

Research on the Land Usage Efficiency in the Chinese Urbanization Process

【作者】 汪德军

【导师】 林木西;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 国民经济学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 土地是人类赖以生存和发展的物质基础,土地资源的数量、质量和组合状态,对一个国家或地区的经济、政治实力及发展前景有着深刻的影响。近二十年来,随着人口的增长、经济的发展、我国的人地矛盾日益尖锐。人口和产业不断向城市聚集,办公、商业等各项活动在城市集中,在城市化发展中用地规模极度扩张的同时,城市内部土地利用效率低下,用地结构严重不合理。这些都造成城市土地资源的极大浪费,制约了我国社会经济的发展。城市化是指工业化过程中随着社会生产力的发展而引起的地域空间上城市数量的增加和城市规模的扩大,人口向城市集中,城市基础设施的改造与物质文化生活水平不断提高,逐步将部分农业用地变为城镇用地的过程。城市化的内涵主要体现在城市的发展壮大,人口由分散的农村向城市集中的社会进步过程。它包括城市人口增加,农村人口相对减少,城市人口在国家总人口中比例的不断提高;城市数量的增加和规模的扩大城市质量的不断提高;城市经济关系和生产方式的普及和扩大,农村逐步实现城市的生产方式和生活方式等方面。我国的城市化进程与世界其它国家相比,有着自身的特点。我国城市化水平滞后于工业化水平,城市化结构不平衡,城市土地开发基本呈外延平面式扩张趋势,忽视了内涵立体的综合开发利用。同时,城市建成区面积的增加快于城市人口的增加,且增长速度仍在加快,这就使建成区的土地利用率下降。如何在城市和乡村之间以及城市内部合理配置土地资源,确保土地资源的可持续利用,是我国在经济发展中所面临的重大课题。尽管相关部门已经注意到我国在城市化进程中提高土地利用效率的重要性,但仍存在许多问题,主要表现在:(1)城市建成区面积的增加快于人口的增加,而且其增长的趋势在加快。(2)城市用地结构与布局不合理。(3)城市用地集约度偏低。(4)城市面积扩张的随意性很大,缺乏必要的约束力,这在城乡一体化的行政体制下尤为严重,城市向郊区持续的“摊大饼”使大量的农田菜地被吞噬。(5)城市土地管理机制不完善,城市存量土地闲置严重。在我国快速发展的城市化进程中,对土地利用的效率问题进行研究,具有十分重要的意义:(1)城市土地资源的高效率利用问题是城市化过程中所必须重点考虑的问题。(2)对优化生产布局、调整产业结构有良好的促进作用。(3)土地资源的效率利用符合城市化的最终目标。(4)城市化是土地资源高效利用的必由之路。本论文对城市化进程中城市土地利用效率的研究从两个方面展开,一方面是从土地利用的相关管理体制角度;另一方面是从土地利用效率的数量化评价方法角度。本论文的主要内容如下:首先在第一章对国内外相关研究进行综述。第二章从定量评价的角度构建城市土地利用效率的评价指标体系,提出了由社会效益、经济效益和生态环境效益三个方面组成的综合测度指标体系。并运用Delphi法和AHP法提出了城市土地利用效率综合评价的具体步骤。第三章对中国城市化进程中的土地利用效率问题分析。本部分先分析我国城市化进程的特殊性以及城市化和土地利用之间的关系,而后对我国城市土地资源的利用机制和效率进行分析研究。提出我国城市化进程中土地资源利用中存在的问题,并分析这些问题的成因。第四章对发达国家和地区城市化进程中土地利用制度的比较与借鉴。本部分对美国、日本以及欧洲等发达国家城市化过程中土地利用制度的经验进行比较分析,包括城市土地供给调控模式、土地市场调控机制、土地用途管制制度、土地利用规划体系以及土地收益分配制度等方面各国的实施办法,从中提出我国可借鉴的经验。第五章对中国城市化进程中土地高效利用的政策研究。本部分借鉴国外土地管理制度的成功经验,结合我国社会体制和经济发展的现状,从城市土地供给调控管理问题、城市土地利用规划问题、土地产权制度与土地市场问题、土地收益分配机制问题以及有关税费征收问题等多个方面对中国城市土地资源的优化配置提出具有可操作性的指导性政策建议。本论文主要创新点是:(1)建立由社会效益、经济效益和生态环境效益三个方面组成的土地利用效率评价指标体系,并提出了德尔斐法和层次分析法相结合的土地利用效率评价方法和步骤。(2)从土地供给调控体系、城市土地利用规划体系、土地产权与土地市场制度、土地收益分配制度等多个方面对发达国家城市土地利用管理制度成功经验进行国际间比较分析,并提出值得借鉴的经验。(3)对我国城市化进程中土地利用的现状和效率进行分析,提出存在的问题,并对这些问题产生的成因进行深入的分析并提出相应的政策措施。并从城市土地供给储备问题、城市土地利用规划问题、土地产权制度与土地市场问题、土地收益分配机制问题等几个方面提出一定的具有指导意义的政策建议。本论文研究的不足主要表现在,虽然建立了土地利用效率评价的指标体系和方法,但由于时间和数据的获得有限,需要进一步展开深入的实际研究。

【Abstract】 Land is the material basis of human survival and development. The quantity, the quality and composition state of land resources affect the economic, the political strength and the development of a country or a region very much. Over the last 20 years, as population growth and economic development, the contradiction between Chinese people and Chinese land becomes acute. Population and industry congregate to urban continually. Some activities such as office and commerce mass in the cities. The usage scale of urban land increases fleetly. The usage efficient of urban land is very low in the same time. The configuration of land usage is unreasonable. All of this induces the overly wasting of land resources which hamper the development of Chinese social and economic.Urbanization is the increase in urban number in zone space and enlarges in the urban scale which reduces by the development of social productivity in the process of industrialization. The population masses to city. The transformation of urban basal establishment and living standard of material and cultural have been constantly improved. Part of agricultural land becomes urban land gradually. The connotation of urbanization embodies in the development and grandness of the cities and the process of population from the country which is dispersive comes to city which is concentrated.It includes the urban population increase and the rural population decreases in the same tine. The urban population percentage in the total population of nation expands continually. The urban number rises and the urban scale enlarge, so the urban quality improves continually. The urban economic relation and production mode was gain ground and extended. The urban production mode and live mode were realized urbanization gradually.Compared to the urbanization of other countries in the world, Chinese urbanization has its own characteristics. The level of urbanization in China lags the level of industrialization. Urbanization structural is imbalances. The development of urban land was in the mode of flat central expansion trend basically. The comprehensive development of connotation and solid were ignored. The increase of urban built area faster than the increase of its population in the same time, and the growth rate is still accelerating. It makes the utilization percentage of built-up areas of land decrease. So it’s an important task to allocate the land resources rationally between urban and rural areas, in the city, insure the durative usage of land resources. Although the importance of improve the efficiency of land usage was realized, there are still many problems, its follow:(1) The increase area fasts than the increase of urban population, and the growth trend is accelerating.(2) The structure and layout of urban land usage is irrational.(3) The concentrate level of urban land usage is low.(4) The expansion of the urban area is great arbitrariness and it lacks necessary restrict. It is very obvious in the executive system of urban and rural integration. The extensive from the city to the suburbs make large number of vegetable farmland disappeared.(5) The urban land management mechanism is imperfect. Urban land in stock idle seriously.It is very important to research the efficiency of land usage in the process of Chinese rapid development in the urbanization. The significances are following:(1) Efficient utilization of urban land resources must take into account greatly in the process of urbanization.(2) It will promote the optimizing production layout and the adjustment of industrial structure.(3) The high efficient usage of land resources is the ultimate goal of urbanization.(4) Urbanization is the only way of efficient usage of land resources.The efficiency of urban land usage in the process of urbanization was researched in the paper. The research includes two aspects. The research of one aspect is the management system of land usage. The research on the other aspect is the number of evaluation methods of land usage.The main contents of the paper are as follows.The actuality of national and abroad of the related study is introduced in the first chapter. The evaluation index system of the urban land efficiency usage from the perspective of quantitative evaluation was built in chapter II. The integrated measure index system which includes the benefits of social, economic and environmental was introduced. The detailed steps for comprehensive evaluation of urban land efficiency usage by the ways of Delphi and AHP was set up.The land usage efficiency in the Chinese urbanization process was researched in Chapter III. The uniqueness of Chinese urbanization process and the relation between urbanization and land usage were analyzed in first. Then the usage mechanism and efficiently of urban land resources were researched. The exist problems of land resources usage in the Chinese urbanization process were pointed out. And all of these problems were analyzed.The systems of urban land usage in developed countries and regions in the process of urbanization were compared and referenced in the fourth chapter. The experiences of the urban land usage system in the process urbanization of developed countries such as United States, Japan and Europe were compared and analyzed in the chapter. Its include the control model of urban land supply, land market regulation mechanism, land usage planning system, land usage and layout system and land benefit distribution system which can be use for reference by China.The policies of high efficiency usage of land resource in the process of Chinese urbanization were researched in chapter V. The successful abroad experiences on land management system were used for reference. According the actuality of Chinese social system and economical development, the instructional exercisable advice of optimized configure Chinese urban land resources were tabled from the problems of the control model of urban land supply, urban land usage planning system, land property right system, land benefit distribution system and land tax collection system.The main innovations in this paper are:(1) The evaluation index system of land usage efficiency which includes the benefits of social, economic and environmental was set up. And the methods and steps of land usage evaluation which integrate the ways of Delphi and AHP were pointed out.(2) The successful experiences of developed countries on urban land usage management were compared and analyzed from the problems of the control model of land supply, urban land usage planning system, land property right system, land market system, land benefit distribution system and etc. And the valuable experiences were pointed out.(3) The status and efficiency of Chinese urban land usage in the process of urbanization were researched. The existed problems were pointed out. And the corresponding policies and measures were indicated according to the deeply analyzing the cause of these problems. The instructional policy advice were pointed out according to the problems of the control model of land supply and repertory, urban land usage planning, land property right system, land market, land benefit distribution system and etc.Although the evaluation index system and method of land usage efficiency were set up, but because of fall short of the time and acquired data, the deep actual research is required.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期