

A Study on Staffing and Motivational Patterns of Host Country Nationals and the Influence to Knowledge Flow

【作者】 陶凤鸣

【导师】 孟卫东;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 跨国公司在刚刚进入中国的时候,为打开中国市场,大都强调本土化,从基层员工到高管层都朝本土化方向努力。但是,20年之后,却出现了“人员逆本土化”的趋势。包括基层员工、中层管理人员、甚至高管层的离职率都在逐年攀升。我们必须探究,是什么原因导致了“本土化”向“逆本土化”的转变?跨国公司在选择海外子公司管理层人选的时候考虑了哪些因素?现有的激励方式为何对在华子公司的东道国员工产生不了有效激励?这样的人力资源选拔又是如何对跨国公司内部知识流动产生影响的?在这样的背景下,对海外子公司东道国员工的选拔与激励方式及其对企业知识流动的影响进行的理论与实证研究,将进一步丰富和充实国际人力资源管理方面的理论知识;同时,为促进我国企业积极进入全球价值链体系、同国外的跨国公司展开竞争提供有益对策建议。论文主要研究工作包括:①通过引入交易成本理论,分析跨国公司海外子公司在决定是否选择东道国员工时受哪些因素的影响,实证分析的结果指出:国际化运营时间与外派人员的比例负相关;人力资源制度专用性程度、对海外子公司采取集权控制的程度、与东道国市场的文化差异程度等因素与外派人员的比例正相关。②运用管理学原理、心理契约理论、博弈论等理论原理,分析东道国员工的晋升及培训激励方式,验证性因素分析和回归分析的结果指出:跨国公司在华子公司的组织责任缺乏“人际维度”造成了东道国员工组织归属感的缺失;加上透明天花板以及有效培训激励的缺失,导致了跨国公司在华子公司离职率的上升。③考察东道国员工的任用对知识流动的影响,回归分析的结果指出:跨国公司的人力资源选拔方式与其知识流动存在密切联系。在华子公司于跨国公司知识网络中仍然处于初级阶段,本身的知识创新能力、知识整合能力还相对比较薄弱。④利用结构方程模型对东道国员工选拔、激励方式对知识流动的影响机制进行模型设定和检验,实证结果指出:培训及晋升激励既直接作用于在华子公司的内部知识流入量,同时在人员选拔对内部知识流入的影响中起到了中介作用,培训及内部晋升削弱了东道国员工对内部知识流入所起的负效应;而物质激励对内部知识流入的间接效应说明,一定的物质刺激有利于东道国员工更多的吸收和消化来自于母公司或跨国公司其他部门的知识与信息,可进一步增强东道国员工的学习能力。论文的主要创新体现在以下四个方面。第一,构建了一个以交易成本理论为基础的理论框架来分析跨国公司在对其海外子公司进行人力资源选拔时受哪些因素影响,定义了必须考虑的四大成本及相关因素,并通过回归分析进行了实证检验。第二,运用心理契约理论对跨国公司在华子公司东道国员工离职率不断增长的原因进行了解释。通过心理契约理论中“组织责任维度”的讨论,剖析了东道国员工缺乏组织归属感的原因。理论探讨和实证结果显示,在华子公司的组织责任不包括“人际型责任”,而东道国员工认为组织责任应该包括“人际型责任”,这就造成了契约双方对心理契约结构的认知差异,从而导致了东道国员工对组织缺乏认同感和归属感,进而造成了离职率的不断上升。第三,运用博弈论对跨国公司在华子公司东道国员工离职率不断增长的原因进行了解释。通过理论推导和实证检验,本研究认为玻璃天花板现象和有效培训激励的缺失同样导致了离职率的增长。这一结论与人们认为跨国公司有着完善的职业生涯规划、因而培训课程和晋升空间是吸引人才的重要因素的观点相左,却更有理论依据和实证说服力。第四,通过结构方程模型的运用,本研究发现激励方式在东道国员工选拔对知识流动的影响机制中起着中介作用,即,有效的激励方式的运用,如物质激励、培训激励,可以减少东道国员工比例对知识流动量的负效应,这一发现对中国跨国公司进行更有效的知识流动管理有着很强的实践指导意义。

【Abstract】 Localization is the goal of multinational corporations at the beginning of the entrance of Chinese market. However, after 20 years development, there is appearing an anti-localization trend. The quit rate of line workers, middle managers and even top managers is increasing. Then, we ought to think about, what changed localization into anti-localization? What kind of factors multinational corporations must consider when staff managers for oversea subsidiaries? What kind of motivational patterns are used for host country nationals? And such a staffing can influence the knowledge flow management or not? Therefore, this research is significant to enrich the theory exploration of staffing and motivation of host country nationals of oversea subsidiaries; and at the same time, to provide suggestions to Chinese enterprise to better compete in international market.The main contributions of the research are as follows.①With the application of transactional cost theory, analyzes the antecedents of management staffing in subsidiaries. And the empirical results tell us that operation time is negative related with expatriate rate; specialty of HRM, the degree of central control, the difference between parent country and host country are positive related with expatriate rate.②With the application of psychological contract theory, game theory, analyzes the motivational patterns for host country nationals. And the empirical results tell us that the lack of‘interpersonal obligation’in organization’s obligations in Chinese subsidiaries, glass ceilings and the lack of effective training plan, result in the lack of employee’s trust of organization and consequently lead to the high quit rate.③Analyzes the influence of staffing host country nationals to knowledge flow management. And the empirical results tell us that staffing is closely related with knowledge flow management; and the innovation ability and knowledge integration ability of Chinese subsidiaries are still weak.④The structural equation model is constructed to test the relationship between staffing host country nationals, motivational patterns and knowledge flow management. And the empirical results tell us that training and promotion can not only directly influence the quantity of knowledge inflows, but also can mediate the negative effect of staffing to internal knowledge inflows. And material incentive can help host country nationals absorb knowledge and information and strength their learning capacities.The main features and innovations are as follows.①This dissertation uses the transactional cost theory as the theoretic analysis base and defines four costs in staffing host country nationals, and regression analysis is used to test the hypothesis. This is an exploratory and innovative way to explain why multinational corporations choose expatriates in stead of local people as top and middle managers.②Psychological contract theory is applied to explain why quit rate is increasing. The theoretic reasoning and confirmatory factor analysis show that employees and companies have different understanding of the psychological contract. Chinese employees believe that interpersonal obligation should be included in the organizations’obligations, but companies do not think their obligations consist of interpersonal ones. Thus, employees may lose loyalty to the organization, and consequently, more and more host country nationals quit their jobs.③Game theory is applied to explain why quit rate is increasing, too. The theoretic reasoning and regression analysis show that there exist‘glass ceilings’and at the same time the training plan is deficient. The popular opinion that multinational corporations are featured as fair promotion path and good training plans, yet, the results of this research are different but are reasonable and persuasive.④This research finds out the mediation effect of motivational patterns in the relationship of staffing and knowledge flow. Good motivational patterns can mediate the negative effect of staffing to internal knowledge inflows. And material incentive can help host country nationals absorb knowledge and information and strength their learning capacities. These findings will be useful for Chinese multinational corporations to improve their human resource management and knowledge flow management as well.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期