

Research on the Patent output Efficiency of the Enterprise Based on Measuring the Quality of Patents

【作者】 黄微

【导师】 毕强;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 情报学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文对企业专利质量做了较深入的分析,提出了专利质量的概念界定并构建了专利质量的概念模型,围绕着这一新概念进行解构,根据专利质量的三个构成要素,对企业专利产出效率进行了一系列探讨。(1)在参考综合了大量有关专利质量概念的各学派观点后,本文提出了新的专利质量概念,并建立了概念模型。本文认为,专利质量是指专利的一组关于专利独占属性满足要求的程度。(2)对专利质量进行了测度,在分析了专利质量测度的意义和必要性后,从法律、技术、产业、市场等方面分析了专利质量的影响因素,提出了对专利质量的组合评价的方法,建立了评价指标体系,并构建了评价模型。(3)对企业专利产出机理进行了分析,并分析了企业专利产出的影响因素,建立了企业专利产出效率的数学模型和企业专利产出行为的数理模型。(4)对专利质量与企业专利产出效率的相关性分析进行了分析,并探讨了专利长度和专利宽度最优组合问题,分析了专利质量内部支持因素R&D投入与企业专利产出效率的相关性。(5)从专利生产溢出效应的成因和特征分析、企业专利生产中的溢出效应对专利研发投入(R&D)影响分析、基于专利质量测度的企业专利产出溢出效应分析三方面讨论了基于专利质量测度的企业专利产出溢出效应问题。(6)根据前面几章的研究结果,提出了基于专利质量测度的企业专利产出效率优化对策。

【Abstract】 Acts of patent applications in the 1960s in the latter part of a structural adjustment, the adjustment is characterized by: the number of patent applications decreased at the same time, a significant increase in patent quality. Obviously this is not due to the invention into the cause of the reduction, which is an attempt by the countries of the world "more patent" to "higher-quality patents," the result of the transition, which the patent race theory and research results of the match, the patent race , The quality of patents than the number of patents is more important.The number of patents in China has reached a certain height, but the lower the quality of patents so that the patent lack of market value. Competition in the market to competition from capital deepening and technological competition of the world economic environment, low-quality patents have become the Chinese to improve the international competitiveness of the bottleneck.This is indeed the real pressure, the paper-to-business patent quality has done a more in-depth analysis of patent quality and to define the concept of constructing a model of the concept of quality of patents around this new concept of deconstruction, according to the patent quality of three Constitutes an element of a patent on the output efficiency of the enterprise carried out a series to explore.1. In reference to a combination of a large number of patents related to the concept of quality of the school’s point of view, the paper proposes a new concept of the quality of patents and established a conceptual model. This article holds that patent quality is the patent on a set of attributes to meet the requirements of the patent monopoly. It includes:①to meet a group of users and other stakeholders of the requirements of the properties;②patent quality characteristics through technology, process or system design and development process and to achieve the formation of the properties;③is to meet the requirements to meet the explicit (such as patent Contract, patent norms, standards for patents, patents, patent document, patent drawings of well-defined), usually hidden (such as corporate patent production process, practices, etc.) or to be performed (for example, the patent system, patent laws and regulations, trade rules ) The needs and aspirations;④customers and other stakeholders on the patent quality is dynamic, development and relative.And that the patent should be the quality of 3 elements:①also known as the length of the patent life of the patent or patent protection period, the patent refers to the length of the protected by law, are usually adopted by the government to clear the Patent Law, which for inventors and innovators to That the length of the patent is a constant, usually the same;②width of the patent, referring to the new patent covered areas, the greater the width of the patents, patent rights in the area covered by the more widely, will be able to prevent the invention in other To be free of charge in the field of application;③a high degree of patents, patent rights is the technical elements of the patent refers to the technology, patent novelty, creativity and practicality, which constitute the core of the technical quality of the patent. In this paper, which established the concept of three-dimensional quality of patent models, and this constitutes the three elements of the analysis of the elements.2. Patent on the quality of the measure in the analysis of the patent quality of the significance and necessity of the measure, legal, technology, industry, in areas such as market analysis of the factors that affect the quality of patents, a patent on the combination of quality evaluation methods The establishment of the evaluation index system, and build a model of evaluation and test the quality of patent-assisted methods - patented technology life cycle analysis, the estimated number of patent law, the law icon, TCT calculated and analyzed to establish evidence.3. Patent output from the characteristics of the core businesses and enhance the competitiveness of the effect of the patent output of the business model of power mechanism, the corporate Patents output of the process of analysis, enterprise patent output of the dissipation characteristics of the non-proliferation and balanced analysis, Enterprise patent output behavior analysis of the nonlinear dynamics of these aspects of the enterprise patent output mechanism analysis; analysis of the patent output of the macro-business policies, the patent system, intranet, extranet factors, and the establishment of enterprises Patent output mathematical model of efficiency and corporate patent output mathematical model of behavior.4. On the quality of patents and patent output efficiency analysis of the relevance of an analysis from the quality of patents constitute the three elements, using the model of Nordhaus and Scherer’s geometric theory to explain the length of patents and patent output efficiency of the enterprise The correlation analysis; innovative use of dynamic competition model, a patent production of dynamic business model competition and the breadth of patents and patent output efficiency of the business relevance of the analysis; application Granger Causality Test and EG co-integration test Quantitative Analysis of the patent and a high degree of business efficiency of the patent output of relevance, and to explore the length of patents and patent the optimal combination of the width of the problem, finally, an analysis of the quality of patent internal factors to support R & D input and output efficiency of the enterprise patent related to each other.5. Spillover effects from the patent production of the causes and characteristics of the analysis of corporate patents in the production of the spillover effects of R & D patent (R & D) impact analysis, based on the patent measure the quality of corporate patent output analysis of the spillover effects on three patents based on the quality measure The output of business patent issues spillover effects.6. According to the earlier chapters of the findings, based on the quality of patent patent output measure of business efficiency optimization measures should be patented enterprise output goals and strategies to optimize the system, the patent output of the organizational structure of enterprises and system optimization, enterprise patent production Process optimization, business intelligence patent output support technology development and applications.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期
  • 【分类号】F224;F204
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】913
  • 攻读期成果