

Research on the Patent Protection and Application of Business Method Innovation of Banking Industy

【作者】 温英杰

【导师】 余翔;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 商业方法专利是近几年来知识产权理论界和实务界关注的热点问题之一。商业方法从不可以得到专利保护到可以取得专利保护,在这样的一个转变过程中,其中的一个关键就是关于商业方法的创新。本文就是从商业方法创新出发,去研究商业方法专利问题,并结合银行业对研究主题进行实证分析。首先,从世界贸易的发展和信息革命的进步,阐述了商业方法的产生与发展,然后对商业方法、商业方法创新和商业方法专利以及其它与银行业商业方法有关的概念进行界定和辨析。从产业经济学理论、制度经济学理论、技术创新理论和金融创新理论等方面论述了商业方法创新的理论基础。从专利制度理论和国内外对于银行商业方法专利的研究分析了银行业商业方法专利的研究现状。论文分析了银行业商业方法创新的内容和技术,从而归纳出银行业进行商业方法创新的信息技术发展背景。从金融市场的非中介化、商业银行之间的竞争压力和信息产业和其它行业对银行业的渗透等三个方面去阐述了银行业进行商业方法创新的动因。并在给出货币形态和银行的变革两个实证分析的同时,也研究了商业方法创新对经营活动带来的影响。其次,在研究专利制度对于创新保护绩效的基础上,研究了商业方法专利制度的演变以及银行业商业方法专利的经济意义。从判例和立法两个角度对商业方法专利在USPTO、EPO和JPO的演变发展历程进行了详尽和全面的研究。通过对美国商业方法相关的判例的研究可以发现,自从20世纪90年代末,SSB案和AT&T两个判例之后,商业方法和软件都具有可专利性,只要它能产生“有用、具体和有形的效果”。相对于美国和日本,欧洲对发明的理解是其中必须包含有技术的特征。与美国和欧洲的司法实践相比,日本法院并没有太多与商业方法相关的判例。计算机相关发明的专利审查指南提供了可专利的标准,并且日本软件专利的司法实践首要取决于审查指南。相关的审查指南都已经随着计算机硬件和软件的技术发展而发生变化。因此本文在研究日本的商业方法的可专利性时,把重心放在其审查指南的有关规定及其修改的不断演进上。论文还对中国的商业方法专利的有关立法进行了概述,并且认为,“技术”是判断可专利性的核心,它包括“在某个技术领域”、“技术人员”、“采用技术手段”、“解决技术问题”、“产生技术效果”、“具有技术特征”以及“技术方案”等多方面。再次,检索了美国、日本、欧洲和中国银行业的商业方法专利,并在分析专利情报和专利地图相关理论的基础上,对检索结果进行了深入的研究。并且认为,中国银行业专利保护意识整体上有相当程度的提高;内资银行专利管理有所改善;内资银行专利结构只有量上的优势,却缺乏质的保证;内资银行的商业方法创新及其专利保护还有待继续提高;外资银行掌握更多商业方法技术领域的核心专利;中国银行业创新能力和创新速度有待进一步提高;美、英、日、韩等国家的银行企业在技术领域内构成竞争威协。最后,从宏观政策和行业发展两方面分析中国内资银行商业方法创新和专利保护的基础上,对内资银行进行商业方法创新和商业方法专利管理的对策进行了分析。从机制、产品实现和中间业务等三个方面论述了内资银行商业方法创新的微观策略。研究了商业方法创新视野下中国内资银行科技管理战略和科技发展战略以及内资银行商业方法创新策略。从加强银行业商业方法创新及其专利保护意识、提高专利管理水平并实施专利发展战略、有效利用专利文献、建立健全相应的组织机构和人民银行和银监局应当发挥作用等五个大方面详尽探析了内资银行的专利管理策略。

【Abstract】 Business method patents is one of controversial problems in the field of intellectual property.The business method patents experience a transformation from unpatentable to patentable, and the key in the changing course is the innovation about the business method.This paper studies the business method patents from the innovation of business method and makes a empirical analysis combining with the banking industry.First, this paper discusses the development of business method patents from the development of world trade and the information revolution progress; defines the business methods, business methods innovation, and other related to the banking business methods; discusses theoretical basis of the business methods patents from the Industrial Economics theory,System Economics theory, technology innovation theory and the finance innovation theory;researches the status quo of the banking business method patents from the patent system theory and the studies of the banking business method patents from domestic and overseas.This paper analyses the content and technology of the banking business method innovation, and sums up the IT-developing background of the banking business method innovation. Then expatiate the motivation of the banking business method innovation from the three aspects such as non-mediatation of finance marker, competitive pressure among the commercial banks and the IT industry’s inbreak to the banking business. And the paper gives the two demonstration analyse about the changing of the currency form and the banks, the impact of the business innovation to the management is also investigated.Secondly, This paper studies the evolvement of the banking business method patent system and the economic sense of the business method patents based on the research on the performance of the patent system to the innovation protect. The paper makes a detailed and comprehensive study on evolution course of the business method patents in the USPTO, EPO and JPO from the perspective of cases and legislative. What could be found from the study on the cases related to the business method in USPTO,after the two case of SSB and AT & T since the late 1990s, both the business method and the software could be patentable as long as it can produce "useful, concrete and tangible result";Comparing to the United States and Japan, the inventions in the EPO must include technical features. Comparing to the judicial practice in the United States and Europe,the Japanese have not happened any case about the business method patents.Instead, the guidelines for the computer-related patents provides the patentable standard, besides, the judicial practice of software patent in Japan depends on the guidelines. All the guidelines have been changed with the technology development of computer hardware and software, and so,in the research of the business method patents in Japan, this paper would focus on its guidelines amend the evolving course and the main amending contend.This paper also outlines the legislation about the business method patents in China, and finds that "technical" is the core to the patentable judgment, the inventions must include many aspects such as"in a technical field"and"a person in the technical field", "using technical means","solving technical problems", "have a technical effect"and"with technical characteristics".Thirdly, as the empirical research, this paper searches the business method patents in banking industry in USPTO, JPO, EPO and SIPO; and make a depth study on the search result basing on the analysis of patent information and the patent maps; and make some conclusion of that, the patent protection awareness of the overall banking in china have increased to some extend; the patent management of the domestic bank have improved than before;the patent structure of the domestic bank have the advantage only on the amount, and lack the assurance of quality; the ability and the speed of the banking innovation in China needs to be further enhance; the overseas banks have more core patent in the field of business method technology; the banks from United States, Britain, Japan, South Korea would pose threat in the field of business method patent technology.Finally, This paper studies the countermeasures of the business method innovation and the patent management of the domestic banking based on the analyse from both the macro-policy and the industry developing condition. This paper exposes the micro-strategy of the business method innovation to the domestic banks from the three aspects of mechanisms, service products and the intermediate business; researches the strategy for the technology management, technology development and the business innovation of the domestic banks; make a detail research on the patent management strategy for the domestic banks from the five aspects, such as strengthening the business method innovation and the patent protection awareness of domestic banks; improving the patent management level and carrying out the patent development strategy; using the patent documents effectively; establishing corresponding organizations and so on.

【关键词】 银行业商业方法创新专利管理战略
【Key words】 Banking IndustryBusiness MethodInnovationPatentManagementStrategy
  • 【分类号】F830.33;F204
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】888
  • 攻读期成果