

A Research on the Role of Aesthetic Experience of Concept Metaphor Understanding to the Scientific Concept Understanding

【作者】 丁月华

【导师】 赵伶俐;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 基础心理学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 长期以来,由于哲学、语言学等学科研究中只将隐喻看作是暗喻,把其当作修辞手段,致使20世纪80年代,许多研究者将隐喻作为认知方式对其进行强调和研究,不同分支的心理学包括认知心理学、学习心理学、积极心理学都对隐喻研究有所关注。认知心理学研究隐喻侧重点为隐喻句理解的心理加工机制,对概念隐喻理解时的美感体验与认知的关系研究未充分关注;可是部分关于隐喻句理解的脑区活动特点的研究显示了隐喻句理解可能激活与情绪反应有关的脑区活动,能否激活与情绪反应有关的脑区活动主要跟隐喻句的新颖性、形象性等因素有关,而新颖性、形象性等又是美学研究者所强调的能否引起美感体验的重要因素,认知神经科学的研究为隐喻句理解中有美感体验提供了一定的证据。随着学习心理学研究的深入,研究者们意识到学习既是“高度概括的规律性命题体系的建立”,也需要“高质量大跨度迁移”,需要将本质与现象对应,由此对隐喻认知的研究日益重视。有研究者提到了隐喻认知中的美感体验作用问题,但美感体验与认知的深层关系还需进一步实证。20世纪80年代以来,积极心理学有关积极情感与认知的关系问题研究日渐升温,我国心理学界在那时与西方积极心理学致力于幸福观、流畅感等积极情感对认知的作用研究不同的地方是:20世纪80年代我国的研究者关注到了美感与认知的关系问题,心理学家刘兆吉提出了“美育心理学”的学科概念,美育问题正式进入了心理学领域。在美育心理学研究中,美感体验是美育的特色,美感体验力的培养方法及以感情激发为核心的情感与认知的关系问题是美育心理学需要解决的十分重要的问题,围绕美育心理学研究的核心问题,结合当前教育实践中倡导的学科整合应在概念层面上进行的理念,本项研究选取科学概念理解作为视角,以概念隐喻理解为引导策略,假设在概念隐喻理解过程中,学生会有美感体验,美感体验对科学概念理解有促进作用。对这一问题的研究,其理论价值体现在可为美育心理学核心问题的深入解决提供研究模式和参考结论;二是从实践角度来看,可将其运用到教育教学等领域,为审美化教学实施等提供理论依据。主体将目标域概念A的本质蕴涵在形象生动的源域概念A’中,通过A’以认识A本质特征的这样一种认知方式,就是概念隐喻认知。概念隐喻认知与一般认知最大的不同在于概念隐喻(抓住事物本质特征的隐喻,是隐喻的一种)是有美感体验的认知活动。本项研究中“美感体验”是指主体在对认知对象进行有意味的形式认知中表现出的敏感、细致、好奇,进取、愉悦的心理状态。整篇文章写作分了上编、中编、下编三个部分。上编(第1章-第7章)包括文献综述、问题提出,并对概念隐喻和美感体验两个概念进行了探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析,获得了有关这两个概念的内涵、结构和测查工具,做了美感体验和概念隐喻之间的相关研究,研究结果拓展了已有研究的发展。中编(第8章-第13章)为实证研究设计及被试选择、实验材料搜集和测量工具的研究。在上编内容的基础上,进一步对所提问题研究及其实证和量化难点进行了确认。已有研究中对美感体验的测查采用美感词词表或者是等级评定的方法,本项研究既采用美感词词表(可测审美风格、审美中的情绪、审美丰富性),也采用愉悦情绪自我报告的5级评定量表,还使用了《自编科学概念学习过程中的美感体验问卷》(该问卷是在附录2《自编美感体验问卷》中,抽取包含了美感体验8因素的有关科学美感体验的16个项目,结合本项研究所要考察的3个概念,将抽取的这16个项目句进行了修改后形成的问卷,见155-156页)下编(第14章-第-15章)针对儿童在概念隐喻理解过程中能否产生美感体验,美感体验是否有助于对抽象概念本质进行理解这一问题解决提出了四个假设,设计了两项实验。所有研究采用的科学概念分别是“力”、“极限”和“节奏”。整个研究对有关假设进行了验证,涉及6个研究:(1)儿童“力”、“极限”、“节奏”3个概念自然状态下的发展研究——为选择研究对象为11-14岁儿童提供依据,为实验研究的结论获得提供参照系(2) 11-14岁儿童有关“力”、“极限”、“节奏”3个概念的前概念研究(3)有关“力”、“极限”、“节奏”3个概念的概念隐喻句语料收集及11-14岁儿童对概念隐喻句的心理维度研究(4)美感体验测查工具之一——有关“力”、“极限”、“节奏”概念的美感词词表的编制(5)实验1:概念隐喻句理解过程中,美感体验在11-14岁儿童前概念转换过程中的作用(6)实验2:概念隐喻理解(概念隐喻句理解,概念图理解、原型理解)过程中,11-14岁儿童的美感体验在科学概念理解中的作用研究所得总结论如下:●概念隐喻理解与美感体验有显著的正相关;●与控制组相比,概念隐喻理解对科学概念理解有显著的促进作用;●概念隐喻理解成绩与美感体验程度对儿童科学概念理解有交互作用。美感体验在隐喻理解和科学概念理解之间起显著的中介作用。●美感体验对认知有显著增力性。各项研究主要分结论如下:●概念隐喻句理解中,愉悦感以及审美中的情绪对学生前概念转换存在交互作用,但儿童先前对概念非正式的知识的作用更显著。●儿童科学概念理解的年龄主效应显著。儿童在教学引导后的前概念转换、儿童对科学概念下定义的精准性及美感体验对儿童科学概念理解成绩均具有预测作用,相比之下,前概念转换、儿童对科学概念下定义的精准性对儿童科学概念理解成绩的预测作用更显著。●概念隐喻理解、美感体验对儿童科学概念理解有交互作用。美感体验对儿童科学概念理解的作用具体表现在:愉悦感越强烈,科学概念理解的成绩越好;在审美丰富性方面,只有一定程度上的审美丰富性(平均每个概念能用3-6个美感词里表述)才对儿童科学概念的理解起促进作用。教学引导策略与审美丰富性的交互作用具体体现为:就每个概念而言,被试平均能用2-4个美感词来表述自己的感受时,教学引导策略对儿童科学概念理解成绩的影响有显著差异,概念隐喻句教学引导效果最好,原型启发教学引导次之,概念图解再次之。只有在概念图解教学引导下,审美风格不同,儿童科学概念理解成绩有显著差异。在概念图解引导下,鼓励和启发被试体验优美,这样有助于促进其科学概念理解水平,而其余两种教学引导策略下,审美风格对儿童科学概念理解的作用差异不显著。这两项实验证明了美感体验在概念隐喻理解和科学概念理解之间的中介作用,探索了美感体验、前概念、认知等因素之间的关系,建立了关系模型。本项研究的价值表现在对隐喻和概念隐喻进行区分有助于我们对隐喻作用的深入认识,对概念隐喻的结构探讨,可为概念隐喻认知的量化研究提供参考指标;对美感体验进行理论探讨,可为审美心理学、美学中有关“审美认知”的理论建构提供一定的参考,也可为积极心理学对美感的进一步研究起到参考作用;本项研究证明了概念隐喻理解中,主体的美感体验与认知因素对科学概念理解有交互作用,探索了美感体验、前概念、认知等因素之间的关系并尝试建立了关系模型,有利于科学美研究的深化。本项研究的创新点表现在:首次对概念隐喻和美感体验两个概念进行结构因素分析;澄清了概念隐喻和隐喻的区别,美感体验和美感的区别,对概念隐喻的作用加以深入认识,证明了概念隐喻认知能使主体产生美感体验并促进其理解概念本质,概念隐喻引导教学策略是有效教学策略之一。

【Abstract】 For a long time, philosophical and linguistics research on metaphor was just regarded it as a way of rhetoric. In 1980s, many researchers dealt it as a way of cognitive style. The different branches of psychology, including cognitive psychology, learning psychology, positive psychology research involved metaphor. Research of cognitive psychology trended to focus on the psychological mechanisms of metaphorical sentences, and have not enough concentrated on the relationship of aesthetic experience and cognition; However, some brain activity cognitive neuroscience studies on metaphorical sentence understanding have shown that it may stimulate the brain region concerning emotional response, which is due to the different novelty and image of metaphorical sentences, and researchers stressed that different novelty is a important factor to arouse the aesthetic experience, which is due to the different novelty of metaphorical sentences, and researchers stressed that different novelty is a important factor to arouse the aesthetic experience. Cognitive neuroscience researches have supplied some evidence for the existence of aesthetic experience in the understanding of the metaphorical sentences. With the development of learning psychology and education , researchers aware learning is not only "to construct a highly general and regular system", but also "to accomplish a high-quality and large-span migration", and need correspond the essence of thing with the phenomenon, so researchers paid more and more attention on metaphorical cognition. Some researchers have referred to the aesthetic experience in metaphorical cognition, but they lacked empirical research. Since the 1980s, in positive psychology studies on the relationship between positive feelings and cognition have been more and more popular. At that time, western psychologist trended to probe the affection that positive emotion such as feeling of happiness, fluency put on the cognition, however Chinese psychologist begun to aware the relationship between the aesthetic experience and cognition . Liu Zhaoji put forward the subject concept of "psychology of aesthetic education", aesthetics issues has formally became one part of psychology. In psychology of aesthetic education, aesthetic experience is the characteristics of aesthetic education, the most important and urgent problem is to find methods to improve the ability of aesthetic experience and confirm the relationship between cognition and emotion. Intertwined the key problem of psychology of aesthetic education, based on the other empirical studies, accommodated the idea that the subject should be integrated in the concept level this research selected scientific concept understanding as a viewpoint, took concept metaphor understanding as guidable strategy, and assumed in the process of concept metaphor understanding students would experience the aesthetic emotion ,aesthetic experience would improve scientific concept understanding. The theoretic meaning of this research is that it will supply research model and reference conclusion to solve the key problem of psychology of aesthetic education; the practical meaning is to apply it into education and supply aestheticalization instruction with theoretic evidence.The cognitive mode that subjects hide the target scientific concept A in the vivid source concept A’,via A’ to understand the essence of A is called conceptual metaphor. (grasping the essential character of the target object is one kind of metaphor). Conceptual metaphor. is one kind cognitive activity with aesthetic experience. In this research, aesthetic experience is that subjects indicate sensitive, particular, curious, enterprising, joy psychological states when they cognize the objects with intention. and observe meaningful format.The paper has three parts:Section one (Chapter 1 - Chapter 7), including literature review, issues, and the exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis for metaphor and the aesthetic experience, achieving the definition, structure and testing of these concepts, correlated analysis for aesthetic experience and conceptual metaphor ,developing the past research.Section Two: (Chapter 8-Chapter13) researches on experimental designing, participants choosing, experimental materials collection and measure tool study. On the base of Section One, this part further affirms researching problems and experimental quantitative difficulties. The past researching used aesthetic glossary or rank evaluating method to investigate aesthetic experience, but this research uses both aesthetic glossaries, including aesthetic style, aesthetic emotion, aesthetic richness, but also the ending joy emotion five-square self-report scale, and uses the Self-Made Questionnaire of the Aesthetic Experience in the Process of Scientific Concept Learning, takes the reference to appendix two of Self-Made Aesthetic Experience Questionnaire. Sixteen items related with scientific aesthetic experience are drew out from eight aesthetic experience elements. Combining with the three concepts in this research, sixteen items will be drew out to be revised to form the questionnaire, please see pp155-156Section Three: (Chapter 14-Chapter 15) on the hypothesis of whether aesthetic experience can be produced during the process of children’s concept metaphor understanding, whether aesthetic experience can promote abstract concept understanding, laying-out two experiments, all researches are using scientific concepts, which are power, limit and rhythm.The whole research validates the related hypothesis, involving six researches:(1) The three concepts of children’s natural development offers the bases of choosing subjects on the age of 11-14 years old, and offers frame of reference to obtain the experimental conclusion.(2) the pre-concept research for 11 to 14-year-old children on three concepts: the force, the limit, the rhythm.(3) The concept metaphor sentences collecting of power, limit, rhythm, and psychological dimension researches on the concept metaphor sentences of the children on the age of 11-14 years old.(4) As one of the aesthetic experience testing tools—aesthetic glossary workout. (5)Experiment one: in the process of concept metaphor understanding, the role ofaesthetic experience in the pre-concept transformation of children on the age of 11-14 years old.(6) Experiment two: in the process of the concept metaphor understanding that includes concept metaphor sentence understanding, concept schema understanding, autotype understanding, and the role of aesthetic experience in the scientific concept understanding of children on the age of 11-14 years old.Conclusions all in all are as follows:Concept metaphor understanding has striking positive relation with aesthetic experience;Comparison to controlling group, concept metaphor understanding has striking;Score of concept metaphor understanding and aesthetic experience have interaction with children’s scientific concept understanding. Aesthetic experience is the media in bridging metaphor understanding and scientific concept understanding. Aesthetic experience has positive role to cognition.The main conclusion of different sub-researches is as follows:In the conceptual metaphor understanding, joy psychological states, the positive or negative aesthetic emotions have interaction with the pre-concept transformation of students, but much striking role to children’s experience.Primary effect of age is significant to children’s scientific concept understanding. After the instruction induction, children’s pre-concept transformation, the preciseness of conception scientific concept and aesthetic experience has expecting role to achievement of children’s scientific concept understanding, Comparing with it, the pre-concept transformation and the preciseness of scientific conception of children have much positive predictive role.Conceptual metaphor understanding, aesthetic experience has interaction with children’s scientific understanding. The concrete expression of aesthetic experience role to understand scientific concept are as follows:The higher the feeling of joy, the better the achievement of scientific concept understanding; on the aspect of richness of aesthetic appreciation, only to some degree (each concept expressing within three to six aesthetic words on the average) has positive role to children’s scientific understanding.The interaction of instruction induction strategies with aesthetic richness are as follows: to each concept, participants can use 2-4 aesthetic words to express their own feeling, instruction induction strategies have significant difference to children’s scientific concept understanding, conceptual metaphor instruction induction effects is the best, and autotype illumination instruction induction ranks the second, and the third is concept schema understanding;Only under the concept schema instruction induction, aesthetic style has some difference, and has significant difference to children’s scientific concept understanding. And inspiring and illumination participants to experience elegancy, positive role to understanding scientific concepts, while under the other two strategies, aesthetic style is not much significant.The two experiments prove that aesthetic experience is a media between the conceptual metaphor understanding and scientific concept understanding, exploring elements’ relationship and mode including aesthetic feeling, aesthetic experience, and cognition etc.The value of this research is that classifying metaphor and conceptual metaphor, which promote us to re-understanding the role of metaphor, and the discussion on the structure of conceptual metaphor can offer some reference index to the quantification of conceptual metaphor cognition; the theory discussion on aesthetic experience can offer some reference to aesthetic cognition theory construction in aesthetic psychology and aesthetic itself and also to the further research of aesthetic feeling in positive psychology; And the innovative points of this research are as follows: firstly analyzing the implicit structure of conceptual metaphor and aesthetic experience; classifying the difference of conceptual metaphor and metaphor, and of aesthetic experience and aesthetic feeling, re-understanding the role of conceptual metaphor, and proving that conceptual metaphor cognition can promote subjects to understand the nature of aesthetic understanding, and conceptual metaphor instruction induction strategy is an effective teaching strategy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期