企业产品组合结构,以产品优势赢得市场,实现企业经济效益与社会效益双丰收,已成为众多企业求生存谋发展提升竞争能力的焦点。本文从技术经济、可持续发展和生产优化理论角度出发,结合机械工业企业产品生产与制造过程的特点,对涉及机械工业企业产品优化组合的相关内容进行了研究。本文较全面系统地分析了机械工业企业产品与生产技术特征,明确了机械工业产品组合相关概念,提出了基于成组技术的产品组合类型以及产品组合对企业经营绩效的影响;剖析了影响产品组合的外部因素与内部因素及其作用机理。对产品创新与产品组合更新的内涵进行了界定,提出了产品创新策略、产品组合更新策略与更新决策选择。为进行机械产品评价,设计了产品评价指标体系,建立了产品组合优先顺序可拓评价模型。从系统论的角度出发,对产品组合系统进行研究,提出了产品品种组合全排序方法和产品组合“市场需求—产能”平衡产量组合方法。构建了产品组合方案评价指标体系与基于模糊理论的产品组合方案综合评价模型,并提出产品组合方案实施对策建议。在实证研究中,应用上述的产品优化组合理论与方法,对一汽长春齿轮厂产品组合进行了优化。运用线性规划优化方法对产品组合实证研究结论进行了验证,经过综合分析,确认了产品优化组合系统模型实际应用的有效性。

【Abstract】 Machine building is the basic industry for the development of national economy. It undertakes the important task of providing production equipment for the construction of national economy. Production optimization of machine building firms has become hot point and focus for machine building enterprises to seek survival and development under market economy. The goal of this research is to provide a kind of assessable product for machine building enterprises and optimize theory and method of variety and output combination to instruct enterprises to reasonably use internal resources, fast adapt to individual demand of market users at low cost and high efficiency. That is to achieve maximization of economic benefit and social benefit.Many documents have studied optimization and combination of products and formed a series of theoretical opinion and application methods. These theories and methods have laid foundation to optimization and combination of products for machine building firms. However, at present, optimized combination theory still needs to be improved and applicability of optimized method is waiting for further improvement. Starting from technological economy, sustainable development and production optimization theory and combining characteristics of production and manufacture process of machine building firms, this article has studied relevant contents involving in product optimization and combination of machine building firms and provided theory and method of product optimization and combination.Machine building enterprises and their production and technology features are the base and prerequisite of research on product optimization and combination. Through deep analysis, structure, shape, material of products, characteristics of storable, repairable and exchangeable of parts have been summarized. Technological process of machine building, process flow, concept of working sequence and step, process characteristics of cold and hot machining and selection of typical machining process plan of common parts have been made clear. 5 kinds of production specializations by machine building enterprises as specialization of object, process, mixing, auxiliary facility and common facilities have been defined. Systemic opinion has been taken to establish structure model for production of machine building enterprises, besides, hardware and software elements of production structure have been analyzed. Product combination of machine building enterprises involves in product item, product line, width, depth and relevancy of product combination. Basic requirement of product combination is: width, depth and relevancy of product line should be proper; new products among product combination should occupy certain proportion; product combination should comply with market demand and requirement of enterprises production capability; product combination should serve for target of enterprise’s economic benefit and social benefit. Strategy of product and market combination mainly includes market penetration, market pioneering, market exploration and operation from multi point of view. Principle of product combination based on group technology has been established and combination method of 8 kinds of products has been provided, which is product specialization combination, process specialization combination, target market conformance combination, combination on classification based on task nature, quality rank combination, combination with old and new products, combination of logistic conformance. Combination methods of different products have influence on operation performance of firms from different point of view.Product optimization and combination of enterprises are influenced by the common action of external and internal elements. External elements are mainly influenced by market, technological, natural, economic, social, resource and ecological elements; internal ones are mainly influenced by product R&D capability, sales capability, economic strength, structures, material and process level of products, production capability and resource guarantee capability. Production combination also receives influence from economic and social benefits of target firms. Interaction of external and internal elements that influence product combination forms action mechanism of combination influence elements. Firms optimize their product combination scientifically based on action mechanism of combination influence elements. It is good for firms to seize the chance to product combination brought by environment change, avoid risk and make combination decision fast and available to increase decision making level regarding product combination of enterprises.Product creation and update of product combination are root guarantee for enterprises to achieve sustainable survival and development. Product creation is a process during which a new product goes to market from concept. It is the carrier of all creative activities for a enterprises. There are six ways of product creation such as independent R&D, technology import, combination of technology import and independent R&D, united development and entrust development. Update of product combination is intrinsic requirement for enterprises to meet market and user demand, adapt technology progress, receive sustainable survival and development, it is also a requirement for firms to continue to accept new things and throw old away, optimize dynamically and keep young. Update strategy of product combination includes enlarging product combination, cutting product combination and expanding product line. Product update decision mainly includes selection of new product production, production stop of old ones and chance selection of product update. Through production creation and update of product combination, dynamic optimization of product combination structure and new development of market adaptation have been achieved.Determination of priority of product variety is of vital importance to product combination. To determine priority of products, it is necessary to assess products and establish assessment index system of mechanic products based on principles of scientific aptitude, pertinence, feasibility, quality and quantity determination. Assessment index system of mechanic products includes 3 levels, 5 categories and 20 concrete assessment indexes as product technology, economic benefit, competitive development, aftermarket service and ecological environmental protection. Based on theory of extension, build assessable model of combination priority of mechanic products through using analysis method of extensional matter element model and do scientific assessment to combination production priority of mechanic products. Product combination extensional assessment model has provided a new method and decision making base for product combination production of machine building f enterprises.Research on product optimization and combination: product combination system is very complicated. Logistic procedure of product combination has been made clear by deep study through using ideas of system theory. Products are divided into stiff and elastic ones based on its task and nature, meanwhile, classify products into different levels based on characteristics of product structure and process. After determining sequencing method of product variety and product market-decision making method of combining capability and output, form product combination plan based on this. After establishing assessment index system of product combination plan and assessment model of product combination based on obscure theory, provide actions and countermeasure suggestion of product combination plan. During research of substantial evidence, product combination of FAW-Changchun Gear Factory has been studied by applying the above theory and method of product optimization and combination.Brief introduction of FAW-Changchun Gear Factory has been made. General analysis on product structure and basic feature of gear boxes of 8 series of light weight vehicles and gear box of 1 series of mini van operated by the factory has been also been done. Then, by using extensional assessment model of product combination, extensional assessment model of product combination with priority of Changchun Gear Factory has been built. Through calculation of relevancy, combination production sequence of 8 series of elastic products of Changchun Gear Factory has been achieved. Decision of product output quantity has been made through comparison analysis of market-production capability by applying system model of product optimization and combination. By using linear planning, linear planning model of product combination of Changchun Gear Factory has been built. Output quantity of various products and optimized firm profits have been obtained by calculation. Again, obscure assessment on model plan of product combination system and actual combination plan has been made by utilizing comprehensive obscure assessment model. Finally, make comparison analysis on conclusion of production optimization and combination system model, conclusion of linear planning model application and conclusion of actual combination production. The result is that conclusions of product optimization and combination system model and linear planning model are basically the same. Conclusion of product optimization and combination system model has been proved by the conclusion of linear planning model. By using these two methods, profit of the enterprises is 11.5% and 11.63% higher than product actual combination. By comprehensive analysis, product optimization and combination system model is actually effective in application.This research is of vital important reference value to instruct machine building enterprises to make decision achieving product optimized combination. It is good for enterprises to do systemic analysis, assessment and optimization on product combination structure. It is also good for enterprises to reduce cost, meet market demand with high efficiency and distribute internal resources reasonably. It is with actual meaning for enterprises to better achieve economic and social benefits.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期
  • 【分类号】F273.2;F426.4;F224
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】520
  • 攻读期成果