

A Study on "Hai" and "Geng"

【作者】 吴长安

【导师】 柳英绿;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文在前辈和当代学者研究基础上,主要从语法化角度对现代汉语副词“还”和“更”进行了系统性的描写,并综合运用现代语言学理论对其独有的一些句法表现作出解释。主要涉及了“还”和“更”的语源义的认识与特点以及对语法化过程、结果的影响;探讨了“还”和“更”的语法化轨迹,勾勒了其语法化的线路图;提出其语法化的方法与手段;描写了“还”现代汉语里的十三个义项和“更”的三个义项,并初步揭示了“还”义项丰富和“更”义项丧失的原因;通过“还”和“更”形成的语法格式的比较,说明句法结构同样处在语法化的变化进程之中;以“还哥哥呢”“更绅士”探讨了现代汉语“副+名”现象的成因和走势;并在余论中就现代汉语同义词问题予以阐释。主要论点有:“还”的语源义是“转”而非前人论述的“延续”,“转”是源,“延续”是流,“还”的整个语法化的过程和结果都受“转”的影响,而“延续”本身也受“转”的影响而产生;虚化手段上“还”要远比“更”丰富,这也是“还”的语法化程度高、现代汉语中义项多的原因,并在此基础上提出“还”的义项丰富而“更”的义项大多消失的根本原因是词义,“更”的强烈的程度性使其义项的扩张受到了制约;从“还”和“更”的构式比较中得出现代汉语构式也一样存在语法化的差异,这样的差异使构式也处在一个语法化的连续统之中;有些“副+名”是汉语介词不足与表达需求的产物,它是介词结构的初始样态;英汉同义词差异的根源在于词族形成的不同。

【Abstract】 Adverb research is a hotspot research on grammar in recent years,at the same time, it is also a difficult point that still not described clearly till now. While the past research gets important development on many aspects, it is indicated that there need spent large efforts to exploit and resolve the problems on such gender. Due to the overall characteristics of Chinese adverb and in view of the conclusion on the past research, we consider that longitudinal description and analysis from point to sphere, that is, starting from contrastive analysis on individual adverb, should be an available method. Therefore, we select one gender of modern Chinese adverb——special research on the two representatives of adverb of degree“还”and“更”.The thesis systematically described the adverb of degree“还”and“更”from macroscopic and microscopic planes, and explained to some syntactic representation by comprehensively utilizing modern linguistic theory.The whole thesis has six chapters with approximately 120,000 words.Chapter 1 is introduction. It is mainly introduced the object and range of the research, research approach and method, linguistic data resource, use of symbol, and etc. This thesis especially clarifies the following issues: first is background of topic selecting, talking about the meaning and the necessary for selecting the topic, reviewing the research status on adverb and adverb of degree; then discussing on the theoretical background of this topic——grammaticalization problems and construction grammatical theories; at last, returning to problem itself, analyzing on research on“还”and“更”, and the history and status of contrastive research on“还”and“更”, and proposing the research target of the thesis. Chapter II discusses the grammaticalization problem of“还”and“更”from the view of history, proposing that etymological meaning of“还”is“转(turn)”but not“延续(extension )”discussed by expert learners, etymological meaning of“更”is“变(change)”, etymological meaning affects the emergent of blurred process and new semantic item, then on this base pointing the characteristics of etymological meaning of“还”and“更”. Describing grammaticalization trace of“还”and“更”, establishing semantic blurred tracing diagram of the them; proposing blurred means of“还”and“更”, including syntactic position, metaphor mechanism, reanalysis, reasoning mechanism, generalization mechanism, auto-regulation of linguistic system, and etc. The means utilized by“还”and“更”has characteristics respectively.Chapter III analyzes the modern Chinese semantic item and presentation of“还”and“更”, including 13 semantic items of“还”:还11:“又”and“再”,还22:“仍然”,还32:“尚且”,还431: degree is deep,还532: degree (relative) is light,还641: supplementing increment,还742: metalinguistic increment,还86:“反而”还971:“难道”,还1072:“竟然”,还1172:“adverb+noun”,还1281:“随即”and“早已”,还1382:“确实”; the three semantic items of“更”:更13: degree meaning,更23: increment,更23: adverb+noun.Chapter IV analyzes eight contrastive sentence types between“还”and“更”in detailed. Based on construction grammatical theory, grammar is a construction continuum actually. One end is the construction with strong productivity, the other end is relative stable construction; for the construction with strong productivity, structure of predication. The relative stable construction means marker construction such as What is X doing Y?. The construction with strong productivity means that the construction with more lexical meanings and less grammatical meanings, liking several persons work together. Categorematic words are principal in the component of the construction. While liking such form of“大……的”is belonging to the marker construction. In the case of the eight sentence types we discussed, the frame X〔〕W of S1 has strongest lexical meaning, of course, it stands in the end of the construction with strong productivity; then according to the general principle that expression always from simple to complex, complex expression is usually the later come with more grammatical feature, this is the first reason; the second, the unit of marker construct is larger than the vocabulary, the type of implicit meaning and explicit grammar always has much more meanings than that of surface vocabulary. Summing up those two points, we consider that S8(a. X还, Y; b. M还, Y)shall occupy the end of the construction with strong marker in the left seven types. The reason for this is that, S8 is belonging to compound sentence; there are a great number of construction contents and grammatical component (e.g. conjunctive words); the other reason is only one“还”can motivate all the members of one semantics grade; the construction content is much more rich and far beyond the set of the vocabulary. Thus the rank order of such sequence“S1→S2→S3→S4→S5→S6→S7→S8”from productivity to marker is formed.Chapter V, on the road going forward from adverb+noun to prepositional structure, the step is different, except for our analyzed“还”and“更”, the situation of“就”also indicates problems. Both Eight Hundred Words of Modern Chinese and Modern Chinese Dictionary have admitted that the word“就”in“in the case of Miss Wang”is proposition. We consider that, this gender untimely listed in Dictionary and Eight Hundred Words indicated hard to remain patient. Before removing such collateral term of“来说”, the prepositional function of“就”still shows not enough perfect and not enough independence, so it is better for calling“adverb + noun”.Chapter VI is the conclusion of the whole thesis. Summarizing the content of the whole thesis, sorting out the thought, concluding the author’s view, and pointing the unconcerned in the thesis. The final“余论(conclusion)”talks about that the root cause for the difference of synonym between Chinese and English consists in the difference of the mode when word family forming.There is reference at the end of the thesis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期