

Study on Technology and Economy of Water-Saving about Green Building Community

【作者】 柴宏祥

【导师】 何强;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 市政工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 发展绿色建筑节水与水资源利用符合我国建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的战略国策,有利于节约资源,保护环境,实现建筑与生态的和谐发展。针对我国的绿色建筑刚刚起步,新出台的《绿色建筑评价标准》节水与水资源利用的指标缺少系统技术支撑的问题,在调研总结各项单项节水技术与工程实践的基础上,开展绿色建筑建筑节水技术体系研究;针对建筑中水设施长期存在的负荷设计不合理,运行效率低,出水不稳定等问题,选择人工湿地组合工艺分别开展针对不同用途的中水处理试验研究;针对民众和开发商在绿色建筑起步阶段,对绿色建筑增量成本和效益认识模糊的现状,系统开展绿色建筑节水项目增量成本与全生命周期综合效益研究。主要研究内容与结论如下:①通过对城市和建筑节水单项技术的深入调查与分析研究,全面系统地构建了适合绿色建筑的包括供水节水系统、中水处理与回用、雨水收集与利用、基于非传统水源利用的景观水体水质保障、非传统水源利用输配系统安全保障等在内的节水技术体系,规范和改进了适合绿色建筑特点的具体节水技术措施,并在西部某绿色建筑住宅小区开展示范,实现了节水率达37.8%,非传统水源利用率达30.4%的指标,年减少市政供水20.2万吨,利用非传统水源14.6万吨,可为今后建筑达到《绿色建筑评价标准》节水与水资源利用的相关指标提供技术支撑。②开展“混凝沉淀+人工湿地”组合工艺处理优质杂排水回用于市政杂用水的效能试验研究。混凝沉淀预处理中水的正交试验结果表明,出水BOD5与温度、负荷、加药量之间符合回归正交方程:BOD5=2.05 Nv-0.41t-0.82ρ+38.9;人工湿地后处理中水的正交试验结果表明,出水BOD5与温度、负荷符合回归正交方程: BOD5=1190NA-0.32t +12.2。根据这两种连续工艺的回归正交方程,可得出不同季节不同负荷条件下组合工艺工程投资经济最优化模型:通过该模型的应用,结合绿色建筑不同季节的中水水量需求,可以合理确定该组合工艺的中水处理规模,为处理水质水量波动大、以优质杂排水为水源、选用“混凝沉淀+人工湿地”组合工艺的中水处理提供技术支撑。③开展“接触氧化+人工湿地”组合工艺处理优质杂排水回用于景观用水的效能试验结果表明,影响该组合工艺出水水质达标的限制性指标为TN。通过温度和负荷对人工湿地工艺的影响因素试验结果表明,当优质杂排水经过常规负荷0.72KgBOD5/m3·d的接触氧化预处理后再进入人工湿地进行后处理,为使出水稳定达到《景观回用水水质标准》,人工湿地的最大水力负荷为夏季(30℃-36℃)时0.50m/d;冬季(8℃-12℃)时0.33m/d,夏季与冬季的最大水力负荷比为3∶2。根据试验结果,结合绿色建筑不同季节的中水水量需求,可以合理确定该组合工艺的中水处理规模,有效指导“混凝沉淀+人工湿地”组合工艺处理优质杂排水,且回用于景观环境用水的设计与运行。④根据全生命周期的概念,结合绿色建筑节水的实际特点,首次系统全面地提出了集节水直接效益、环境社会效益和全生命周期成本在内的绿色建筑节水项目全生命周期综合效益的经济模型,采用蒙特卡罗模拟预测法对全生命周期产生的不确定性进行有效的分析和削弱,建立了基于蒙卡罗模拟预测的成本函数和参数变量系统,并借助水晶球软件进行分析。通过对西部某绿色建筑住宅小区节水示范项目的模拟应用,其全生命周期综合效益4713.2万元,全生命周期直接增量成本是1858.6万元,效益费用比是2.5:1,可见绿色建筑的全生命周期综合效益显著。绿色建筑技术体系与全生命周期综合效益的研究成果,将为今后绿色建筑节水的推广与实践提供技术支撑,为政府和开发商对绿色建筑节水项目的决策提供经济理论依据,为绿色建筑节水的深入研究与发展奠定基础,具有重要的现实意义。

【Abstract】 The development of water-saving in green building is according with the national strategic policy of building a resources-conserving and environment-friendly society and it is beneficial to saving energy, protecting environment, and harmonious development of constructions and ecosystem. According to the lack of technical support system for water-saving indices in newly issued evaluation standard for green building and since green building develop just beginning, green building technical system was researched based on system analysis and summary of water-saving techniques and engineering practices. Aiming at the long-existing problem of unsuitable design load, low operation efficiency and unstable effluent in many intermediate water systems (IWS), treatment of different use reclaimed water by combinational technique of artificial wetland was experimentally studied. In view of incomprehension to incremental cost and benefit of green building, comprehensive benefit in full life cycle and incremental cost of water-saving project in green building were systematically researched. The conclusions are as follows:①Based on investigation and analysis of water-saving techniques in cities and structures, water saving technology system was constructed, including water supply system, reclaimed water treatment and utilization system, rainoff collection and use system, water quality control system for landscape water body using unconventional water resources, and safety guarantee system for unconventional water resources transmission and distribution. The water-saving techniques were improved to suit for green building and were demonstrated in a green building district in western China, which realizes 37.8% (202 kiloton) municipal water saved, 30.4% (146kiloton) unconventional water utilized, and could offer technological support for buildings achieved requirements of evaluation standard for green building.②Experimental study on the efficacy of superior drainage treated by combinational technique of coagulation sedimentation and artificial wetland was launched. The results showed that: the regression equations relating to effluent BOD5, temperature, load and addition dosage is: BOD5 = 1190NA-0.32t +12.2. The optimization model of investment is: According to the model, reasonable scale of IWS can be determined. The results offered technological support for reclaimed water treatment, which regards superior drainage as the source, has great variation in water quality and quantity, and is purified by combinational technique of coagulation sedimentation and artificial wetland.③Experimental study on the efficacy of superior drainage treated by combinational technique of contact oxidation and artificial wetland was launched. The results showed that: TN is the restrictive index of the technique treatment effect. To meet the requirements of Water Quality Standard for Scenic Environment Use, the peak hydraulic load of artificial wetland is 0.50m/d in high temperature(30℃-36℃), and 0.33m/d in low temperature(8℃-12℃), and the superior drainage must pre-treated by contact oxidation on load of 0.72KgBOD5/m3·d. The load ratio of the peak hydraulic under two temperature conditions is 3∶2. According to the results, reasonable scale of IWS can be determined.④Based on concepts of full life cycle and present situation of water-saving in green building, calculation model of comprehensive benefit in full life cycle for green building water-saving project (including direct benefit of water-saving, economical and social benefits, and life cycle cost) was first put forward and used in this study. Monte carlo simulation was adopted on analysis the uncertainties of full life cycle and minimize it, and then, cost function and parameter variable system was established based on monte carlo simulation, and was analysed by crystal ball software. The system was applied to a green building district in western China, and the results showed that green building got remarkable comprehensive benefit. The comprehensive benefit in full life cycle was 47.132 million yuan, the direct incremental cost was 18.586 million yuan, and the ratio of benefit to cost was 2.5:1.The researchs of technical system and comprehensive benefit in full life cycle of green building have important realistic meanings. It will offer technological support for water-saving, will provide economic theory for decision making in water-saving scheme selection, and will lay a foundation of further study on green building water-saving.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期