

A Study of Mechanism on the Relationship between Leadership Style and Organizational Innovation

【作者】 毛忞歆

【导师】 龙立荣;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 组织创新是一个团队或组织为了适应内外部环境的变化而采取的措施,比如采纳一种新的思想、引入一种新产品、一项新服务、一个新技术,或是一种新的管理策略。按照双核心理论,组织创新可以分为管理创新和技术创新。在影响组织创新的诸多因素中,三个非常重要的变量就是:组织内的领导风格、组织创新气氛和组织变革。自从20世纪70年代末变革型领导风格的提出,对变革型领导及其有效性的研究就成了领导研究领域的热点。国内在最近几年也开始关注变革型领导的有效性,但是很多研究忽略了与其对应的交易型领导、放任型领导的影响作用。组织创新气氛为组织创新创造和强化了支持创新的环境,国内这方面的研究还处于探索阶段,而且组织创新气氛对领导风格与组织创新的中介作用还需要进一步研究。组织变革是促进组织创新的背景变量,从组织变革内容、幅度、速度三方面来衡量组织变革的强弱程度,并研究它对领导风格与组织创新的调节作用。本研究在对文献总结和访谈的基础上,提出相关假设,通过实证研究验证在中国组织变革的情境下,不同性质、不同规模、不同效益企业中的变革型领导风格、交易型领导风格及放任型领导风格对组织创新产生的影响及其作用机制。本研究从全国各地调查了120家组织,最后获取了108家有效的组织样本,577份有效的调查问卷。以SPSS13.0和LISREL8.30作为统计软件工具,通过方差分析、层级回归模型和结构方程模型等分析方法检验了研究假设。通过数据分析,得出了如下的研究结论:(1)变革型领导对组织创新气氛、管理创新和技术创新等均有显著的正向影响。(2)交易型领导对组织创新气氛、管理创新和技术创新等均有显著的正向影响。(3)组织创新气氛对管理创新和技术创新都有显著的正向影响,对管理创新的影响从大到小依次为:支持创新、任务导向、参与安全性、互动频率、愿景;对技术创新的影响从大到小依次为:参与安全性、支持创新、互动频率、任务导向。(4)组织创新气氛对变革型领导与管理创新、技术创新的关系起部分中介作用;组织创新气氛对交易型领导与管理创新、技术创新的关系起部分中介作用;组织创新气氛对放任型领导与管理创新、技术创新的关系起完全中介作用。(5)组织变革幅度对变革型领导与管理创新有调节作用;组织变革内容对变革型领导与技术创新有调节作用;组织变革内容对交易型领导与管理创新有调节作用;组织变革速度对交易型领导与技术创新有调节作用;组织变革对放任型领导与组织创新没有调节作用。(6)不同性质、规模、效益的组织在管理创新、技术创新及组织创新气氛方面有显著的差异。中外合资企业在技术创新上显著高于国有企业、民营企业、外资企业和事业单位。组织规模越小,越有利于管理创新和组织创新气氛的形成。效益中等及以上的组织管理创新、技术创新和组织创新气氛显著高于效益较差、效益很差的组织。不同职位、学历的个体对管理创新、技术创新和组织创新气氛的认知有显著差异。基层员工及基层管理者对组织创新气氛、组织创新的评价都显著低于中高层管理者的评价。高中以下学历的员工、中专或高中学历的员工在对组织创新气氛的感知上显著高于大专学历、本科学历、硕士及以上学历的员工。最后,对研究结论进行总结,提出了相应的管理对策,并针对本研究的局限性提出了后续研究的方向。

【Abstract】 Organizational innovation is defined as adopting a new idea, implementing a new product, service, technology or management strategy by a team or organization to be seasoned with environmental change inside and outside. Based on the dual-core theory of innovation, organizational innovation is categorized into technical innovation and administrative innovation. Leadership style, organizational climate for innovation and organizational change inside organization are considered as three main factors that affect organizational innovation. Since transformational leadership was presented at the end of 1970s, the researches on transformational leadership and its effectiveness has been the topic of leadership study area. The effectiveness of transformational leadership has been researched in China in the last several years, while less researches on transactional leadership and laissez-faire leadership. The domestic study on organizational climate for innovation is still being explored, but much less evidence has been showed on it as the mediator of the mechanism that leadership styles affect organizational innovation. As an important context variable of organizational innovation, organizational change should be researched whether moderate the relationship between leadership styles and organizational innovation.Based on literature review and interview, some relevant research hypothesis were put forward and validated through empirical study. That is whether transformational leadership, transactional leadership and laissez-faire leadership have different effect and mechanism from different type and size organizations in the context of Chinese organizational change.There were 120 organizations selected from city of China, and 108 valid organization samples including 577 valid questionnaires were made certain. The statistical tool SPSS13.0 and LISREL8.30 was used to examine the hypothesis by analysis of variances, hierarchy regression model and structure equation model.The main conclusions are as follows.(1) Transformational leadership has significant positive effect on organizational climate for innovation, administrative innovation and technical innovation.(2) Transactional leadership has significant positive effect on organizational climate for innovation, administrative innovation and technical innovation.(3) Organizational climate for innovation has significant positive effect on administrative innovation and technical innovation. The significance of each dimension on administrative innovation was sorted as support for innovation, task orientation, participative safety, frequency and vision. While the significance on technical innovation was sorted as participative safety, support for innovation, frequency and task orientation.(4) Organizational climate for innovation partially mediates the effect of transformational leadership on administrative innovation and technical innovation. Organizational climate for innovation plays part mediating role between transactional leadership on administrative innovation or technical innovation. Organizational climate for innovation fully mediates the effect of laissez-faire leadership on administrative innovation and technical innovation.(5) The range of organizational change moderates the relationship between transformational leadership and administrative innovation. The content of organizational change moderates the relationship between transformational leadership and technical innovation. The content of organizational change moderates the relationship between transactional leadership and administrative innovation. The speed of organizational change moderates the relationship between transactional leadership and technical innovation. Organizational change plays no moderating role between laissez-faire leadership and organizational innovation.(6) Significant differences of administrative innovation, technical innovation and organizational climate for innovation have been found according to different type, size and performance of the enterprises; and discrepancies of perception on administrative innovation, technical innovation and organizational climate for innovation are also existed depending on individual position and educational background. Technical innovation of Chinese-Foreign joint venture is significantly higher than that of state-owned, private, foreign enterprises and public institution. Smaller size of the enterprise is beneficial to the formation of administrative innovation and organizational innovation climate. Organizational innovation and organizational climate for innovation of enterprises with moderate and higher performance, is significantly higher than organization with poorer or much poorest performance. For the differences of position, evaluation of common staffs and supervisors is significantly lower than that of middle or top managers. And for the educational background, the perception of organizational climate for innovation by the employees with high school degree and below is significantly higher than employees receiving junior, undergraduate, and postgraduate or above education.Finally, the conclusions were summarized and relevant management ways were brought forth. Some advices were given for future research to avoid the limitation.
