

Study on the Natural Mechanism of Town-Community’s Evolution

【作者】 李浩

【导师】 邹德慈; 李和平;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,我国城镇密集地区发展迎来了前所未有的机遇期:国家“十一五规划”中首次出现城市群的概念,党的十七大报告提出培育城市群的要求,“全国城镇体系规划”将城镇群作为我国城镇空间发展的重要载体……在全国上下呈现出一片“城市群热”的情况下,各地正在进行的城镇群规划工作也面临着一些亟待解决的问题,如城镇集群发展的模式存在一定的争议以及我国城镇群发展正面临着前所未有的“生态危机”等。鉴于国内外城镇密集地区相关研究主要集中于地理学和经济学领域,尚缺少从社会、文化、生态等角度进行研究,本论文选择从生态学的视角对城镇密集地区的发展现象进行研究,将群落生态学中的“生物群落”概念拓展至城镇密集地区研究领域,提出“城镇群落”的概念,并借鉴生物群落的自然演化规律,对城镇群落空间发展的自然演化规律进行初探。本论文研究属于城市规划学同区域科学、生态学相融合的多学科交叉研究,在研究方法的运用上主要是一种类比(类推)的方法,采取“提出问题——研究综述——理论建构——规律推演——实证分析”的技术路线。城镇是人类活动的聚居体,人是组成城镇的基本细胞,人和生物的同一性和本质上的一致性,保证了从“生物群落”向“城镇群落”类推研究的可靠性。论文共分四大部分:第1章为绪论部分,通过对当前“城镇群规划”热潮的冷思考及国内外城镇密集地区研究的综述,建构论文研究的问题和框架;第2~4章为上篇,明确城镇群落研究的逻辑基础,提出城镇群落的概念,探讨城镇群落空间范围的界定;第5~9章为中篇,分别从城镇群落空间环境的选择、空间要素的构成、空间形态的类型、空间关系的组织、空间发展的演替等几个方面对城镇群落空间发展的自然演化规律进行了初探;第10、11章为下篇,探讨城镇群落的空间规划问题,并对论文研究工作进行了总结。“群落的概念是生态思想和生态应用中最为重要的原则之一”,基于生态学的视角,城镇的群体发展既是一种地理现象,也是一种生物现象。当今世界,由于主导城镇空间发展的因素不断演化,致使区域城镇空间发展日益呈现出一种“群落”的格局。本文研究所提出的“城镇群落”概念,是从生态学视角对城镇密集地区发展现象的一种解读,即在特定空间或特定生境下,由一定的人类聚居单元及其它生物种群所组成,表现出一定的形态特征和空间结构,与区域空间环境之间彼此影响、相互作用并具有特定功能的城乡空间集合体,它是一个相对完整的地域空间和生态学功能单位。城镇群落概念的提出,意味着赋予了城镇密集地区以生命的智慧,这正是区别于城镇群、大都市带、城市经济区等其它相关概念的关键所在。城镇群落的核心思想在于:追求诸多城乡空间要素的群体、整体发展,而非少数城镇的做优、做大、做强;追求多种城乡空间资源的多维度、纵深度充分利用和优化配置,而非对某种类型的空间资源利用有所偏爱;追求一系列城镇空间发展的分工协作和共生共荣,而非城镇之间的无序和恶性竞争;追求群落自身的自我调节和自我更新作用的维持及长期可持续发展利益,而非“先污染、后治理”等近期利益当先的短视行为。研究表明,城镇群落的空间发展并不是盲目无序的,而是遵循着一定的自然规律:(1)城镇群落赖以生存和发展的空间环境,具有鲜明的特征,平原(或盆地)的地形环境和近海(或大江大河)的地理区位是其基本的生境要求;(2)构成城镇群落空间结构的自然生态空间和城镇发展空间是一种相互统一的耦合关系和连续体,城镇发展空间随其规模不同而呈现出营养级别和性质的层次变化;(3)城镇群落空间形态的影响要素包括自然地形环境、交通运输网络、顶位城市的性质以及城镇间的竞合关系等,基于城镇建设用地的组合形态可将其划分为带型、环型、星月型、放射型、组团型等,基于项位城市的数量可将其划分为单核型、双核型、多核型等;(4)共生是城镇群落空间关系组织的基本原理,各种空间要素之间的复杂共生促生共生质,使城镇群落具有任何单一城镇所无法具有的性质和职能。城镇发展空间对自然生态空间是一种典型的寄生关系,自然生态空间是城镇群落可持续发展的生态支撑系统。竞争导致城镇群落不同城镇空间发展“生态位”的产生,是城镇群落空间结构形成和空间形态发展的重要原因;(5)城镇群落处于不断的发展和变化之中,其演替的根本动因在于人类社会生产力的发展和生产关系的不断变革,基本趋向是演变为人类聚居的一种“顶极城镇群落”。在城镇群落的空间规划中,应当明确可持续发展的目标导向,凝聚共赢意识、促进城乡空间发展的区域分工与协作,区划控制自然生态空间、维护城镇群落生态安全格局,构建高效的综合交通体系、引导城镇发展空间的群落式布局,促进城镇群落边缘区空间的健康发展,等等。论文力求在两个方面实现创新:(1)用生物学中的“群落”概念和“城镇群”作类比研究,提出了“城镇群落”的概念,并引入了生态学的共生、演替、灭亡等概念,对提高人们对城镇和城镇群的生态问题的认识有积极意义;(2)通过对成渝城镇密集地区的案例分析,实证了城镇群落的演化规律,提出了城镇群落规划调控对策,对成渝城镇密集地区的发展具有重要的参考价值。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the development of town-clusters in China is facing unprecedented opportunities: the concept of town-cluster first appeared in the 11th Five-Year Plan in March 2006, which pointed out that "town-cluster should be adopted as the main form of urbanization"; the development of town-cluster was further suggested in the report of the 17th National Congress in October 2007; furthermore, town-cluster is also regarded as the carrier of national spatial developmental in the National Urban System Planning; etc. In this case, an upsurge of the town-cluster planning is rising in China. But, there are many serious problems during the development of town-clusters in China at the same time: critical land resource, tensional water supply and water pollution, deteriorative atmosphere environment, austere traffic problems etc. Because the studies on town-cluster in China and at abroad lack the angle views of Ecology, sociology, culture etc. This paper choices the theme of investigating town-clusters’ development from the angle view of Ecology, plans to bring the theory of Biotic-Community(BC) into town-cluster’s studies, and explore the natural mechanism of Town-Community(TC)’s evolution.This paper belongs to the cross study of city planning, region science and ecology, and bases to the method of analogy. Town is the congregation of various human activities, and human belongs to the biology, so the analogy from Biotic Community to TC is dependable.This paper includes four parts. The first part is chapter 1, analyzing the problems of town-cluster Planning, summing up the studies on town-cluster in China and at abroad, and then making up this paper’s frame. The second part is chapter 2~4, analyzing the logistic groundwork, bringing forward the concept of TC, and then discussing how to distinguish the spatial boundary of TC. The third part is chapter 5~9, analyzing the natural mechanism of TC’s evolution: the choice of spatial environment, the structure of spatial factors, the types of spatial shape, the organization of spatial relations, and the succession of spatial development of TC. The last part is chapter 10 and chapter 11, discussing the work of TC Planning, then sum up the whole study.From the angle view of Ecology, the phenomenon of town-cluster is also a biologic phenomenon. Today, along with the continual evolution of town’s momentums, the development of a series of towns in a huge region gradually presents a pattern of "community". The concept of TC in this paper is a comprehension of the phenomenon of town-cluster from the angle view of Ecology, and it is made up of many human residential cells and other biotic communities in some especial environment, and it puts up certain spatial shape and regional function. TC is a integrated section cell and a functional unit of Ecology.The results show that: (1) The spatial environment of TC has two important requirements: the landform of plain or basin, geography situation near sea or great rivers. (2) The spatial structure of TC includes two factors: town’s spaces and natural spaces. Town’s spaces have some different levels, and each level of town’s space have some different character. (3) The spatial shape of TC is the projection of many human activities, its influence factors contain landform, traffic network, the character of nuclear town, etc. (4) Mutualism is the principle of the organization of TC’s spatial relations. Competition is an important reason of TC’s spatial shape. (5) TC’s development is a dynamic process, and its tendency is to develop into a climax of human residential cell. During the spatial planning of TC, we must build up dialectic understand of TC’s development, and analyze these negative problems as well as positive effects; turn the ideology of TC’s Planning, and make it clear of the idea of TC’s Sustainable Development; investigate the limit of land, water and environment of TC’s development, and keep the structure of regional security; and enhance the construction of regional integrative traffic system, thus induct rational cities’ distributing in regional area.This paper try to achieve innovations: (1) It brings the theory of Biotic Community into town-clusters’ studies, and bringing forward the concept of TC. (2) It explores the natural mechanism of TC’s evolution from the choice of spatial environment, the structure of spatial factors, the types of spatial shape, the organization of spatial relations, and the succession of spatial development of TC.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期