

The Western China Capital Cities Landscape Characteristic Aesthetic Structure

【作者】 段义猛

【导师】 余柏椿;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文为国家自然科学基金(项目批准号:50578069)的实证研究之一,应用“城市景观特色审美结构”理论对我国西部省会城市景观特色类型构成关系进行系统研究。目前对城市景观特色的研究都比较重视具体某城市的个案研究,而缺乏从区域的角度对审美对象群体进行系统研究,本文从我国西部区域范围视野出发,综合考虑各个城市的地域性特征,避免了只考虑单一城市景观特色易造成景观特色定位雷同的研究方式。本文应用美学、审美心理学等相关学科理论,通过对西部省会城市各景观类型的比较分析,归纳出具有突出审美特征的城市景观特色类型,组合形成逻辑并行的特色类型关系与方式,即城市景观特色审美结构,分别建构了西部省会城市单要素景观特色审美结构和整体景观特色审美结构。在全文研究过程中,以影响城市景观特色的地域性特征(自然条件、历史人文)为主线进行。论文前半部分是基础理论的研究,主要介绍了城市景观特色审美结构理论相关概念及其体系,并分析了影响城市景观特色的普遍性因素和影响西部省会城市景观特色的特殊性因素。城市景观特色类型是各类景观所具特色的类型,包括特征(外显)特色的景观类型以及具有性能(内质)特色的景观类型。城市景观特色审美结构就是由不同的城市景观特色类型构成的特定关系或方式,也即具有突出审美特征的城市景观类型的构成关系与方式,这些不同的城市特色类型构成的特定关系或方式就是城市特色审美结构的存在形态。西部省会城市景观形成的特殊性因素包括地理特征、气候特征等自然环境因素,多民族地区、宗教信仰、悠久的历史文化、多元文化交融等社会人文因素,以及抗日战争和革命战争特殊时期、西部大开发特殊政策等因素。论文后半部分是全文的核心,分别建构了西部省会城市单要素景观特色审美结构和整体景观特色审美结构。城市单要素景观特色审美结构是以城市某一种类型的景观而建构的特色结构,如城市建筑景观特色审美结构。第四、五章分析了西部省会城市水体景观、山体景观、建筑景观、植物景观、城市公共空间景观的景观审美特征,然后再进行审美比较后,研究总结出西部省会城市的景观特色类型,并建构了西部省会城市单要素景观特色审美结构。第六章建构了西部省会城市整体景观特色审美结构。城市整体景观特色审美结构是以城市整体景观特色类型构成的特色结构。城市整体景观特色类型可以是单要素,也可以是多要素的集合。本章首先归纳总结了西部省会城市景观特色类型,包括民族文化特色类型、古都风貌特色类型、自然风貌特色类型、地区文化特色类型。然后对西部省会各个城市整体景观特色进行分析,选择最能够代表该城市的景观特色要素,作为该城市整体景观特色类型的代表,然后建构了城市整体景观特色审美结构。并指出西安、拉萨、昆明为现状西部地区的核心景观特色城市。论文最后一章对未来西部省会城市景观特色的塑造提出建议和演化定位设想,并对后续研究进行展望。

【Abstract】 As one of the empirical studies of the National Natural Science Foundation(The approval number for the project is 50578069), the dissertation aims to conduct a systematic study concerning the urban landscape characteristics types and their structural relationship in the capital cities in western China from a regional perspective by applying the theory of urban landscape aesthetic characteristics structure. The current studies on landscape characteristics mainly centers on case study of certain cities rather than the on group study of the objects from a systematic and regional perspective. However, the dissertation, from a western regional perspective, comprehensively takes the regional characteristics of the cities into consideration, thus avoiding the stereotyped study of different urban landscape characteristics by only taking into account the urban landscape characteristics of certain cities. The dissertation, by applying the relevant theories in aesthetics and aesthetic psychology and comparing and analyzing the urban landscape types, summarizes the major urban landscape types featuring prominent landscape characteristics. Thus, the dissertation develops the typical landscape features with reasonable logic, namely, the urban landscape characteristics aesthetic structure and it constructs the single element landscape characteristics aesthetic structure and panoramic landscape characteristics aesthetic structure respectively for China’s western cities.In the study, the dissertation takes the regional characteristics (natural condition, history and humanity) affecting the urban landscape as the masterstroke. The first parts of the dissertation is devoted to the fundamental theoretic studies, introducing the relevant concepts and systems concerning urban landscape characteristics aesthetics, analyzing the various universal factors affecting urban landscape and the particular factors affecting the shaping of urban landscape in China’s western cities. The particular factors that contributes to the urban landscape in China’s western cities include the following: natural conditions involving geographical features and climatic features, social and human factors including multi-ethnic and multi-regional beliefs, long history and the assimilation and integration of various cultures and also the special periods such as the anti-Japanese aggression war and China’s civil war and the special policy of grand western development. The latter part constitutes the major core of this dissertation, developing the single element landscape characteristics aesthetic structure and the panoramic landscape characteristics structure respectively. The single element landscape characteristics structure refers to the characteristics structure constructed with the certain landscape as the main line or mainstream of the structure. Chapter 4 and chapter 5 mainly centers on the analysis of the aesthetic features of urban water landscape, mountain landscape, plant landscape, architectural landscape and urban public space landscape. And then after aesthetic comparison, it goes on to summarize the main landscape characteristics types of China’s western capital cities and it develops the single element landscape characteristics aesthetic structure. Chapter 6 is devoted to the development of panoramic landscape characteristics aesthetics structure in China’s western capital cities. The chapter first summarizes the landscape characteristic types in China’s western capital cities, and then compares and analyzes the overall landscape characteristics in China’s western capital cities and selects the most striking representative features and then summarizes the panoramic landscape characteristics aesthetic structure. Meanwhile the author selects Xian, Lhasa and Kunming as the core landscape cities in the present western China. The last chapter puts forward some suggestions for the shaping and evolving of future landscape characteristics for China’s western capital cities in the hope of shedding some light on further studies.
