

Western Analytical-Positivist Jurisprudence in China

【作者】 李刚

【导师】 程燎原;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 20世纪初,西方分析实证主义法学随着西学东渐的浪潮传入中国,经历了清末、民国时期、20世纪五六十年代以及当代长达百年的传播历程,吸引了众多中国学者的研究热情。中国分析实证主义法学研究走过了初步传播、兴盛与深化、政治性批判、复兴与繁荣四个阶段,产出了丰硕的研究成果。从这些成果透视出的西方分析实证主义法学东渐史,是一个外国异质理论东渐的典型样板,包含了翻译、介述、评论和本土化尝试几个阶段。这个漫长而复杂的学术历程,展现出中国分析实证主义法学研究的时代背景、渊源流变、方法系统、评判取舍、学派分野以及理论运用等等具有启发意义的问题。尤其是在西学东渐的背景下,西学理论与本土文化之间的冲突与融合,一直是中国分析实证主义法学研究无法回避的问题。其间,中国学人对分析实证主义法学的创造性解读与发展,值得我们梳理和反思。本文就是在遵从学术史研究范型的基础上,用描述的方法真实再现西方分析实证主义法学东渐进程中的代表人物和重要著作,突出学术关注的主要问题,叙述评论学术业绩和成果,展现百年来中国分析实证主义法学研究的宏伟盛景。按照学术发展的历史,除去绪论,文章主体分为五部分:第一部分:分析实证主义法学在清末的初步传播。分析法学通过清末留日学生的编译活动和国内的法科教育传入中国。大量法学通论类著作介绍了“分析法学及其方法”、“代表人物”和“产生的历史动因”等基本问题,使得人们对分析法学有了一个初步的认识。第二部分:分析实证主义法学之研究在民国时期的兴盛与深化。随着分析实证主义法学的最新成果不断从欧美译介到中国,中国法政学者对分析法学、纯粹法学以及奥斯丁主权学说进行了全面介述,也从法律社会学的视角展开深入地评论,表现出中国分析实证主义法学研究的兴盛景况。而以燕树棠、吴经熊和高承元为代表的中国学者大胆进行分析实证主义法学本土化的尝试,出色地运用分析实证主义法学,发展出“中国新分析派法学”和“辩证法法理学”,这些都是民国时期分析实证主义法学研究深化的表现。第三部分:分析实证主义法学在20世纪五六十年代的政治性批判。20世纪五六十年代,中国的分析实证主义法学研究受到了前苏联法学的影响,政治性批判成为学术研究的主导。1957年和1962年的两波研究凯尔森学说的热潮,将纯粹法学推到了学术批判的前沿。尽管这种政治性批判极大地降低了学术研究的水准,但是从客观上推进了纯粹法学的进一步东渐。第四部分:分析实证主义法学之研究在当代中国的复兴与繁荣。当代中国的分析实证主义法学研究随着中国法学的复兴而逐渐繁荣起来。中国学者对分析实证主义法学著作的翻译取得了巨大成就,大量西方分析实证主义法学研究成果传入中国。中国学界不但对分析实证主义法学有了一个总体认识,而且对哈特学说、凯尔森学说、拉兹理论、霍菲尔德学说、制度法学、边沁学说和奥斯丁学说进行了全面地介述和客观地评论。更为重要的是,在分析实证主义法学本土化的新尝试中,中国学者在反思传统思想与分析实证主义法学的关联、利用分析实证主义法学积极建构中国法学学派、推进法理学和部门法学的探讨方面,进行了非常有意义的创新。21世纪的中国分析实证主义法学研究,正处于一个空前的繁荣状态。第五部分:结语。以反映真知和实现创新为标准,比较民国时期和当代中国分析实证主义法学研究在翻译、介述、评论和本土化尝试等几方面的相同之处,同时指出各个时期的优势和不足之处。

【Abstract】 In the beginning of 20th century, the analytical-positivist jurisprudence went into China with the tide of spreading of western learning to the East. It went through the late Qing Dynasty, the Republic of China, the 1950s~1960s, contemporary, and attracted many Chinese scholars’research enthusiasm. The analytical-positivist jurisprudence research can be described with four stages, in which the research achieved a lot: preliminary propagation, flourishing and deepening, political nature criticism, revival and prosperity, and produced a lot of achievement. The easternization of western Analytical-positivist jurisprudence is a demonstration of model including the process of translation, review, comment, localization. The long and complex learning process displays times background, origin and variation, method system, evaluation, school interfluves, application of theory about Chinese analytical-positivist jurisprudence research. Especially when western learning has spread to the East, the conflict and fusion between western theory and traditional wisdom is a problem that researchers cannot avoid. During that period, it is worth carding and reflecting that Chinese scholars had creatively interpreted and developed analytical-positivist jurisprudence. This paper obeys the paradigm of academic history research, reconstructs representative and important works, gives prominence to main problems, describes and comments learning performance and results, presents the magnificent flourishing landscape of Chinese analytical positivist jurisprudence research by the description approach.According to the history of academic development, there are five parts besides the exordium in this paper:Part one: preliminary propagation of the analytical-positivist jurisprudence in the late Qing Dynasty. The analytical-positivist jurisprudence went into China by two kinds of ways that students studying in Japan compiling and domestic law education. A lot of works like first principles of law introduced“analytical law and its method”,“representative”and“cause of production”, made scholars get preliminary knowledge to the analytical law.Part two: flourishing and deepening of the analytical-positivist jurisprudence research in the Republic of China. With the newest translations of analytical-positivist jurisprudence from Europe and America into China, Chinese legal and political scholars started to introduce analytical law, pure theory of law and Austin’s theory of sovereignty, and profoundly commented from legal sociology perspective. All showed flourishing. Chinese scholars like Wu Jing Xiong, Gao Cheng Yuan, Yan Shu Tang, attempted to localize analytical-positivist jurisprudence. The birth of Chinese new analytic law and dialectics jurisprudence, the application of perfectly analytical-positivist jurisprudence, showed deepening of Chinese analytical positivist jurisprudence research.Part three: political nature criticism on analytical-positivist jurisprudence in the 1950s~1960s., Chinese analytical-positivist jurisprudence research was affected by law of soviet philosophy, and political nature criticism was the main learning task in the 1950s~1960s. The two learning climaxes in 1957 and 1962 pushed pure theory of law to the academic frontier. Although political nature criticism decreased the level of academic research, it pushed pure theory of law to further easternizate.Part four: revival and prosperity of about analytical-positivist jurisprudence research in contemporary China. Chinese analytical-positivist jurisprudence research with the revival of jurisprudence of china accordingly has boomed up. The translation of analytical-positivist jurisprudence works has got tremendous achievement, and analytical-positivist jurisprudence research results are going to China. Chinese academic not only have recognized analytical-positivist jurisprudence, but also have overall reviewed and objectively commented H.L.A.Hart’s theory, Hans Kelsen’s theory, Joseph Laz’s theory, Wesley N.Hohfeld’s theory, system jurisprudence, Jeremy Betham’s theory, John Austin’s theory. It is very significant that Chinese scholars have reflected the relationship of traditional thought and western theory, have applied analytical-positivist jurisprudence to construct Chinese jurisprudence school, have promoted the discussion on jurisprudence and department law. All that are Chinese analytical-positivist jurisprudence research has entered a prosperity status since 2000.Part five: conclusion. According to the standard that reflects true knowledge and realizes innovation, the same and difference places are compared in the aspects of translation, review, comment, localization between the republic of China and contemporary China,

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期