

【作者】 常新

【导师】 陈俊民;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 专门史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 李柏是明清之际关学的领军人物之一,他和李颙、李因笃并称“关中三李”。和李颙、李因笃相比较,李柏既不属于李颙式的醇儒,也不属于李因笃式的热衷于交游的士大夫。作为一个传统的儒家知识分子,儒家入世的思想、道家避世的思想、佛家超世的思想是李柏构建自己卓然独立、充满积极意义的文化人格的源泉,因此他是一个儒家的隐者,其思想是以儒为本,兼取佛道,三教合一的结果。作为明清易代之际众多遗民之一,李柏经历了社会的各种变迁,尤其满洲人入主中原,明清易代,他民族气节不改,使少年就有隐志的李柏更加远离政治。和其他所有的遗民一样,李柏已知现状无法改变,于是走上和统治者不合作的道路,他放浪山水,隐居求志,伤心国故,歌哭行吟。李柏虽属高隐之流,然其负才之志未灭,他认为高尚其志者,必须有坚贞的节操,李柏作为遁迹山林的隐者,经常面临饥饿和其他物质匮乏的威胁,但在精神上他追求孔颜之乐。在节操道德与贫富贵贱的关系上,李柏有自己深刻而独到的见解,他强调在时事艰难之时,高尚的情操应该弥坚。李柏对节气的重视,正是明清之际士人对晚明各种思潮进行反思和清初遗民思想进行凝炼的基础上所产生的,是对自晚明以来士气的颓废,人们对物欲的过分追逐趋势的一种批判。基于对明朝灭亡的历史反思,李柏对明代的文官制度进行了整体的痛斥,认为就是这种低效、腐败的吏治断送了明王朝的统治。李柏对忠奸问题持之甚严,对历史上忠贞不二的人物大加褒奖,对贰臣贼子大加鞭挞。基于对历史问题的探讨,李柏认为历史的进程是一个“治”、“乱”相循的过程,应该说李柏的这一思想具有辩证法的特点,但由于受到历史视野的局限,又由于身处乱世,李柏不可能看出历史是在循环中前进的这一事实,而是认为人类历史是“今不如昔”,因此在历史观上他逐渐滑向对原始上古社会的美化和向往。李柏虽居贫乡,隐匿山林,但其诗作在生前身后都受到人们赞誉,在诗歌的创作理论、诗歌的风格等方面,李柏都具有独到之处。李柏认为性情的自然流露,宣泄于山水草木,著之于文章诗句,这才是真文学。李柏认为文与质的统一、诗品与人品的统一是中国古典美学的传统思想,诗歌创作,作诗之人必选自有节气清操,方可作得。作为隐者高尚的情趣,就是要追求一种淡泊、高沽的逸情高韵。由于生活经历的坎坷,李柏的诗作在风格和题材上也呈现出多样性。在哲学方面,李柏从思辨的角度对宇宙起源和发展进行了探讨,他的这种对宇宙的思考同儒家的精神是相符的,他虽不能明确提出宇宙的来源和归宿,但他很彻底地排除了形而上的、先验的精神实体的存在,在认识论上是他所处时代的先行者。在个人修行方面,他恪守儒家传统,认为人人通过对自身的反省和道德的涵养,都可以达到成为圣人的目的,对于如何修持此心,传达至性,李柏认为是“持敬”的工夫使然,此“敬”涉及道德、事业、气节、文章,是万世不变的法则,修、齐、治、平皆由一“敬”字而得。

【Abstract】 Li Bai was one of the leaders of Guanxue during the trasitioal period of Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty . Li Bai,Li Yong and Li Yindu called "Guanzhong 3 Li". Compared with Li Yong and Li Yindu , Li Bai was neither a purely confucianists as Li Yong ,nor enthusiastic for making friends as Li Yindu. Living in such time, especially after Manzhou conquested the central regin of the Ming Dynasty ,Li Bai ran away from politics .As a traditional Confucian intellectual , he could not stay away from secular society .Li Bai’s thinking came from the enterprising sprint of Confucianism, stayed away from the secular of Taoism and was beyond seclusin of Buddhism.The demise of the Ming Dynasty made Li Bai miss the Ming Dynasty .Although he lived in the Qing Dynasty , he kept his national prides .He knew that the reality could not be changed, thoug he was not willing to cooperate with the rulers,living a life in seclusion .He often recalled the Ming Dynasty ,and was sad . Li Bai introspected the reason of the Ming Dynasty’s doom, He thought,that the civil service system of the Ming Dynasty was inefficient and corrupt. It was that civil service system that led to the demise of the Ming Dynasty .Li Bai sang high praise for the loyaltyand gave the monarch harsh criticism.In seclusion time, Li Bai had been strengthening his ethics.He often faced starvation .He was lack of substances, but he pursuited the spirit of Confucius and Yan Hui ,who was Confucius’s student. Li Bai advocated that man should have noble values in difficult condition.He criticized the intellectuals spirit of decadence of the late Ming Dynasty.They were perseveranced in the pursuit of material.Based on historical issues discussed ,Li Bai thought that the process of history showed a scene that the governace and mutual alternated .It should be said that his thinking is dialectical .For the limitation of his historical perspective, It is impossible fou him to realize that the cycle of the history-human history is making progress continuously. He thought that human history is inevitable. He gradually slided into longing for the original ancient community beautification.Although Li Bai habitated in remote village ,his poetry was praised in that time. The style of his poetry was diverse .He thought that the natural temperament in the landscape, the lines of article were real literature .The reunification of the form and the content of poetry,the reunification of the content and the character of the poet were the traditional Chinese classical aesthetic ideology.In the field of philosophy , Li Bai discussed the origin and the development of the univers from a speculative perspective. It was in line with the spirit of Confucian thinking about this question. He did not know the source of the universe clearly, but he lulled out the existence of metaphysical ,transcendental spirit completely .He was a forerunner in the field in his time.He abided by the Confucian tradition.He thought that everyone should reflect on his own moral and conservation , If everyone lived such a life, he or she should become a saint. Li Bai thought that the respectful was irrevocable, the personal cultivation,the family harmony,the country’s peace all come from this rule.
