

【作者】 吕辉

【导师】 马歌东;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 陆游是南宋中兴时期出现的一位诗歌大家,他的诗歌创作从思想与艺术上达到了一个高峰,而他的七言律诗,是其诗歌中尤为出彩的部分。本文拟就他的七言律诗,做一个相对全面系统的研究,全文共分为六个部分:论文的第一章着重讨论陆游七言律诗的诗歌内容。陆游现存的9000余首诗歌中,七言律诗占据三分之一。其内容分别为田园诗、山水诗、教育诗、读书诗、闲适诗和自我形象诗等六个部分。它们构成了一个统一的整体,从个人的思想、情感、意趣及对待生活的态度等等方面展示了一个多维的、全面的、立体的陆游。原来简单的被冠之以“爱国主义诗人”称号的陆游在其七律诗歌中也变得血肉丰满、活泼生动起来。论文的第二章考察了陆游七言律诗的语汇特色。从虚词、色彩词、叠音、地名和口语五个方面入手。陆游的七律运用了大量的虚词,为形成其细腻流畅又自然精致的语言风格起到重要作用。色彩词、叠音词和地名的大量运用,也使诗歌产生了多重情调和跌宕纵横之气势。丰富的口语词汇,为其七律诗歌打上了质朴、鲜活和纯真的底色。第三章论述了陆游七言律诗的结构特色。七律从唐代宫廷中诞生,最后成长为具有强大生命力的诗歌形式与其内在的结构规律不无关系。本章从开篇、结尾及章法三个方面分析了陆游七律的结构特色。他七律的开篇方式多种多样,不乏突兀而起,出手不凡之笔,但他却更喜欢采用渲染气氛式的开头方法。他七律的结尾则大多是直抒胸臆,无所窒碍,少有含蓄隽永之尾联,这大约也与陆游爽朗简单的个性有关。陆游七律的章法以“三部式”的结构布局为最多,最直接的原因就是陆游善用对仗。论文的第四章讨论了陆游七律的修辞运用。以比喻、典故和意象为主要着眼点逐一做了分析。陆游喜欢采用忠臣和侠客类型的典故入诗,他所用典故一般都是人们熟悉的。他注重情景与典故的高度契合,能运化典故浑融无迹。另外,七律篇幅有限制,不能像词或者古诗一样,用大手笔为历史人物营造一个广阔的活动空间来渲染情感,所以,陆游在近体诗中运用典故,多注重暗合人物的内心感受,期望引起读者深层次的情感共鸣。他的七律喜欢运用“萤”这种特殊的意象,“萤”不仅代表着微小的希望和不屈不挠的精神,陆游更是赋予了“萤”意象壮志难酬的悲愤内涵。陆游七律中的比喻,出现了非常多的“……似……,……如……”式的固定句式,虽然多有重复之处,却并不仿碍人对其精警之句的赞叹与欣赏。论文第五章着重论述了陆游七律的美学风格。将陆游七律与杜甫七律进行比较。从二人七律的创作数量、创作题材、创作的精神内涵、艺术技巧、篇章结构和风格等六个方面展开讨论。杜甫是第一位大力创作七律的诗人,而陆游的七言律诗数量为宋代之冠。杜甫151首七律,有深刻反映社会现实、揭示社会尖锐矛盾的激愤之作:有吊古伤今,借古抒怀之作;也有咏物、写景、酬唱、表现日常生活情事等等作品,囊括了现实生活中的方方面面。而陆游3000余首七律,则继承了杜甫的这种品格。在“子美集开诗世界”的基础上,更趋于深化与细化。杜甫首次将社会政治、历史人生引入七律中,陆游也在七律中熔铸了强烈的社会责任感和忧国忧民的激情。杜甫七律中的政治内涵具有多重指向,呈现出发射状模式。陆游却不同,他七律诗歌中的政治内涵则集中指向一端,即北伐复国。虽然也有少量关心民寞之作,但远不及对恢复事业的关注,所呈现出的是点对点的映射状态。此外,陆游七律在创作技巧之上也有多处向杜甫学习之处。而他模仿杜甫七律悲壮苍凉的作品,也因为特有的超然放旷和俊雅朗健表现出与杜甫不一样的气质来。在本章的第二节,通过对陆游诗学思想和七律诗歌的分析总结出陆游七律“豪”、“奇”、“健”、“清”的美学风格。论文第六章讨论了陆游七律的影响。他的七律无论在当时还是后世都产生了巨大的反响。其中上饶二泉、刘克庄、戴复古和钱谦益、查慎行等人更是喜欢学习与模仿。但后代诗人效法、摹仿陆游七律的多是其平淡清丽之作,喜欢陆游的对仗精工、喜欢他的遣词用句,语出自然,更喜欢他平易晓畅的诗风,而对其七律豪放一格,则少有承袭。

【Abstract】 Lu You is the Southern Song period a great poet, his Poetry from thinking and art has reached a peak, His Seven Poems is Poetry especially exciting part , This paper on his Seven Poems, Done a relatively comprehensive and systematic study, The text is divided into six parts:Papers focused on talk about the first chapter of the Poetry Lu Yu Seven Poems content, occupy one third of Seven Poems, in the 9,000 poems of lu you, occupy one third of Seven Poems, Its contents were idyllic, Landscape Poetry, education poetry, reading poetry, poetry and carefree self-image poetry make constitute a unified whole, From the individual’s ideological, emotional, treat life attitude, etc. showed a multi-dimensional, comprehensive, three-dimensional Lu You. Lu Yu was known as the "poet of patriotism." Seven Poems becoming full, lively and vivid.The paper of chapter II study Lu You Seven Poems characteristics of the vocabulary, From Empty Words, color words, overlapping word, places and oral. These five areas to study ,Seven Poems of Lu You use a lot of Empty Words, For a smooth and refined its exquisite natural language style play an important role, Extensive use of color words, the Permian syllable word and places, Poetry also had a multiple exotic aspect of momentum. Oral rich vocabulary, for the Seven Poems added a simple, fresh and pure background.The third chapter discusses Lu Yu Seven Poems the structure of characteristics, Finally poetry grow with great vitality of the form, with its internal structure to do with the law. From the beginning of the article, at the end of the article and rules three aspects of the structural characteristics analysis Lu You Seven Poems, He Seven Poems in the opening variety of ways very stright. Written choreographed to wonderful. However, he was more like the beginning of the article, by rendering the atmosphere approaches. He is generally in the Qilu Poems of end straight lyrical sense, no stifling, few of the end of the implicit Meaningful, perhaps about Lu Yu personality. Lu You Seven Poems of the art "3" for the structure and layout of the largest, most direct reason is that the use of antithesis.Chapter IV of the papers discussed the use of Lu Yu Seven Poems Rhetoric. By analogy, stories and images as the main focus of the analysis done by. Lu You prefer loyal and valiant types of allusions into poetry, He used allusions are generally familiar, He attached importance to the integration scenarios and stories, Allusions to use with no indication, In addition, the Qilu Poems space there is a restriction, not the same as the word or ancient poetry. Generous use of historical figures to create a vast space to express feelings, so, Lu Yu in the last poem of the use of allusions, People with more emphasis on feelings and expectations of readers of deep-seated emotional resonance, He’s Seven Poems like using "fireflies" such a special imagery, "Fireflies" not only represents a tiny hope and the indomitable of spirit, Lu You are given "fireflies" Image difficult aspiration of equal pay for equal grief connotation. Lu You Seven Poems in the analogy, there has been a lot of "......like......,............such as" fixed-Sentence. Although many of duplication, it does not hinder of the praise and appreciation its exquisite sentence.Papers Chapter V focuses on Lu You the Seven Poems,aesthetic style compared with Du Fu’s Seven Poems, From the number of creative art materials, the spirit of creative content, artistic skills, structure and style of chapter discussed the Seven Poems Du Fu is the first poet to create Seven Poems,in the song Lu You Seven Poems was highest one. Du Fu’s 151 Seven Poems are profoundly reflect social reality, revealed sharp social contradictions indignantly. Ancient today deplored a sigh, express feelings through ancient, Also praise, sketch, unpaid singing performance works daily violations, etc.Covers all aspects of life, Lu You more than 3,000 first Seven Poems, a succession of such character Du Fu, on the basis of Dufu, Tends to be more refined and deepened, Du Fu is the social, political, and historical life into the Seven Poems, In the Lu You Seven Poems have a strong sense of social responsibility and care for the fate of passion. Du Fu Seven Poems of the political content of a multi-point, showing a launch-mode. Lu You are different, he Seven Poems poetry in the political content of the concentrate , that is, the Northern Expedition recovery. Although a small amount of concern for the people. But far from the restoration of the cause of concern is that by showing a state of point-to-point mapping. In addition, Lu You Seven Poems on the creative skills to have multiple learning of the Du Fu, His imitation of Du Fu’s Seven Poems tragic desolation works, Because of the unique and elegant hearty and Du Fu’s not the same temperament,In Section II of this chapter, by Lu You Poetics thinking and the analysis poetry summed up Lu You Seven Poems "Uninhibited" and "surprising", "Glorious","-" aesthetic style.Chapter VI papers discussed the impact of Lu Yu Seven Poems, He’s Seven Poems whether at the time or later have had enormous repercussions,Shang raoerquan ,liu kezhuang ,dai fugu and qian quanyi, and others is like learning and imitation, But future generations of poets follow, imitate Lu You Qilu Poems is the more bland works like Lu You’s Antithesis beautiful, like his terms and sentence, natural language, the more he liked the poems accessibiltystyle and an uninhibited its Qilu Poems , the rare inherited

【关键词】 陆游七言律诗内容语汇结构修辞风格影响
【Key words】 QilvPoems contentvocabularyLu You rhetorical stylestructureimpact