

【作者】 兰继军

【导师】 邹泓;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 第29届夏季奥林匹克运动会和第13届夏季残疾人奥运会将在北京举行。在北京奥运会筹备期间,社会各界对体育事业的关注和热情持续高涨。为深入了解大学生的锻炼行为、面对北京承办奥运会时的社会态度特点,为促进大学生心理和谐和形成积极的社会态度,以及促进社会态度及态度模型的理论发展,采用问卷测试、行为实验和认知电生理实验等研究方法,以大学生作为研究对象,以北京奥运会为特定背景,探索特定事件社会态度的结构及其特点,为丰富和发展态度的双重模型理论提供有力的证据。研究假设是大学生对北京奥运会的态度总体是积极的,但在某些领域存在着一些消极的态度;北京地区大学生对北京奥运会的态度比西安地区大学生的态度更积极;大学生对北京奥运会的态度和对残奥会的态度略有不同,且与其相关知识有关;大学生对北京奥运会的内隐态度与外显态度有分离现象;大学生对中国队在北京奥运会上的优势项目存在着刻板印象。通过对部分大学生的访谈、资料检索、专家咨询等工作,从调查中提取出大学生及专家对奥运会、残奥会、和谐心理观等的观点,并依据这些观点编制了问卷的基本条目。经过对420名大学生的测试,进行修订形成《北京奥运会社会态度问卷》、《北京残奥会社会态度问卷》和《和谐心理观问卷》。使用《北京奥运会和残奥会知识问卷》、《北京奥运会社会态度问卷》、《北京残奥会社会态度问卷》和《和谐心理观问卷》、《锻炼态度问卷》等对1009名大学生进行了问卷测试,其中来自西安地区的大学生有526人,来自北京地区的大学生有483人。问卷测试结果显示,北京地区大学生对北京奥运会的知识得分低于西安地区大学生,而对残奥会知识的得分则高于西安地区大学生。两地大学生对北京奥运会知识的了解都远远高于对残奥会知识的了解程度。在体育价值危机感、自身感受等维度上,北京大学生的得分显著高于西安地区的大学生,而在奥运期望、参与态度、民族素质危机感、消极态度等方面则显著低于西安地区的大学生。在残奥社会价值、残奥体育价值、接纳态度、人文精神、残奥同一性等维度上,西安大学生的得分显著高于北京地区的大学生。两地大学生的奥运会态度与和谐心理观都存在一定相关性,但具体表现有所不同;两地大学生的残奥会态度与和谐心理观也都存在一定相关性,但具体表现有所不同;两地大学生对北京奥运会的态度与对残奥会的态度之间也有一定相关性,但具体表现不同;两地大学生锻炼态度与对北京奥运会和残奥会态度之间也有一定的相关性。多元回归分析显示,影响两地大学生奥运期望、参与态度、残奥接纳态度和残奥同一性的因素不同,表现出一定的地区差异。实验一对75名大学生进行了内隐联想测验,要求被试按键反应确定某概念词是否与北京奥运会或残奥会有关,再要求被试按键反应,确定某属性词是积极的还是消极的,最后将奥运概念词与属性词随机配对并呈现,要求被试按键反应,并记录相应的反应时。实验一结果显示,在内隐联想测验之前,被试能够明确地区分北京奥运会和残奥会概念词的不同,也能够区分积极词和消极词的属性。在概念词与属性词配对后进行联想,结果显示被试对北京奥运会的积极选择要快于对残奥会的消极选择,表明被试对北京奥运会的内隐态度更积极。实验二采用启动刺激任务,分别以北京夏季奥运会和残奥会的图标作为启动刺激,短时间隔后随机呈现目标刺激,并要求被试尽快做出“积极”或“消极”的判断,记录反应时。实验二结果显示,不同的属性词在未启动条件下对被试的影响并不显著,但在启动条件下,被试对北京奥运会概念词所做的反应要快于对残奥会概念词的消极态度,表明被试对北京奥运会的态度更为积极。被试在不同启动条件下对北京奥运会和残奥会做积极或消极判断时的反应时有一定的差异,大学生对北京奥运会的积极反应存在着启动效应,而对残奥会的消极反应不受启动效应的影响。实验三对54名体育专业大学生进行纸笔测验,要求其评定中国代表团在北京奥运会上302个项目上取得好成绩的可能性。实验三结果显示大学生存在着对中国代表团奥运会项目的刻板印象,即对中国队在乒乓球、举重、射击、体操、跳水、羽毛球等大项上存在着优势刻板印象,而对拳击、帆船、游泳、自行车、田径、足球等项目上存在着劣势的刻板印象。实验四使用事件相关电位分析法对20名大学生进行关于中国队奥运会成绩刻板印象的实验。实验材料是依据实验三得到的优势项目和劣势项目各60项,随机呈现项目名称,之后出现成绩好和成绩差的评价语,要求被试确定是否赞同该评价,记录其行为反应和脑电数据。实验四中的行为数据结果显示,被试对中国队的劣势项目反应比对优势项目的反应更快。根据被试的刻板倾向进行分组,发现刻板倾向组比非刻板倾向组在评定优势项目和劣势项目时的反应更快。将刻板情景分为匹配句和不匹配句,结果发现匹配句情景下更容易产生刻板印象,而不匹配句情景下不会产生刻板印象。实验四的脑电数据结果显示,在需要被试进行是否匹配的词语刺激出现300-500ms内,出现比较明显的P300成分,之后在500-800ms出现正慢波。除了在P3点上,刻板组P300成分的波幅均低于非刻板组。除了P7点外,刻板组在匹配条件下的波幅都低于不匹配条件下的波幅。在匹配条件下,刻板组与非刻板组在中线和右半球的ERP波幅有显著性差异,刻板组在匹配与不匹配条件下,在中线和右半球的ERP波幅有显著性差异。根据研究结果,得出以下主要研究结论:大学生对北京奥运会的外显态度特点:大学生对北京奥运会、残奥会的态度结构具有多个子成分,大学生对北京奥运会的态度可以分为期望态度、危机意识和关注动机三个维度,对残奥会的态度可以分为残奥社会价值和残奥体育价值,接纳态度、人文精神和残奥同一性等五个维度。多数大学生对北京奥运会有着较高的关注。两地大学生对北京奥运会的态度总体上是积极的,但也存在着一些消极态度和危机意识,两地大学生都对北京奥运会举办中可能存在的风险和问题表示担忧,北京地区大学生更关注奥运会比赛本身存在的潜在危机;西安地区大学生更关注普通大众参与奥运会过程中的潜在问题。两地大学生对于残疾人奥运会了解程度较低,多数大学生对北京奥运会的关注度远远超过了对残奥会的关注。在对残奥会的态度上,西安地区大学生的积极态度高于北京地区大学生。当前北京、西安两地部分大学生锻炼习惯未形成,锻炼次数和每次锻炼时间都偏低,部分学生对奥运会的某些项目或程序不很了解,这在一定程度上影响了他们对奥运会的态度。个体的心理和谐状态与对北京奥运会的态度有一定关系。良好的适应性和积极的情绪有助于提高对北京奥运会的积极态度,促进个体积极参与奥运会的有关活动,也有助于改善个体对残奥会的接纳态度,促进人文精神的传播,并促进大众增进对残奥会社会价值和体育价值的理解。内隐联想实验结果表明被试对北京奥运会的内隐态度比对残奥会的态度更为积极。大学生对北京奥运会的态度存在着启动效应,在启动条件下,被试对北京奥运会的内隐态度要比对残奥会的内隐态度更积极;被试对北京奥运会的态度更容易受启动效应的影响,而对残奥会的态度则相对比较稳定。大学生被试对中国队在奥运会项目上存在着较明显的刻板印象,即对中国队在乒乓球、举重、射击、体操、跳水、羽毛球等大项上存在着优势刻板印象,而对拳击、帆船、游泳、自行车、田径、足球等项目上存在着劣势的刻板印象。大学生对中国队在奥运会比赛中的劣势项目所做出的反应更快;对中国队奥运会比赛成绩刻板印象倾向越强的大学生对优势或劣势项目所做出的反应也更快;在优势项目的匹配情景下,被试所做出的反应比劣势项目的匹配情景下做出的反应更快。脑电数据进一步支持了大学生在对中国在奥运会比赛项目的优势判断上存在一定刻板印象的结论;对中国队奥运会比赛成绩存在刻板印象的大学生,其P300波幅小于非刻板组;在匹配条件下,刻板组的P300波幅小于不匹配条件下的波幅;在本实验条件下,ERP波幅的高低反映了被试信息加工所需付出心理能量的差异。研究结果有助于通过大力宣传奥林匹克文化和精神,促进个体身心和谐发展,推动社会和谐进步等。

【Abstract】 The 29th Summer Olympic Games and the 13th summer Paralympics Games will be held in Beijing in 2008. The concerns and the enthusiasm of the citizens become booming.The aims of this research are to realize the character of exercise behavior and the social attitudes to the Beijing Olympics, and increase the mental harmony and positive attitudes, and make further about the attitudes theories. Some college students from Beijing and Xi’an were tested by the questionnaire developed by the researchers, and some of them attended the behavior experiments and neuro-cognitive experiments.The hypothesis are as follows: the attitudes of the college students to Beijing Olympics are positive with negative attitudes on some areas; the attitudes to Beijing Olympics of students from Beijing are more positive than those from Xi’an; there are some differences between the attitudes of the college students to the Beijing Olympics and the Beijing Paralympics; there are some difference between the explicit attitudes and implicit attitudes of the college students to the Beijing Olympics; the students have stereotypes on the advantage games of the Chinese delegation.Some students were investigated on the ideas about the Olympics, Paralympics and mental harmony, then some questions were kept as the items of the questionnaires. 420 college students were tested by these questionnaires, then revised these questionnaires according to the results. The final questionnaires are Social Attitudes Scale on the Beijing Olympic Games, Social Attitudes Scale on the Beijing Paralympics and Harmony Attitudes Scale.About 1009 college students, including 483 from three universities in Beijing and 526 from one university in Xi’an, were tested by the Social Attitudes Scale on the Beijing Olympic Games, Social Attitudes Scale on the Beijing Paralympics and Harmony Attitudes Scale.The results of the questionnaires show: the score of students from Beijing on the knowledge to the Beijing Olympics are lower than those of Xi’an, while on the knowledge to the Beijing Paralympics is on the contrary. The knowledge of both groups on the Beijing Olympics are higher than those on the Beijing Paralympics. The scores of the Beijing students on the Feeling on the Value of Sports and the Self Involvement Motivation are higher than those of the Xi’an students, while on the Expectation to the Beijing Olympics, the Attitudes on the Involvement, the Feeling on the Crisis about the Quality of the Citizen, the Negative Attitudes are on the contrary. The scores of the Xi’an students are higher than those of Beijing students on the Social Value of the Paralympics, the Sports Value of the Paralympics, the Acceptance to the Paralympics, the Humanistic Sprit, the Equality of the Paralympics.For both groups of the students, there are some correlation between the social attitudes to the Olympics and the mental harmony. And there are also some correlation between the social attitudes to the Paralympics and the mental harmony. There also some correlation between the social attitudes to the Beijing Olympics and the social to the Paralympics. There are some correlation between the social attitudes to the Beijing Olympics and the Paralympics.The results of multiple regression analysis shows that the factors are different that influence the Expectation to the Olympics, the Attitudes to Involvement, the Acceptance Attitudes to Paralympics, the Equality to the Paralympics. This shows there some difference between the students from difference cities.The experiment 1 is an Implicit Association Test, the subjects were 75 college students. In this experiment, the subjects were asked to reaction by press some key in the keyboard to recognize whether one word is belong to the Beijing Olympics or belong to the Beijing Paralympics, which are called concept words. Then they were asked to recognize whether a word is positive or negative word, which are called attributive words. At last, they were asked to reaction when the concept words and the attributive words presented together. The reaction time was recorded to measure the implicit attitudes.The results of the experiment I shows: before the Implicit Association Test, the subjects can discriminate the concept words about the Beijing Olympics and the Beijing Paralympics, as well as the attributive words. When the concept words were connected with the attributive words, the subjects reacted faster to the positive choose to the Beijing Olympics than the negative choose to the Paralympics. This shows that the implicit attitudes to the Beijing Olympics of the subjects were much more positive.The experiment II is a priming effects experiment. The subjects were the same as the experiment I. The icons about the Beijing Olympics and the icons about the Beijing Paralympics were used as the priming stimulus, and then the target stimulus appeared after a short stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA). The subjects were asked to react as soon as possible to recognize whether the word is positive or negative. The reaction time was recorded.The results of the experiment II shows: before the priming, there were no difference effects between the difference attributive words to the subjects. While in the priming condition, the subjects reacted much quickly to the concept words about the Beijing Olympics than those about the Paralympics, this shows that the attitudes of the subjects to the Beijing Olympics were much positive. There were some difference between the subject’s reaction to the positive concept words connected to the Beijing Olympics and the negative concept words connected to the Paralympics. There were priming effect on the positive reaction to the Beijing Olympics, while there is no priming effect on the negative reaction to the Paralympics.The experiment III is a pencil and paper tests, 54 college students majoring the Physical Education were asked to judge the possibilities to obtain excellent achievement of the Chinese sports delegation in the coming Beijing Olympics.The results of the experiment III shows: there were stereotypes of the students to the Chinese sports delegation in the Olympics. The students have advantage stereotypes to the sports such as Table Tennis, Weight-lifting, Shooting, Gymnastics, Diving, Badminton, etc. While they have disadvantage stereotypes to the sports such as Boxing, Sailing, Swimming, Cycling, Track and Field, Football, etc.The experiment IV is a study by the event-related potentials(ERPs). The subjects were 20 college students. The aim of this experiment is to explore the stereotypes to the achievement of the Chinese sports delegation in the Olympics Games. The stimulations were 60 advantage sports and 60 disadvantage sports which were evaluated by the subjects in the experiment III. The target is Excellent Achievement or Poor Achievement, which were used as the evaluating words and appeared randomly. The reaction time and the EEG data were recorded.The results of the behavior data of the experiment IV shows: The reactions of the subjects were quickly to the advantage sports than to the disadvantage sports. According to the stereotypes trends, the subjects were divided in two groups, that is, stereotypes group and non-stereotypes group. The reactions to advantage and disadvantage sports of the stereotypes group were faster than those of the non-stereotypes group. Then the stereotypes situations were divided into two groups, that is, matching situation and mismatching situation. The results show that the stereotypes appeared in the matching situation, while they didn’t appear in the mismatching situation.The results of the EEG data of the experiment IV shows: The P300 waves appeared in 300-500ms after the target words, and then the positive slow waves appeared in 500-800ms. Except on the P3, the wave P300 amplitudes of the stereotypes group were lower than those of the non-stereotypes group on the other electrodes. For the stereotypes group, the amplitudes under the matching condition were lower than the mismatching condition on all the electrodes except on the P7. In the matching condition, the wave amplitudes are different between the stereotypes and non-stereotypes groups in the middle scalp and right hemisphere. And for the stereotypes group, the wave amplitudes were different between the matching and mismatching conditions in the middle scalp and right hemisphere. The main conclusions:The research on the explicit attitudes shows that the attitudes toward Beijing Olympics are can be divided into several components. There are three main components for the attitudes to Beijing Olympics, including the Expectation Attitudes to the Beijing Olympics, the Feeling on the Crisis and the Motivation on the Concerns to the Beijing Olympics, etc. And there are five main components for the attitudes to Beijing Paralympics, including the Social Value of the Paralympics, the Sports Value of the Paralympics, the Acceptance to the Paralympics, the Humanistic Sprit, the Equality of the Paralympics, etc.Most of the college students concern the Beijing Olympics very much. Most of the students have positive attitudes to the Beijing Olympics, while some of the students still have Negative Attitudes and Feeling on the Crisis to the Beijing Olympics. There are some differences on the feeling of the crisis during the Olympics between the students from Beijing and Xi’an. The students from Beijing care much on the problems of the games, while the students from Xi’an care much on the problems of the citizens attending.The students from both cities know little about the Paralympics, most college students care much more on the Beijing Summer Olympics. The attitudes to the Paralympics of the students from Xi’an were positive than those from Beijing.Some of the college students have no exercise habit, the exercise times in a week and the hours once were not enough. Some of the students know little about the Games. All of these factors influence the attitudes to the Olympics.There are some correlation between the mental harmony and the attitudes to Beijing Olympics. The good adaptive and positive emotion can help raise the positive attitudes to the Beijing Olympics. The attending to the activities about the Olympics can help raise the positive and acceptance attitudes to the Paralympics.The Implicit Association Test can proof the implicit attitudes of the subjects to the Beijing Olympics are much positive than the implicit attitudes to the Paralympics. There are priming effects on the attitudes to the Beijing Olympics, while the attitudes to the Paralympics are more stable.There were stereotypes of the students to the Chinese sports delegation in the Olympics. The students have advantage stereotypes to the sports such as Table Tennis, Weight-lifting, Shooting, Gymnastics, Diving, Badminton, etc. While they have disadvantage stereotypes to the sports such as Boxing, Sailing, Swimming, Cycling, Track and Field, Football, etc.In the experiment, the students react to the disadvantage sports more quickly; the higher of the stereotypes to the Chinese sports delegation, the more quickly the reaction to the advantage or disadvantage sports; In the matching situation to the advantage sports, the reaction of the subjects are more quickly than the to the disadvantage sports.The EEG data supports the conclusion that the students have stereotypes on the advantage sports of the Chinese sports delegation; The wave P300 amplitudes of the stereotypes group are lower than the non-stereotypes group; For the stereotypes groups, the wave P300 amplitudes in the matching situation are lower than the mismatching situation; In this experiment, the level of the amplitudes reflects the psychological energy costing during the information processing.The results of the researches can help to publicize the ideas of Olympics, improve the mental harmony of the college students and other citizens, and also have the positive impact on the development of the harmonic society.
