

【作者】 胡炜霞

【导师】 吴成基;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 旅游业成为世界各国各地区普遍重视和关注的对象,在现代世界中扮演越来越重要的角色的重要原因之一是旅游业在现阶段对地方经济的贡献功勋卓著。中国旅游业发展三十年来,同样在经济建设上取得了巨大的成绩,但在旅游业三大效益,经济效益、社会效益和环境效益之间的发展并不是均衡的。随着旅游业的快速发展和城镇现代化的推近,旅游景区周边涌现出了许多与景区不协调的问题。与此同时,随着社会的进步、人们环保意识和生活水平的提高,旅游者对景区所处背景环境的要求和标准也在逐步提高,旅游者对景区的观赏已不仅仅局限于景区内,将景区作为一个孤立点对待,只把旅游资源圈起来进行封闭式开发、忽视周边环境与景区完整性的做法已不能适应游客越来越挑剔的目光,周边环境中存在的种种对景区的冲击,也威胁到景区的可持续性发展。社会主义和谐社会的构建需要旅游环境效益与经济效益的和谐发展,需要景区周边环境与景区的协调进步。在这种背景下,研究景区周边环境成为非常必要的课题。本文以促进周边环境与景区的协调,实现景区的可持续发展为目的,综合运用实地调查法、定性定量分析法、访谈法、比较分析法等方法,针对景区周边环境存在的现实问题,以景观生态学与和谐理论为理论基础,对景区周边环境的范围界定、协调度评价和整治措施进行了研究。本文主要在以下几个方面获得了一些新认识与结论:(1)本文初步探讨了景区周边环境的概念、内涵、特征、积极作用等理论问题,对景区周边环境的国内国外研究进程进展和经验教训进行了梳理。认为景区周边环境不是一块与旅游无关的副地带,其变化牵动着旅游者对景区的认知和评价,也关系着景区的科学发展,未来景区的竞争还是周边环境质量之间的较量。但目前对于景区周边环境的研究还非常薄弱,应引起旅游学界相关领域的重视。(2)本文对景观生态学与和谐理论的基本理论进行了描述,并就与景区周边环境与景区协调过程中相关的理论进行了重点分析。(3)基于旅游规划和管理的需要,本文认为景区周边环境存在一定的范围,可以通过一些方法进行界定。本文认为景区周边环境的定性界定可以根据与景区景观的相似外貌和由景区发展所带动的服务业的情况来判断边界的大致位置,也就是依据景观外貌与氛围异质性边界的出现来判断,定量界定可以采用以游客和居民两种主体的认知为依据的“影响拐点法”。(4)本文认为在对景区周边环境进行治理前,需要对景区周边环境进行协调度评价,以找出周边环境中存在的问题及矛盾。本文筛选了协调度模型,建立协调度评价体系,构建协调度评价量表。从实证及数据上表明,周边环境与景区不协调时,会影响游客的满意度及景区的经济效益。用事实说明了,现代旅游背景下,周边环境对于景区的重要作用。(5)周边环境要写入景区的规划中。景区周边环境的整治需要一个先期规划。(6)在景区的管理机构中,设立负责周边环境管理的专门组织。将周边环境对景区的干扰控制在一定范围内,需要使周边环境与景区在管理机制、管理职能上保持较好的协调性。从管理上来说,周边环境中产生形形色色问题的本质在于景区与周边环境的权属问题,周边环境属政府管,景区没有管理的权限。在对周边环境进行管理时,应该采取政府主导的模式,设立专门针对周边环境的管理部门,负责环境维护与秩序维持,避免周边环境中存在的分利时争相参与,出现问题需要解决却无人承担的滞后现象。(7)利益协调是周边环境管理机制得以顺利执行的保障,周边环境中的机构、社区、个人以及周边环境管理部门在治理工作中,付出了努力和代价,政府可以从景区综合旅游收入中拿出部分对其扶助、补贴、补助。(8)规范周边居民参与旅游的服务行为及活动。景区管理机构或周边环境的管理部门要改革社区参与机制和氛围,有计划地引导良好的参与行动,制定规范的参与制度。可以通过建立周边居民参与的专门机制或中介组织,提高对周边居民的利益补助,加强对周边居民的人文关怀,增强其对自身利益与景区效益整体性的统一认识等综合途径来实现。(9)城镇景区周边环境整治时,要注意与城镇形象结合,村落景区要防止在新农村建设中对周边环境的破坏,要注意与农业景观的结合,自然景区周边环境要维持地格原貌和自然景观原状。

【Abstract】 One of the important reasons why tourism has become the object which people care about around the world and country, played a more and more significant role in modern times, is it’s outstanding contribution to the local economic construction at present. The tourism in China has also got a tremendous achievement after thirty years’ progress, but the development among economic results, social effect and environmental effect is off balance, which makes up of three parts of tourism. Along with the rapid developing of tourism and city modemization, there are a lot of problems appearing in the setting of tourist attractions. At the same time, with society advancement, the tourists’ requirment and standard to the settings of tourist attactions are inceasing, whose visitings to tourist attractions are not limitted inside the attractions themselvs. The status of neglecting the setting of tourist attraction has cound not fit the desirement of tourists. The impacting on tourist attractions has intimidated the persistence development of tourist attractions. The study of the setting of tourist attaction is brought forward just from the above background. This paper puts forward the concept of tourist attraction, indicates the setting keep being closely related with tourist attraction, which should be a part of tourist attraction. Building the harmonious society of socialism requires the harmonious development existing between tourism environmental effect and economic results, requires the harmonious advancement between tourist attraction and it’s setting, Under this background, the study of tourist attraction becomes a very necessary question for discussion.The study is to realise the aim of promotting the harmony of tourist attraction and it’s setting, realise the sustainable development of tourist attraction. In accordance with the realistic probliems arising around tourist attraction and on the basis of Landscape Ecology and Harmony Theory, this paper is to offer the way of drawing boundary line of touist attraction setting, appraise the degree of harmony and put forward renovation measures through employing the method of field survey, qualitative and quantitative analysis, interviewing, comparative analysis.(1)The paper explores preliminaryly the theoretical issues about the setting of tourist attraction, such as their concept, connotation, charactristic and the positive role ,and so on. The paper thinks that the setting of tourist attraction is not a irrelevant vice strip to the tourism. The change of it not only influences the tourists’ cognition and evaluation to the Scenic Spots and tourist attactions, but also concerns the scientific development of it. In the future, the competition among the scenic spots and tourist attaction are based on the quality contest of the setting. But at prestent, the research about the setting is inadequate,and it should be paid more attention to by the Tourism academy.(2)The paper describes the basic theory of the Landscape Ecology and the HarmonyTheory, It focus on the analysis of the coordinated process of the setting and the touristattraction, the scienic spot.(3)The paper advocates that, based on the needs of the tourism planning and management,there is a certain range to the setting, which could be delimitated through somemethod..The qualitative definition of the surrounding environment can be judged by thesimilarity of appearance of the landscapeand the services driven by the development of tourist attractions, that means the judgement is based on the appearance of the landscape and the atmosphere of heterogeneous border.The quantitative definition Can be determined by "inflection point of impact"on the basis of two kind of main cognition of the tourists and residents.(4)The paper thinks that before the regulation to the setting of the scienic spot and tourist attraction, in order to find out the problems and contradictions of the setting, the coordination evaluation is necessary. This paper screens the coordination model , establishes the evaluation system of the coordination, constructs the coordination assessment scale.The empirical data disclosed that uncoordination between the setting and the tourist attraction will influnce the tourists’ satisfaction and the economic benefits.The facts show that the setting is important to the tourist attracton in front of the mordern tourism backgroud.(5)The setting must be written into the planning of a tourist attraction. the rectification of the setting and tourist attactions requires a forward planning.(6)In the management institutions of tourist attractons, the establishment of specialized organizations is necessary to be responsible for the management of the surrounding environment. Controlling the interference caused by setting to tourist attractions within a certain range, desires the setting and the tourist attraction keep better coordination in the aspects of mechanisms and managements. From the view of management, the essence of diverse problems in the setting of tourist attractions is the adscription one of tourist attractions’ setting, the scenic spot or the tourist attaction has no management authority to it’s setting. In the management of setting, government-led model should be taken, and specialized administrative structure should be established, which is responsible for maintaining order and preserving the environmental sanitation, to avoid the lag phenomenon that Favorable fighting and regardless of no benefit. (7) Coordination of interest is the ensurer that the management mechanism of setting has a smooth implementation. in the innovation work of tourist attraction setting, the institutions, communities, individuals, as well as the management department in the setting pay a price and put in a lot of hard work, so the government can draw a part from the integrated tourism revenues to show its assistance, subsidies, grants to the above stakeholders.(8) Conforming the residents when participating the acts of service and tourism activities to the unified standard. The management agency or department of tourists’ setting have to reform the management mechanism of community involvement and atmosphere, plan to guide good participating in the operation, and make rules and regulation. Which Can be realized through the ways of establishing the special mechanism or intermediary organization for the residents in tourist attraction’ setting, enhancing the interests allowance to the residents, strengthening the Humane Care to the residents and their awareness to the setting.(9) The innovation of the urban senic spots’ setting should pay more attention to combine the image of a city, and the innovation of the setting in vallages should prevent desrtuction of toutist attraction setting in the consrtuction of new rural areas and combine with agricuture landscape, and that of the natural tourist attraction’ setting should maintain the original appearance of the grid and the natural landscape status.
