

A Study on Developing Mode of County-territory Circular Economy

【作者】 李瑞霞

【导师】 宋德勇;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 西方经济学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 “县域经济”指的是以行政县(包括县级市、旗等)为区域范围,以县一级独立财政为标志,以县城为中心、集镇为纽带、农村为腹地,不同层次经济要素间的联系为基本结构,通过双向反馈的人力流、物资流、资本流和信息流而发挥整体功能的经济系统。县域经济不仅是国民经济的重要构成部分,而且也是国民经济最基本的运行单元,是国家政策最直接的操作平台。只有县域经济的充分发展,才能从根本上推动和加快现代化建设和全面建设小康社会的进程。循环经济理论作为一种新兴理论,是对物质闭环流动经济的简称,县域循环经济指的就是在县域层面对物质、能量进行梯次和闭路循环使用,在环境方面表现为低污染拌放甚至零污染择放的一种经济运行模式,其本质是一种生态经济。县域循环经济是建立在县域经济发展基础之上的循环经济,其发展不能背离县域发展的规律。我国县情是人口密度大,矿产资源全国分配不均、人均环境容量小,资源环境现已成为中国县域经济发展的“瓶颈”。县域在经济增长方式上还存在着“高投入、高消耗、高排放、不协调、难循环、低效益”的问题,县域经济的发展的可持续性面临重大挑战,这就要求县域必须率先实施循环经济发展战略。传统的经济发展模式所付出的代价已在很大程度上影响了人类社会的可持续发展。本文通过对当前我国县域经济的发展规律及传统模式的分析,结合循环经济理论,从产业的视角,构建了县域循环经济的综合发展模式。本文首先对县域循环经济研究的理论基础展开了研究,分别从县域经济发展理论和循环经济理论基础来进行分析;针对区域经济发展理论的区域经济增长理论与不平衡发展理论,评述了国内外相关学者对上述理论的研究成果;而后就循环经济的理论基础从生态学理论、经济学理论、系统论以及可持续发展理论等方面进行了系统阐述。然后本文对县域循环经济发展模式的提出进行了研究,首先从县域经济发展的基本规律、构成要素及基本特点等几个方面对县域经济发展的一般框架进行阐述,并对我国县域经济现有的发展模式进行了总结和归纳,在此基础上,本文重点阐述了县域循环经济的发展模式:从县域经济的内涵、发展途径及评价指标等方面阐述了发展县域循环经济的必要性及重要意义,据此提出了当前发展县域循环经济面临的主要困难以及提出了相应的对策。在此基础上,本文分别从循环型农业、循环型工业和循环型服务业角度对县域经济发展展开详尽分析,从而建立起完整的县域循环经济发展的产业模式框架。最后本文针对河南省县级市卫辉市做了相应的案例研究。本部分首先介绍河南省卫辉市的概况及其循环经济发展现状,分析了现其发展循环经济面临的主要问题,然后尝试构建了卫辉市循环经济发展模式,接着对其循环经济技术保障机制和政策体系进行了具体阐述并提出相关建议。

【Abstract】 County-territory economy refers to an economic system, which covers Administration Counties (including County-level city and so on), with separate finance, centralized by country towns, connected by bazaars, and taking countries as hinterland. This type of economy operates through the two-way movement of human resource, materials, capitals and information. It is not only a significant portion of our national economy, but also is the fundamental unit of the whole economy, on which the national policies works directly. Only by fully developing the courty-territory economy, can we speed up the process of well-to-do society. The theory of Circulation economy is a newly developed theory. Basically courty-territory circulation economy is one type of zoology economy, which utilizes resources and energy in a closed circulation in courty-territory.Country-territory circular economy is based on the development of county economy, and it should definitely obey the developing law of county-territory. In china, most courty-territory are facing the problems of intense population intensity, uneven allocation of mineral resources, limited individual environment. What’s more, they used to adopt the mode of ’high investment, high costs, high discharge, no cooperation, hard to circulate, and low profits’. All of the above ask the government to implement the strategy of circulation economy.The traditional developing mode of economy has largely influenced the Sustainable development of our society negatively. This dissertation analyzes the law of developing courty-territory and the traditional developing mode, and then by the direction of circulation economy, it brings up a mode to develop circular economy in courty-territory.Firstly, this dissertation makes a research on the fundamental theory of circular economy and the theory of developing courty-territory, focusing on the theory of region development and region growth. Then it makes a comment on the research of other scholars after a brief statement of their views. The dissertation expatiates on theories of zoology, economics system and substantial development. Later the definition and characteristics of courty-territory is given, and the dissertation elaborates the common frame of a courty-territory economy from the point of developing laws, constitution factors and fundamental traits. It does a research on the existing developing mode of our courty-territory, and suggests a common mode of developing it later.Secondly, this dissertation introduces the connotation of courty-territory, ways of developing courty-territory economy, and index of estimation. According to those, it emphasizes the necessity and significance of developing courty-territory economy. Next, it states the main problems when developing courty-territory economy and puts forward the responding countermeasures. What’s more, it analyzes the courty-territory economy detailedly from the aspects of circulation agriculture, circulation industry, and circulation service sectors, so as to establish a integrate industry frame of courty-territory economy.In the end, this dissertation makes an case study on the city of Weihui in Henan province. In this part, it firstly introduces the general situation and the status circular of the city, and then analyzes the main problems it encounters. Secondly, it attempts to establish a new circular economy developing mode. And finally it makes relative suggestions to technology guarantee system and policy system.

  • 【分类号】F127;F205
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】1890
  • 攻读期成果