

【作者】 刘缙

【导师】 陈峰;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 军事训练作为提高军队战斗力的重要途径,历来深受重视。宋代由于军事力量相对较弱,因此其军事训练也经常以“教阅不精”等语言形容。作为一个庞大帝国,其军事训练是否就一无是处?这一点恐怕很值得商榷。目前学术界对宋代军事训练的研究相对缺乏全面深入探讨,一般来说都是贬多褒少,因而对于宋代军事训练的开展情况与训练内容需要进行全面认识。笔者在前人研究的基础上,拟对宋代正规军军事训练进行探讨。第一章首先对宋代之前军事训练发展状况进行简介。军事训练从史前起源,至夏商西周时期初步形成以“蒐狩”为主要内容的训练体系,春秋战国之后,随着社会进步、战争形式的变化,旧有军事训练已经不能适应新时代战争的要求,经过当时众多兵家的共同努力,中国古代冷兵器时代军事训练理论体系初步建立,其影响长达数千年。第二章对宋代军事训练发展脉络及各时期的特征进行初步研究。宋初军事训练主要承袭中唐五代以来训练规制,前代尚武遗风犹在,一批经过五代乱世的优秀将领仍在军事领域发挥重要作用,加上宋太祖即为武人出身,此时期军事训练开展比较理想,宋军对外作战也相当辉煌。宋太宗之后随着“崇文抑武”国策的逐步推行,武将地位下降,素质也难以保证。尽管中央政府依然很重视军事训练,但由于在组训者一环出现较大问题,军事训练在具体实施过程中,已经出现下滑趋势。加上宋真宗时期宋辽澶渊之盟签订,军事训练渐渐被忽视,直至宋仁宗年间在宋夏战争中暴露无遗。经过了战争的惨痛教训,宋政府对军事训练进行了一系列改良,并对宋初以来相对合理的训练方法继续加以重视,加强法令、增加赏赐,改变不适合时代的训练措施。一系列训练措施使宋军战斗素质发生很大变化。宋神宗时期的整军活动以提高军队素质作为主要目标,军事训练作为重点突破口,不断对训练措施加以改良,推行“将兵法”等新政策。而训练内容则由于技术方面制约,从宋初至今并没有根本变化,只是更趋合理。宋神宗当政时军事训练的效果相当明显,宋军在数次对外作战的表现也比较出色。北宋末年宋徽宗集团的腐朽统治不可避免影响到军事训练,内地禁军训练几乎陷于停顿。西北地区由于对西夏作战需要,训练比较正常,军队素质相对较高,这部分军队也构成了北宋末、南宋初中央政府主要军事力量。南宋初年军事训练主要由各大将独立完成,经过战火洗礼,南宋优秀将领总结出许多因地制宜训练方法,而实战中的经验更是军事训练最难得经验。在内容上,南宋军事训练承袭北宋在军事训练中的侧重点,并以实际战争需要灵活改变。宋孝宗整顿武备的雄心对军事训练来说非常必要,灵活的训练措施,严格法纪,使南宋军队在宋孝宗的激励下训练情况相当不错,可惜没有经过实战检验。南宋后期的军事训练大概能够沿原有轨迹发展,因为连续不断战争迫使政府必须重视军训,而此时南宋军队中装备不少火器,这是一种能够引起军事训练革命的武器装备。此外南宋缘地定势,水军比较发达,水军训练也广受重视。第三章将对宋代步兵训练内容进行探讨。步兵在宋代军队中占有主体地位,以弓弩训练为重点,既有力量、又有准确性训练。而弓弩之外的其他兵器训练也依作用不同,训练力度均有不同。步兵队形训练历来很受重视,经过对旗鼓金等信号的熟悉,士兵才能在战场上做到整齐划一,保证队形严密,发挥集团作战优势。第四章将对宋代骑兵训练进行论述。宋代由于种种原因,骑兵建设一直不甚理想,骑兵所占比例较少,但是骑兵训练的内容依旧很丰富。十分注重骑兵的马上技术训练,各种武器的应用规制也很严格。但是宋代骑兵没有形成集团优势,战术地位主要是从属步兵之下,其战术训练也与步兵相差不大。第五章主要介绍宋代水军训练。两宋尤其是南宋水军相当发达,当时水军训练内容依旧以冷兵器为主,弓弩远距离攻击,枪刀近战。所练各种阵法也主要是陆军阵法的改进,但是水军在南宋晚期出现了部分火器,对此训练也相应作出改变。第六章探讨宋代协同作战训练。协同作战训练就是保证军队能在战斗中各兵种协同作战,发挥集团优势,取得胜利。两宋对此进行过相当多的研究,最终形成了“以步制骑”的训练特色。第七章将对宋代军事训练的特点以及不足进行论述。宋代军事训练基于宋代的政治、经济、军事技术和战略目的,形成了三个鲜明特点,在当时为保障国家安全产生了不错效果。但是宋弊端也同样突出,存在种种问题,很值得后世加以借鉴。

【Abstract】 It is one of modern military theory that the drill is most important method to improve combat effectiveness. Because Song’s army always lost battle, its drill suffered criticism from many scholars. As a big empire, whether the drill had little virtue in Song Dynasty, which it deserve study. At present time, there are short of deep exploration about song’s drill in academia, and more critical on this point. So it is necessary that comprehensive research of this contention. On the basis of former research, my thesis will divide four parts to probe the drill of regular troops and how to development in Song dynasty.In first part, it introduced the history of drill before the Song Dynasty. The original drill formed in prehistory, and had normalized in the period of pre Qin dynasty. From the Spring and Autumn to the Warring States Period, with the development of the military thought, the ancient military theory had elementary system.In second part, it probed the content, development and thoughts of Song’s drill. This part is the core of whole article. In Song dynasty the extent of drills fluctuated, because emperor’s attitude to the military affairs was different. For example, in period of Zhen Zong, the national policy that esteem civil mandarins and restrain military ones had been established, and the drill had been ignored by government. While in period of Shen Zong, the emperor regarded the drills as the emphasis of the army reform, and stressed that improving abilities of the forces was the aim of the drills.At the beginning of South Song, the drills were implemented by some generals who had gained experience in battles. So the drills during this time had been more effective. At later stage of South Song, the invention and use of powder weapons brought new items to the army, which was differ to the former time.In the third part, it mainly explored the matter of the drills in Song dynasty. The infantry constituted the principal part of troops, so these soldiers were mostly training object. And bows and crossbows were important weapons, which the strength and pinpoint had been well disciplined. The training of the cavalries was also necessary, for their main enemies were from northern grassland. Meanwhile studying tactics was the indispensable part of drills.In the fourth part, it will discuss the cavalry of Song. Because of complex reasons, the building of cavalry was not always satisfying. But the government had attached important to the training of cavalry. The content of training included skills on the horse, using weapons and so on.In the fifth part, it introduced the navy in Song dynasty. Song had advanced navy, especially in south Song for their geographical conditions. The contents of marines’ training included how to adapt the life in the warship and use various weapons.In the sixth part, it will probe into the discipline of phalanxes, which was also a part of the tactics education. The function of phalanxes were harmonizing manifold arms of services and exerting the advantage of a group. Song dynasty had done a lot of research on the phalanxes training, and finally the aim and characteristic of phalanxes training—"infantry overmatch cavalry" had come into being.In the seventh part, it will appraise drills of Song synthetically. The foundation of drills was politics, economy, military technique and strategy. In this course, three distinct characters had engendered, and brought satisfying effects on defending nation. But the shortcomings were also obvious, which deserved aftertime reference.It is indubitable that there were many disadvantages in the drills of Song dynasty. But its drills had strongpoint, otherwise the empire Song would have been in hundred years. So it is leitmotiv in my thesis that probed comprehensive drills of their regular troops and how to right review these.

【关键词】 宋代正规军军事训练
【Key words】 Song Dynastyregular troopsdrills