

The Operation Mechanism of Circular Economy for Coal and Mineral Industry in China

【作者】 于励民

【导师】 徐长生;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 西方经济学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 进入21世纪,我国煤炭产业如何走出一条资源节约、生产集约的可持续发展道路成为一项重要的战略任务。循环经济作为一种促使资源、环境与经济协调发展的先进发展模式成为煤炭产业探索新型工业化道路的必然选择。目前,循环经济研究与实践在我国逐步展开,将循环经济的理念与我国煤炭产业实际相结合,寻求煤炭产业循环经济发展模式无疑具有重要的战略意义。本文从我国煤炭工业发展所带来的资源浪费和环境破坏问题入手,在总结国内外循环经济理论与实践的基础上,结合我国煤炭产业实际,试图构建我国煤炭产业循环经济发展模式,指出循环经济建立依赖的“3R”原则,即“减量化、再使用、再循环”对循环经济的成功实施都是必不可少的,但每条原则在循环经济中的重要性并不是并列的,循环经济的根本目标是要求在经济流程中系统地避免和减少废物,而废物再生利用只是减少废物最终处理量的方式之一。循环经济的建设和发展,需要包括政府、企业和公众在内的所有社会成员的长期共同努力。本文提出构建政府、企业和社会公众共同参与的循环经济治理结构,充分发挥政府、企业和市场的治理作用,实现循环经济各参与主体之间的协调配合与良性互动,营造有利于循环经济发展的良好氛围,促进可持续发展目标的实现。论文的主要结论是:(1)我国煤炭产业的循环经济实践仍停留在政府主导和推动的示范试点阶段,“节约资源、保护环境”还远没有成为全体社会成员的自觉行动。高污染、高消耗、低产出的企业仍大量存在,资源耗竭、环境污染、生态破坏的趋势仍没有得到明显的缓解。我国距离完善的循环经济社会还有相当长的路要走。(2)循环经济是当前中国贯彻落实可持续发展战略的重要途径。现阶段循环经济发展过程中的首要问题在于对各参与主体的利益动机考虑不足,利益驱动机制和利益保障机制尚未健全。在缺少必要激励与约束的情况下,循环经济无法成为各参与主体的自觉行动。(3)从利益的角度出发,提出要通过制度变革,构建一个由政府、企业、社会公众共同参与的,能够有效克服市场失灵与政府失灵的循环经济治理结构,有效平衡各主体的利益,为循环经济的健康发展创造条件。(4)煤炭产业循环经济的实现不仅需要循环经济各参与主体的协调与配合,同时也需要配套的制度环境的支持。政府应该充分发挥其管理职能,通过相关的制度安排,对主体的行为实施必要的激励或约束,促进循环经济各参与主体行为的生态化转型。

【Abstract】 In the 21st century, it is an important strategic task for coal enterprises to seek a sustainable developmental road of resources saving and production intensives. Circular economy is an advanced development model, which can promote the harmonious development of resources, environment and economy: it is an inevitable choice for coal enterprises to explore a new industrial road. Currently, circular economy is spreading step by step in our country, so it has important strategic significance to combine the ideology of circular economy with the practice of coal enterprises.This dissertation starts from the investigation about the waste of resources and destruction of environment caused by the development of coal industry in our country, Summarizes the theory and practice of circular economy both at home and abroad, and establishes the circular economy development model of coal enterprises based on the reality of them. This paper points out "3R" principles on which circular economy relies, "Reduction, Reuse,Recycle." Each of the principles is essential to the successful implementation of circular economy; However, they are not the importance in circular economy. The fundamental goal of circular economy is to minimize waste and pollution in the process of production. Waste recycle is one of the ways to decrease waste handling to a minimal level.Circular economy is not only an environmental management tool, but also a brand-new economic development model, which relate to various aspects of economic and social life. The construction and development of circular economy need the efforts of the whole society, including government, enterprises and the public. According to the "Governance" theory, this dissertation has proposed the construction of a "Governance" structure. The goal is to fully display the governance function of government, market and the third department. Thereby, the coordination and interaction between each participation body can be successfully achieved, which will promote the realization of sustainable development.This dissertation constructs circular economy development model of coal enterprises from such respects as planning and design, production mode, technological mode, marketing mode of enterprises, etc. first. And then it proposes the synthetically fuzzy evaluation model of effect for coal enterprises to develop circular economy and provides empirical analyses, which offers the strong means of supervising for management of this dissertation goes on the discussion about how country to enterprises.This dissertation comes to the following conclusions:(1) The circular economy practice of coal minal industry in China remains in the phase of government impetus and local demonstration. The principle of the "conservation of resources, protection of the environment" is far from a conscious action of all the society members. In many situations, the performance of high pollution, high energy consumption and low output of the enterprises still exists. The trend of natural resources depletion, environmental pollution and ecological damage has still not been effectively restrained. To fulfill the object to construct a perfect circular economy society, there is still a long way togo.(2) The viewpoint that circular economy is a realistic approach to implement the strategy of sustainable development. During the circular economy practice, the essential problem is that the interest of social members has not been put into enough attention. With the absence of necessary incentive and restrictive, circular economy can not become as a conscious action.(3) From the perspective of interests, the author brings forward to construct a new governance structure, which can effectively overcome market failure and government failure, well as balance the interests between various agents.(4) The realization of "circular economy of coal industry" requires not only the coordination and cooperation of all the social members, but also the support of corresponding institution. Government should exert its management function and carry out relevant institutional arrangements. By this way, the function of incentive or restraint will successfully exert on the activities of all the social members, thus to promote the ecological transition of activities.

  • 【分类号】F426.21;F205
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】2135
  • 攻读期成果