

A Study on the Object-Type Evolvement of Classic Theoretical Thoughts of Western Urban Planning Since Nineteenth Centrury

【作者】 史舸

【导师】 吴志强;

【作者基本信息】 同济大学 , 城市规划, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 面对诸多全球层面、国家层面的外部问题,以及学科与职业整体、理论研究、历史研究三个层面的内部问题(附录A),中国城市规划界需要对西方城市规划经典理论思想客体类型的演变进行研究,总结其演变规律、借鉴其经验教训,以服务于中国当前与未来的城市规划研究、实践、教育。而四方面的因素使得这种研究具有了可能性:1)个性与共性(特殊与一般)的对立统一;2)无论中西方都面对着一些共同的法则和目标;3)中西方在发展阶段和语境要素方面所具有的类似性和可比性;4)沟通加强与技术进步带来的便利。当前中国城市规划历史研究、尤其是理论思想史研究领域内,较少有关历史哲学和研究方法的系统研究,为此,本研究按照从一般到特殊的逻辑,对城市规划历史哲学、思想史研究(客体类型及研究方法)两个层面的问题进行系统简述,以确立基于历史唯物主义的城市规划历史哲学、作为研究的前提假设,并初步确立拟采用的城市规划理论思想史研究视角与研究方法。在现有研究述评中:1)简要回顾了城市规划历史领域内现有不同客体类型研究的主要成果,以及不同客体类型历史研究成果作为城市规划理论思想史研究史料的适用性;2)总结了城市规划理论思想史研究在客体类型、研究方法方面存在的问题,后者又具体分为研究目的、史料范围及运用、分析方法、研究规范性这四个方面;3)归纳了现有城市规划理论思想类型划分的九种标准,以及这些类型划分所存在的问题和可借鉴之处;4)归纳了现有城市规划理论思想演变阶段划分的两种主要方法,即单一标准划分、综合(或混合)标准划分,以及各自存在的问题和可借鉴之处。在此基础上,试图建立一种历史与逻辑相结合、定性与定量并重的框架分析方法,以描述分析西方城市规划经典理论思想内容类型的演变过程、归纳其特征与规律:1)将人类有意识行为作为切入点,按照从一般行为到城市规划行为的逻辑,对一般行为的构成要素及其相互关系,以及城市规划认知与实践行为的特殊性进行分析(附录B),以此为基础,结合现有方法的可借鉴之处,提出基于行为构成分析的城市规划理论思想类型划分,作为西方城市规划理论思想客体类型演变的横向分析方法;2)通过对时间与时段性质的分析,认为演变阶段划分的本质是按照事物特定属性标准、对客观时间的主观类型划分,在对理论思想产生、传播、影响、消亡过程进行分析的基础上,将出现时间作为个体理论思想的时间定位点,并结合现有研究的可借鉴之处,提出历史与逻辑相结合的理论思想整体演变的纵向划分方法。研究素材方面,提出经典理论思想名录的本质是研究者在内外部各种因素的共同作用下、按照一定标准、在所有理论思想中进行选择的结果,并分析了在个体和局部研究中这种选择具有不可避免的主观性,在此基础上,提出减少这种主观性的选择方法,进而对按照此方法所选择出来的个体理论思想进行客体类型划分与时间定位。在完成研究方法与研究素材的准备之后,按照所构建的分析框架,描述和分析具体的演变过程、阶段划分,并归纳其演变特征与规律:1)按照客体类型对理论思想的演变过程、演变阶段特征进行描述分析;2)在对影响理论思想整体演变的内部逻辑因素、外部语境因素进行分析的基础上,进行内外因素之间关系的综合比较,提出西方城市规划经典理论思想的六个演变阶段;3)按照阶段对理论思想的分布特征进行描述分析;4)将理论思想按类型的演变特征、按时段的分布特征进行综合,归纳出在内外部因素共同作用影响下西方城市规划经典理论思想客体类型演变的“循环性+线性”规律;5)最后,提出一个简化理论模式来描述和解释西方城市规划理论思想的演变过程、以及演变的主要特征与规律。最后,总结了研究的主要结论、创新点、局限,并简要展望了下一步工作方向。

【Abstract】 Confronting many external problems both on global and national level, as well as the internal problems throughout the whole planning discipline, theoretical study and historical study (In Appendix A)., it is indispensable for Chinese planners to study the classic theoretical thoughts of western urban planning. While distilling the laws from the evolvement of these thoughts planners can take them as references for current and future study, practice and education. Four factors enable this kind of study: 1) the dialectic unification between individuality/ particularity and commonness/universality, 2) some universal laws and goals that China and the West are both confronting, 3) the contextual similarity and comparability between China and the West, 4) the facilitation by increasing intercommunion and progressing technology.In China, currently there is a lack of systematic study on philosophy/methodology of history in urban planning history as well as in the history of theoretical thoughts in urban planning. Therefore, following the logic from general history to urban planning history, the author systematically analyzed and summarized the philosophy of urban planning history as the presupposition, the object-type and methodology of history of theoretical thoughts in urban planning which will be use later.In the study review, the author: 1) Briefly went through the actuality of different types of urban planning history, and their feasibility as the historical materials of history of theoretical thoughts in urban planning; 2) Summarized the disadvantages in current history of theoretical thoughts of urban planning, from the aspects of object types and methodology; to be specific, the later can be divided into study purpose, scope and application of historical materials, methods and the standardization of the study; 3) Generalized nine current standards used to classify various theoretical thoughts of urban planning, and discussed the advantages and disadvantages of these standards; 4) Generalized two dominant methods used to periodize the evolvement of classic theoretical thoughts of urban planning: by single standard and by comprehensive/mixed standards; and discussed their advantages and disadvantages.On the basis above, the author tried to establish an analytic framework which combines history and logic and balance between qualitative/quantitative paradigms, to describe, analyze, and induce the features and laws of the object-type evolvement process of classic theoretical thoughts of western urban planning: 1) Taking the view of human conscious behavior, following the logic from general behavior to urban planning behavior, the author analyzed the elements of general behavior and their mutual relation, as well as the particularity of cognitive behavior and practice of urban planning (In Appendix B). Based on this analysis and along with the advantages of existing study, the author proposed a typology of theoretical thoughts of urban planning as the simultaneous method to study the evolvement of classic theoretical thoughts of western urban planning; 2) Based on the analysis of time and periods, the author argued that the nature of periodization is a subjective classification of time by certain attribute. Furthermore, along with the analysis on the process of theoretical thoughts from emergence, popularization, influence, declining to abandonment, the author proposed a method to locate individual theoretical thought into its chronological position, and along with the advantages of existing study, proposed a method, which combines history and logic to periodize the evolvement of theoretical thoughts of western urban planning.The author argued that the so-called classic theoretical thoughts are essentially the outcome of a selection which is under certain standards, impacted by internal/external factors and is inevitably subjective. Therefore, the author proposed a method used in individual and partial study to decrease the subjectivity, furthermore, classified and located the chosen items which are regarded as classic theoretical thoughts here into the analytic framework.After establishing the framework and method, the individual items were positioned into typological and chronological framework, which induced the description and analysis, generalization and explanation to specific evolvement process and laws: 1) According to object-types, described the evolvement process of classic theoretical thoughts and features in certain periods; 2) By analyzing and comparing the internal/logical factors with external/contextual factors, the author proposed six phases of evolvement of classic theoretical thoughts of western urban planning; 3) Described and analyzed the features of each phase; 4) By combining the features of typology and chronology, summarized four laws which represent the circular-linear evolvement of classic theoretical thoughts of western urban planning; 5) In conclusion, proposed an abstract formula to represent the four laws, to describe and explain the evolvement of classic theoretical thoughts of western urban planning and corresponding main features of each phase.Finally, the main conclusions, innovations and shortcomings were summarized, and the problems requiring further studies are discussed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 同济大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期