
基于Supply Hub的供应链库存协同控制

Inventory Collaboration and Control of Supply Chain Based on Supply Hub

【作者】 梅晚霞

【导师】 马士华;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 以供应链中Supply Hub的库存协同运作与控制为研究对象,综合运用管理学、运筹学、系统决策理论、优化建模方法,将理论研究与实例研究、定性分析与定量研究相结合,从多个角度比较全面系统地分析和研究了基于Supply Hub的供应驱动供应链的库存协同运作问题,并就一些具体的库存协同模型提出了相应的优化协调策略。首先,基于供应驱动的思想,分析了基于Supply Hub运作模式的库存协同运作的主要特征,描述了基于Supply Hub库存协同运作的框架模型。同时,介绍了技术执行层面的信息获得、技术支撑、以及利益共享机制等。最后指出了基于Supply Hub库存协同运作,具有降低供应链的安全库存及库存成本、减少供应不确定性、提高响应性和柔性等等优势。其次,供应链中存在两个基本的供应驱动供应链协同运作管理模式:Supply Hub运作管理模式和分布式VMI运作管理模式。基于此,采用risk pooling的原理分析了两种运作管理模式中,Supply Hub运作管理模式相对于分布式VMI运作管理模式给供应链所带来的优势特性。首先,在不考虑匹配性时,分析了采用Supply Hub运作管理模式与分布式VMI运作管理模式分别向下游供应产品时,由于pooling效应Supply Hub运作管理模式的安全库存和总库存成本相对较低。其次,当考虑不同零部件之间的匹配性时,证明了Supply Hub运作管理模式在库存方面仍然存在一定的优势:Supply Hub运作管理模式不但能够降低由于不同产品之间的匹配性而带来的缺货概率和缺货成本,而且当市场需求的分布满足一定的条件时,Supply Hub运作管理模式的总库存成本也要低于分布式VMI运作管理模式。再次,由于Supply Hub在库存协同方面存在成本及匹配性管理的优势,所以如何在现实运作中使得这些优势得以实现就很关键。因而对实施Supply Hub过程中,如何从众多潜在供应商中选择供应商的最优组合,以及所选择的供应商应该如何有效控制他们的库存等问题作了一定的探索。对于这些问题的解决,相应的建立了一个二层规划模型,并采用了一定的分析方法和数值算法对模型进行了求解。在此基础上,结合供应商之间的不同零部件的匹配性,给出了此时新的规划模型。最后,通过具体的数值,给出了算法的求解过程及分析结果,进一步验证了Supply Hub的聚集优势以及匹配供应的优势。最后,基于Supply Hub库存协同运作中存在的瓶颈供应商通过组织的优化或者人员的合理安排调配,可以在对其供应提前期进行压缩的同时不需要额外投资的现象,提出了新的具有分段可微特征的提前期压缩投资函数,构建了一个基于瓶颈供应商的(Q,r)库存协调模型。并在一定服务水平约束条件下,进一步利用成本函数分段可微的特性结合数学分析的理论将原问题分解为一个无约束问题和一个等式约束问题。理论分析及算例表明,可以通过合理的确定模型中的订货量、订货点、提前期加速因子等决策变量使得瓶颈供应商在服务水平得到一定提高的同时成本也得到优化。

【Abstract】 This thesis studies the inventory coordination problem in supply chain which is based on Supply-driven. Some optimal decisions were brought forward in different operational environment. The thesis combines theoretical analysis and empirical approaches in areas of management, operation research, system decision making, and optimization modeling while integrating qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. The main contents and conclusions are as follows:Firstly, the main characters of Supply Hub inventory collaboration were analyzed which is based on the concept of supply-driven. The inventory operation frame was described through some key bodys. At the mean time, the information of Supply Hub and its techno- support, the mechanism of revenue sharing were present. At last, the advantages of Supply Hub inventory collaboration were declared: decreasing the level of safety stocks and cost, reducing the uncertainty of supply, improving the responsiveness and server level of Supply Hub systems.Secondly, there are two essential collaborative operation modes which are based on supply-driven in supply chain: distributed VMI and Supply Hub. The advantage characters of Supply Hub to distributed VMI are analyzed through the risk pooling theory. Some conclusions are gotten in the end: Supply Hub, in the same way as risk pooling, can reduce the level of safety stocks and inventory cost thereby reducing inventory across the supply chain when we do not consider the matching of different parts or products. After matching was taked into account, we established an inventory model in supply chain of one product with two different parts. Two supply policies are bought forward for convenient analysis. Essentially, we show that the out of stock is also reduced by Supply Hub under usual conditions. While the holding cost and the total cost can only be lowered when the demand distributions are satisfied with some qualifications. At last, a simple example is included to highlight these results in a certain extent.Thirdly, it’s pivotal to fulfill the advantages of Supply Hub mode for it’s cost and matching advantages in inventory collaboration. This researches study how to choose optimal suppliers’ combination from many suppliers and how to control the suppliers’ inventory when we implement Supply Hub collaboration mode. A double-deck programming model was set up through analyzing. Some mathematical analysis means and numerical arithmetic were advanced for solving the double-deck programming model. At the same time, another programming model was brought forward when the matching of different suppliers’ items was thinking about. The analytical and numerical solution was gotten through giving some practical examples. The conclusions validate farther the cost and matching advantages of Supply Hub mode.Lastly, the responsiveness of Supply Hub depends on the supply lead time of bottleneck supplier. A new lead time reduction cost function with characteristics of subsection derivative was put forward because investments were not necessary when we integrated efficiently organizations and personnel of bottleneck supplier. A (Q, r) inventory model with service level constraint was discussed and some coordination policies were gotten. By applying some means of optimization theory, the problem was decomposed into two problems: one problem without constraint and the other with equation constraint. Theoretic analysis and numerical study show that: service level and responsiveness of bottleneck supplier can be improved prominently and the total cost can be minimized synchronously after confirming the order quantity, the reorder point and the lead time expediting factor.

  • 【分类号】F224;F253.4
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1235
  • 攻读期成果