

Research on Chinese Intellectual Property Development

【作者】 邹彩霞

【导师】 张文显;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 法学理论, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 中国知识产权的发展是当今中国重要的话题,因为中国知识产权的发展将影响中国经济发展的方向,将影响中国在世界上的地位,将影响中国人民共同的福祉,知识产权曾经是中国之痛,知识产权将会是中国之福。中国知识产权在殚精竭力完成国际接轨之后,又陷入了瓶颈阶段。作为舶来品的中国知识产权制度不能有效地融入中国社会肌体,无法很好地体现和发挥法律制度对社会的调控和促进作用。我们必须要对其进行理论反思和现实研究,找出困境、分析原因、寻求出路。中国知识产权所面临的困境主要是民众普遍众意性侵权严重、全球知识霸权压制、发展的迷茫和理论的空虚等,而造成困境的原因主要是中国知识产权文化土壤的缺失以及知识产权内部矛盾等。为了解决这种困境,必须要从分析和重构知识产权基础理论着手,寻找恰当的理论支撑,即知识产权是自然权利和独占特权的结合体,自然权利为知识产权提供正当支持、独占特权为知识产权提供实现可能,必须把握这个本质,才能采取适当的对策排除那些造成困境的原因。并在此基础上,借鉴其他国家知识产权发展的经验,探寻中国知识产权自主发展之路。即,在全球化的背景下,提倡尊重知识产权应当从尊重知识和尊重人为基础,呼吁要建立知识人类共享的知识产权文化,建立知识历史传承的知识产权文化,建立知识在崇尚经济性价值之外崇尚人文性价值的知识产权文化,建立知识创造全民化而非精英化的知识产权文化。同时,以知识产权文化的重构为契机,大力发展现代知识产权并且保护及利用传统知识,以这种“一头双翼”的雄鹰模式,使中国的知识产权支撑和伴随中国知识经济的发展,建立世界知识产权文化共繁荣的格局。

【Abstract】 In China, intellectual property system had been established because of compulsion outside,which not inosculate with chinese society and not play a big role in social regulation.especailly after Trips Epoch,the situation of chinese intellectual property has entered into a bottleneck to chinese economic development.it’s necessary to solve the intractable problem.This paper tried to analyse and solve this problem through legal philosophy theroies.On a new piont of view, this paper tried to point out the morass which chinese intellectual property confronted with,tried to analyse the causation for those the problem in morass,and tried to discuss the scientific theoretical foundation,then based on this, this paper argued that chinese intellectual property must search a independent development way:through establishing intellectual property culture,developing modern intellectual property and protecting traditional wisdom.According above, this paper expounds the problem through six chapters:The first chapter brought forth the background currently on which chinese intellectual property is developing.for one, it’s Globalization,and another, strategic development plan of constructing innovation country in china.this two background makes it necessary to look for a new way to develope chinese intellectual property which just in corner now.The second chapter pointed out the morass which chinese intellectual property confronted with.first, commentated the word of‘chinese’and‘intellectual property’to make‘chinese intellectual property’more clear.then, analysed the situation and challenge, clarifying the four main problem that frequent infringement, pressure from arbitrariness outside without our own independent intellectual property,the confused way to farther development,and deficiency in foundamental theoretic research.The third chapter analysed the reason for the poblem above.first, because of the conflict between explanting legal system and deficiency in chinese intellectual property culture.then,because of the contradiction from intellectual property inner problem.furemore,because of social value becoming diversification and vicissitude frequently.finally,because of scarcity of criticism sprit when learning western legal system without legal culture.The forth chapter indicated the significance of chinese intellectual property development.first, cast back the history of intellectual property development which played a important role and made much contribution in the whole development of the world.second,pointed that intellectual property has great significance for china now and future.finally,augured that the west-dominant intellectual property mode makes great impact on chinese development ,so we should try to change this complexion by rational means.The fifth chapter claimed the theoretic foundation of intellectual property should be established from a new way.first, introduced several traditional intellectual property theory mainstream.then,analysed three opposed modern theory.upon on analysing of the two kinds of contrary theory,the paper educed a new theoretic foundation base on analysis of multilism aim and ultimate aim.In the finally, the sixth chapter tried to establish the new path of chinese intellectual property development.fisrt, brougt forth the history of the world intellectual property development and pointed out the developing orderliness.then,studied the finer mode of the several approximate country.Whereafter, broutht forward that chinese intellectual property must search a independent development way:through establishing intellectual property culture,developing modern intellectual property and protecting traditional wisdom.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期
  • 【分类号】F204;D923.4
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】2789
  • 攻读期成果