

A Study on the College Student Affairs Working System Based on the Idea of Student-Oriented

【作者】 童静菊

【导师】 刘献君;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 高等教育学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 当前,我国高等教育正处于一个不断变革的新时代。各种变革使作为高等教育载体的高校发生了诸多变化,同时也使以大学生为工作对象的高校学生工作不断发生裂变与重构,并呈现出理念更新、功能扩展、结构转型的趋势,且日益凸显出新形势下高校学生工作的时代特质——“以学生为本”。它既是“以人为本”价值观内化到高校学生工作中的直接反映,也是生本理念的核心价值所在。本文对于生本理念下高校学生工作体系的研究正是试图以“生本理念”为价值主导,以系统整合为构建手段,以学生发展为终极目标,通过组织结构的整合、运行模式的创新,由局部渐变开始以谋求整体质变的实现,从而建构一个能够主动适应新形势的高校学生工作体系。因此,本研究以“以人为本”的唯物史观、人本管理理论、系统论科学为理论基础,遵循“历史演进→现实分析→国际比较→体系建构→机制保障”的研究思路,综合运用历史研究法、比较研究法、调查研究法和案例研究法,通过深入扎实的实证研究与科学系统的学理分析,提出了构建生本理念下学生工作体系的行动对策与实施办法,以期突破传统的“官本位”、“物本位”和“社会本位”等理念对高校学生工作的禁锢与束缚。本文通过全面回顾我国高校学生工作体系的历史演变,在总结出我国高校学生工作体系发展的历史经验与启示的基础上,主要进行了以下四方面的研究工作:首先,本文以生本理念为观照基点,将第一手的调查数据和访谈结果作为研究前提,揭示出当前我国高校学生工作体系存在的主要问题,并对生本理念缺失、组织机构不顺、运行机制不畅、队伍保障不强等问题的原因进行深度解析。其次,本文从生本理念的国际比较着眼,深入研究了西方发达国家的高校学生工作体系,提出了可供国内学生工作体系借鉴的五点启示:树立以学生为本的生本理念,加强学生事务与学术事务的联系,建设专业化与专家化的队伍,建立完整、科学、操作性强的学生工作法规,加强我国高校学生工作的专业化建设。再次,本文在深度分析生本理念学生工作体系的目标和特征的基础上,提出了以“生本理念”为价值导向的新的学生工作体系的构建策略。在体系的组织结构层面:强调通过整合现有机构来组建大学工系统,并根据职能划分将组织机构重新分解,建立起以职能部门为主的一级管理机制。在体系的运行层面:通过积极尝试高校学生工作的服务导向、人性化管理、社区自治、信息网络化等新的运行模式,以实现体系内部运行协调、反馈迅捷、控制有效。第四,本文基于对生本理念下体系建构过程中强化保障的思考,从机制层面全力寻求对体系建构的制度支撑,并设计出相应的解决办法。即,要健全和完善工作制度,为学生工作体系的构建提供制度保障;要增加经费投入,为学生工作体系的构建提供物质保障;要加强队伍建设,为高校学生工作体系的构建提供人力保障。要加强对学生、学生工作者和学生工作部门等三方面的科学考核和评估,为学生工作体系提供评价保障。

【Abstract】 At present,China’s higher education is now in a new era of continuous transforming. Various changes to colleges and universities,as a carrier of higher education,have taken place,but also to enable students as the objects of college student affairs continue to occur within the fission and reconstruction.Meanwhile,that is showing a trend of concept of updates,extensions and restructuring and highlights the characteristics--"student-oriented". It is both the direct reflection of values of "human-oriented" in college student affairs,also the core values of the idea of "student-oriented".In this study,under the idea of,the research of college student affairs system takes the idea of "student-oriented" as the leading values.The writer uses the constructing method of system conformity and builds a means to the ultimate goal of development of students.Through the integration of the organizational structure,operating model innovation.from local gradual change to seek the realization of the overall qualitative change and then the writer tries to construct a new system of college student affairs,which can adapt new situation at it’s own initiative.Therefore,this study will take "human-oriented" values and system science,people-management theory as the theoretical basis,and follow the thoughts of "history evolution→reality analyzing→international comparison→system construction→insurance of mechanism" and make comprehensive use of the methods of historical research,comparative research,investigation and case research,Through solid demonstration research and systematic academic analysis,the writer puts forward the action countermeasures and methods under an idea of "student-oriented" of the college student affairs system.And the goal of the study is to break through the bondage of traditional idea of "officer oriented","object oriented" and "society standard" to college student affairs.Through a comprehensive review of China’s college student affairs of the historical evolution,on the basis of summarize of the historical experience and enlightenment of the development of the system of college student affairs,this study mainly made the following four main aspects of research:First of all,this study takes the idea of "student-oriented" as the basic reflection point and uses first-hand results of the survey data and interviews as a prerequisite for study,and discover the main problems of current system of China’s college student affairs.As well, the study presents the depth analysis for the causes of the problem of deficiencies of the idea of student-oriented,organizations confusion,mechanism hindered,and poor indemnification of the working team.Secondly,from the view of the comparison of international perspective of the idea of "student-oriented",this study researches in-depth the working system of college student affairs of Western countries and makes five revelations available for domestic students affairs system:to build up the idea of "student-oriented",and to enhance the affiliation of student affairs and academic things,and to construct specialized team of experts,and to establish a complete,scientific,strong exercisable regulations of the college student affairs, and then to strengthen the specialization of our college student affairs.Thirdly,the study is based on intensively analysis of objectives and characters of the idea student-oriented working system,and brings forward strategies of constructing new student affairs system according to the idea of student-oriented.At the organizational structure of the system level:through the integration of present institutions to build up the college working system,and in accordance with different functions of organizations, decomposes the organizations and sets up the one-stair management mechanism of the functional branch oriented.At the system operational level:through the actively trying to college student affairs of the Service-oriented model,humane management model,the community self-government model,the information and network model,and so forth,to achieve the operating system of interior function coordination,quick feedback and effective control.Fourthly,this study is based on how to secure the system constructing process thinking of the working system constructs under the idea of student-oriented.from the mechanism level to seek the support of building the system,and brings forword the corresponding solution.That is,to strengthen and consummate the working system;to provide insurance of the construction of the college student affairs working system;to increase funding input,as the material insurance of the construction of student affairs system;strengthen the construction of the working team,as the material manpower insurance of the construction of student affairs system.It is necessary to strengthen the scientific assessment and evaluation system of student,staff of student affairs and departments of student affairs for providing the evaluation insurance of student affairs.
