

【作者】 李瑛

【导师】 游旭群;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 视觉表象在人们的日常生活和工作中具有十分重要的作用,视觉表象的发展制约着智能的发展水平,良好的视觉表象能力是从事运动、航空航天等特殊职业必不可少的能力之一。近年来,一些研究者在探索视觉表象的加工机制时,发现眼动和视觉表象有密切关系,同时,眼动对认知加工的影响作用也日益受到人们的重视。然而无论是表象中的眼动特征,还是眼动对表象加工的作用,都处在研究的起步阶段。在以往研究的基础上,本工作的主要目的在于:采用眼动追踪技术,分析视知觉条件和语言描述条件下的表象建构及表象扫描的眼动特征,以及非视知觉(听觉)通道表象建构及表象扫描的眼动特征;探索视觉表象中眼动的功能及视觉表象的表征、视觉表象与知觉的关系等问题;发现眼动对认知加工的作用,为提高空间智能寻找有效途径,同时,对表象表征等问题的探索也将为人工智能的发展提供新的思路。围绕上述目的,本工作通过六个系列实验对视知觉条件下和语言描述条件下的表象建构与表象扫描的眼动特征进行了探讨。实验一研究了视知觉条件下表象建构的眼动特征,发现在允许自由眼动的条件下,表象阶段重复了知觉阶段的眼动扫描路径;知觉阶段与表象阶段眼动的一致性影响了表象的正确性;对表象阶段眼动的限制导致表象的正确性显著下降。实验二对视知觉条件下阻止复述时表象建构的眼动特征进行了研究,结果表明,空间记忆的准确性受到阻止复述的影响,表现出显著的下降;在干扰任务(阻止复述)条件下,被试表象阶段的注视次数显著多于无干扰任务条件,显示前者的认知加工难于后者;但两种条件下,表象阶段的眼睛扫描轨迹均与知觉阶段的扫描轨迹呈显著的线性关系,且相关程度无显著差异,表明眼睛扫描轨迹的记忆并未受干扰任务的影响。实验三研究了基于语言描述的表象建构及复述过程中的眼动特征,发现在听阶段限制眼动的条件下,被试对听觉刺激的表象建构受到影响;听阶段被试的眼动方向与眼动顺序与语言描述内容相一致;另外,听阶段和复述阶段的扫描轨迹越相似,复述正确性越高,听阶段与描述阶段眼动的不一致,也会影响表象建构的成绩。实验四研究了基于语言描述的表象建构及图形再认的眼动特征,结果显示,在限制眼动的条件下,被试对听觉刺激的视觉判断正确率低于无限制条件,反应时长于无限制条件,体现出眼动对表象建构的影响;此外,本研究发现听阶段的注视次数有组间差异,表现出类似于视知觉中注视次数对再认成绩影响的效应,此外,在听和判断具有颜色特征的图片类型时,均表现出较少的注视次数,与颜色知觉中的平行加工相类似。实验五通过两个视知觉条件下不同表象扫描范式的对比研究,验证了两种扫描范式隐含着不同的加工过程。在距离相同的情况下,被试完成KBR任务需要更多的时间,眼动特征表明,被试在完成KBR任务时,需要更多的注视点、眼跳次数和更远的眼跳距离,对眼动轨迹图的分析显示,完成KBR任务时,被试进行的是从初始点到目标点的全程扫描,而完成FP任务时,扫描距离较短。在KBR范式下,对被试眼动的限制使得表象扫描效应消失。同时进行的相同范式的知觉扫描眼动特征显示,完成表象扫描任务与完成知觉扫描任务的眼动过程高度一致。实验六发现,被试在完成基于语言描述的表象扫描任务时,也表现出明显的表象扫描效应,即扫描时间随距离的增加而线性递增;对于基于语言描述的表象扫描任务,限制眼动同样导致了扫描效应的消失,表明眼动对表象扫描任务的完成具有功能性作用。本工作得出如下主要结论:①眼动在表象建构和扫描中扮演功能性角色;②眼动的在知觉记忆过程中的编码与加工可能是自动化的;③表象过程中的眼动与知觉中的眼动具有一致性,体现了表象与知觉的机能等价;④两种不同范式的表象扫描表现出不同的眼动特征;⑤表象与知觉眼动的一致性支持内部图形表征;⑥表象中眼动的功能性支持具身化认知观。本研究的结果不支持表象表征的命题说。本工作证实了表象的建构和操作都伴随有相应的眼动,且眼动在表象任务的完成中起着功能性的作用。支持了表象的形象表征,也为进一步揭示表象的内在加工机制提供了新的思路;另外,本研究结果也为具身化认知理论的发展提供了实证依据。本研究在探讨表象眼动特征的同时,也研究了眼动对于表象加工的影响,丰富了眼动研究的相关理论。本工作还从研究方法上突破了表象的传统反应时研究范式,采用眼动追踪技术对表象的建构和表象扫描进行了研究,发现了反应时所不能反映的表象加工过程。从实践来看,本文的研究结果提示:也许可以用一种眼动引导方式来促进表象加工的完成或表象加工能力的提高。本研究中发现知觉眼动和表象眼动的高度一致性启发我们,可以采用相同的知觉情境训练,以提高被试相应的表象加工能力。今后,本研究将进一步拓展研究的内容对上述结论作进一步验证,并从认知神经科学角度探明眼动在视觉表象中发挥作用的机制。

【Abstract】 Visual imagery plays an important role in people’s daily life.The development of visual imagery restricted the development of intelligence.It is one of the essential abilities to jobs like athlete,pilots,etc.Recently,eye movements were found to be related with visual imagery closely. Meanwhile,although researchers have long investigated how cognitive processes influence eye movements,only recently have they begun to look into the reciprocal relationship and ask how eye movements might influence cognitive processes.However,it is at the starting stage of studying both to features of eye movements in mental imagery and function of eye movements in mental imagery.On the basis of past researches,the main purpose of this study is to:analyze features of eye movements in image construction and image scanning both after visual perception and verbal description;Explore issues such as functions of visual imagery,relationship between visual imagery and perception,the role of eye movements in cognitive processing,etc.;find a way to improve spatial intelligence,and offer some new ideas on the development of artificial intelligence.Six experiments were conducted to find out features of eye movements during image constructing and image scanning.Eye movements during image constructing after visual perception were studied in experiment1.The results indicate that eye scanpaths during imagery phase reenacted those of perception; consistency between eye movements during imagery and perception influenced the correctness of imagery;restricted eye movements during imagery decreased correctness of recall.In experiment 2,eye movements were recorded in the same condition with experiment 1 but prevented rehearsal before imagery.Correctness of recalling declined when preventing rehearsal. Fixation counts were prominent more in disturbing condition than that of non-disturbing condition, which meant that cognitive process was more difficult to the former.But regression analysis indicated positive linear relationship between scanpaths of imagery and that of perception in both conditions,and the strength of relatedness of the perception and imagery scanpaths between the two conditions showed no difference.It seemed that memory of scanpaths had not been destroyed by the interfering task.Eye movements of imagery constructing and retelling that based on verbal description was analyzed in experiment 3.The results showed that imagery constructing was interfered in central fixation condition;orientation and order of eye movements in listening phase was consistent with that of description;the degree of relatedness between listening and retelling scanpaths in each individual trial predicted the degree of accuracy of spatial retelling for the trial.In experiment 4,eye movements of imagery constructing and recognition was studied.The results indicated that accuracy of visual judgments to verbal description was lower in central fixation condition than that of free vision condition;there was significant difference in fixation counts between the two groups,the same way as how fixation counts influenced recognition in visual perception;fixation counts was less when listening and recognizing pictures included color information,just like parallel processing in color perception.Eye movements in two different image-scanning paradigms were compared in experiment 5. The results showed that different cognitive processes were embedded in different paradigms. Participants required more time to shift their focus over the imaged stimulus in the KBR paradigm. More fixations,more saccades,and rarer saccade distance were found when they scanned in the KBR task.Detailed analysis showed that participants scanned the whole distance from the original point to the target point in KBR paradigm,while the scanning distance were much shorter in FP paradigm.The scan effect in KBR paradigm vanished when gazing direction was restricted.Eye movements in perception of the two paradigms were similar with that of imagery.Experiment 6 found that imagery scan effect existed when subjects finished the mental scanning task that based on verbal description.That is,scanning time increased linearly with the increasing distance.Scan effect vanished when fixations were limited,indicated that eye movements were functional to mental scan.This work reached the following conclusions:①eye movements play functional role both in imagery construction and imagery scanning,visual imagery processing is simulation(or reconstruction) of visual perception;②features and the role of eye movements during imagery similar to that of perception,which confirmed the functional equivalence of imagery and perception;③Features of eye movements during imagery can be explained by internal graphic representation, while embodied cognition theory explains why external eye movements exist in internal image representatioh:The results did not support theory of proposition representation.This work verified that eye movements play functional role both in imagery construction and in imagery operation,and supported the theory of pictorial representation of imagery.A new view to imagery processing research was also provided by this study.The results offered empirical evidence to embodied cognition.This study investigated features of eye movements in imagery,as well as effects of eye movements to imagery,which would enrich theories of eye movements.This research studied imagery by eye-movement recording,it is a breakthrough to traditional reaction time paradigm,and got insight to imagery processing that cannot be revealed by reaction time.For practice,the results suggested that ability of imagery processing maybe promoted by guiding the eye movements.The consistency of eye movements between imagery and perception enlightened that train of perception would improve the corresponding imagery possessing ability.More imagery task will be enrolled to verify the conclusion above in the future.Mechanisms of eye movements in visual imagery will be studied from cognitive neuroscience view.

【关键词】 视觉表象眼动表象建构表象扫描
【Key words】 visual imageeye movementsimage constructionimage scan