

An Inquiry into the Becoming and Existing of Literature Significance

【作者】 杨兴玉

【导师】 高凯征;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 文艺学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 文学意义是文学理论的基本问题,也是当下研究的重要课题。本文将文学意义的生成与持存作为基本主题,其中文学意义的生成又是本文的论述重心。本文对此问题的求解,主要诉诸西方文学理论。学术界对西方理论的功利化态度,不利于研究的真正深入。鉴于西方理论大多有其哲学根基,本文选择了文学与哲学相结合的诗学研究。诗学研究的思路,直接体现于本文的论证结构。论文分六章展开:上篇三章重在追问文学意义的哲学根基,以论证意义诗学的基本规定性。下篇三章重在诗学图景中探讨文学意义,以论证文学意义的生成与持存。文学意义的哲学根基在于意义,因此,第一章对哲学史中的语言—意义问题作了系统追问。在古希腊,逻各斯学说奠定了意义学说的基础,自然论与约定论虽有分歧,仍同属实在论。在实在论之外,中世纪的唯名论开始重视语言本身。语言—意义在语言论转向中成为现代学术重心。在此“转向”中,分析哲学建立了严格的意义哲学,索绪尔语言学破解了语言—意义的任意性原理。“转向”中的解释学哲学在意义生成性问题上有重要突破,因此,第二章考察了其“生成”思想的希腊根基,从而对“意义生成”问题予以了多方揭橥。尽管生成在形而上学传统中长期被遮蔽,但前形而上学的希腊思想与后形而上学的现代哲学都蕴含着丰富的生成意蕴。希腊哲学中,赫拉克利特与亚理士多德分别以直观和逻辑实现了对生成的最高把握。现代哲学中,尼采以“隐喻”说、透视主义等揭示了意义的生成性,其思想根源又在于“永恒轮回说”。海德格尔的此在解释学、“语言言说”发展了意义的生成性,这种发展又呈现为一种境域生成性。意义哲学有待回归意义诗学,因此,第三章分析了意义与文学在范畴、学科和学派上的多维关联,并重点考察了学科层面的几种意义诗学与文学意义生成性的不同关联。通过回顾哲学根基与展望文学问题,提炼出了意义诗学的三种规定性,即整体性、生成性与境域性。由此完成了对上篇主题的论证。下篇首先借助意义诗学的规定性,经过改造雅各布森学说,构造了一种意义诗学图景。由此,从三个方面展开下篇论证,即作者意图论、接受阐释论和作品层面论。现代学术盛行“作者消亡论”,符号学和存在论都对作者予以了消解。整体性诉求使本文根本质疑此类观点。因此,第四章首先对消解之后的作者予以了重构。在作者意图论上,本文揭示了现代学术从经验意图向文本意图转向的基本特征,并结合语言论转向予以了诠释,解释了“生成性”对文本作者、文本读者的生成功能。由此,完成了对作者意图问题的理论求证。“作者消亡论”有助于凸现意义在接受中的生成性,但可能矫枉过正。因此,第五章首先提出了作者—读者的非对称性,非对称性有助于克服不适当的作者决定论或作者虚无论。进而,探讨了不同读者类型在理论研究中融通的可能。其次,对意义阐释的论证分内外两步进行。在外,论证了意义与情感的整体生成,由此克服了传统的二元分立。在内,对“阐释”问题展开了前提研究、个案研究与拓展研究,由此完成了意义阐释的诗学求证。其中,对海德格尔哲学、诗学思想与诗歌阐释的辨析作了严格辨析,揭示了文学阐释朝向理论和现实敞开的问题。由此,完成对文学阐释问题的诗学求证。文学意义开始于语义,又不止于语义。因此,第六章将现代西方学术中的层面理论作为主要对象。其中,经验论美学体现了“质料→形式”的生成特征。再现/表现被视为艺术作品的意义层面。在此问题上,分析美学取得了多方突破。其中,布洛克在再现/表现问题上的境域生成性思想,构成了尼采学说在艺术哲学中的现实发展。现象学美学在再现(呈现)/表现问题上同样有重要建树。通过对相关理论的解读,本文在作品层面实现了对文学意义生成—持存问题的学理求证。

【Abstract】 Literature significance is the basic issue of literary theory. Also, it is an essential subject within the contemporary research. This paper takes the becoming and existing of literature significance as its basic theme, whereas becoming is the key point. To inquire such a question, it mainly resorts to the western literary theories. Presently, the utilitarian attitude towards western theories might hamper any thorough researches. Since most western theories have their philosophical foundation, this paper has adopted the poetics research combining the literary theory and philosophy.The paradigm of poetics research directly decides the demonstration structure of this paper. It contains 6 chapters: The previous 3 chapters mean to pursue the philosophical foundation of literature significance, so as to demonstrate the basic attributes of significance poetics. The next 3 chapters mean to explore the literature significance among the poetics scheme, so as to demonstrate the becoming and existing of literature significance.The philosophical foundation of literature significance lies in meaning. Therefore, Chapter 1 inquires the problem of linguistic meaning among the philosophy history systematically. In the ancient Greece, the Logos doctrine laid the foundation for the theory of meaning. Although there is a disagreement between Physis and Nomos, they are both realism. In the mid-Ages, the nominalism other than the realism took to explore the language itself. Lastly, the linguistic turn began to focus on the linguistic meaning. In this“turn”, the analytic philosophy established the strict meaning philosophies, whereas Saussure found out the principle of arbitrariness of linguistic signs.The Hermeneutics among the“turn”made a major breakthrough on the issue of meaning-becoming. Therefore, Chapter 2 inspects the Greek foundation of the“becoming”thoughts, so as to explain the issue of meaning-becoming comprehensively. Despite the historical covering of“becoming”thoughts by the metaphysics tradition, the“becoming”thoughts might be found in the pre-metaphysical Greek thoughts and the post-metaphysical contemporary philosophies. In the Greek philosophy, Heraclitus and Aristotle mastered the“becoming”thoughts deeply by intuitive and logic methods respectively. In the contemporary times, Nietzsche revealed the becoming of meaning by his“metaphor”doctrine and perspectivism, which stems from his thoughts of“Eternal Return”. Heidegger developed the thoughts of meaning-becoming by his Dasein Hermeneutics and the thoughts of“sage-sagen”, which demonstrates the horizontalness of meaning.This paper should return from the meaning philosophies to the significance poetics. Thus, Chapter 3 analyses the multi relations between meaning and literature on the levels of category, discipline, and school of thought. Especially, the relation in discipline, i.e., the relation between various significance poetics and literature, has been debated thoroughly. By reviewing the related philosophical foundation and forecasting the literature questions, this paper has summarized three attributes of significance poetics, namely, wholeness, becoming, and horizontalness. Thus, the theme of the previous 3 chapters has been demonstrated.Next, in the perspectives of significance poetics, a scheme of significance poetics is constructed by improving the doctrine of R. Jakobson. Thus, the other 3 chapters would cover 3 aspects, i.e., the intention of authors, the interpretation by readers, and the textual-levels of literature works.The ideas of“author’s death”are very common in contemporary theories. The semiotics and the Heidegger thoughts both deconstructed the idea of“author”. However, the pursuit of wholeness in this paper leads to an objection of such views. Therefore, Chapter 4 re-constructs the deconstructed“author”. On the issue of author’s intention, it reveals the changing from empirical intention to textual intention among contemporary academics. Besides, it analyses the“changing”on the background of the linguistic turn. It also analyses how the“becoming”helps the empirical author to generate the textual author and textual reader. Thus, the problem of author’s intention has been explored.The ideas of author’s death might help highlight the becoming of significance in literature reception, but it might be over-done. Therefore, Chapter 5 first proposes the author-reader’s non-symmetry. The idea of non-symmetry can help to overcome the improper ideas of“author-decides-the meaning”or“author-dies”. Furthermore, this paper considers the possible conformation of various readers. Subsequently, the meaning interpretation is demonstrated externally and internally. Externally, the wholly becoming of emotion and meaning is verified, while the dual separation of emotion/ significance is overcome. Internally, the problem of“interpretation”is demonstrated by 3 steps, i.e., the inquiry of premise, the case study, and the extending research. The philosophy, poetics thoughts, and poetry analysis by Heidegger are discriminated strictly, so that the idea that literature interpretation should open to various theories and the reality is revealed. Thus, the problem of literature interpretation has been explored in poetics.The literature significance starts in the semantic issue, but it is not limited at the beginning point. Therefore, Chapter 6 focuses on the textual-level theories in cotemporary western theories. Among them, the empiricism esthetics has manifested“the material→eidos”principle. The representation/ expression, which are regarded as the significances of artistic works, have been developed by the analytic esthetics in many aspects. H. Blocker made remarkable progress on the issue, i.e., he developed a familiar idea to the Nietzsche theory in the artistic philosophy. Similarly, Phenomenology esthetics obtained great achievements in the representation/ expression theories as well. By debating the related theories, this paper has completed the verification of the becoming-existing of literature significance on the dimension of literature text.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 06期