

Study on Operation Modes of Circular Economy in China and the Policy Support System

【作者】 冯南平

【导师】 杨善林;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 企业管理及其信息化, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 自然资源和生态环境是人类生存和发展的基本条件。当前全球资源环境形势日益严峻,可持续发展已成为世界共同关注的焦点。我国的可持续发展同样面临着自然资源与生态环境的严峻挑战,必须改变传统的“资源-产品-废弃物”的线性经济模式,努力探索可持续发展的新模式和新途径。循环经济从物质循环角度提倡在“资源-产品-二次资源”的闭环模式下发展经济,要求最大限度地利用资源与保护环境,是一种符合可持续发展理念的集约型经济增长方式。研究这种新的发展模式如何运行,具有十分重要的现实意义和理论价值。本文在系统分析国内外学者关于循环经济发展模式及政策研究成果的基础上,结合我国实际,围绕循环经济如何运行这一主线,从循环经济的内涵及外延等基本问题入手,研究了循环经济系统的构建问题,在案例分析的基础上提出了企业、园区及区域三个层面循环经济的一般运行模式,对循环经济运行的动力因素进行分析,指出目前我国发展循环经济动力不足的原因及其解决措施。主要研究及创新性工作如下:1、系统分析了国内外循环经济发展模式及相关政策的研究现状;深入剖析了循环经济的内涵和外延;研究了清洁生产、生态产业、循环经济及可持续发展四大环保战略的联系与差异;分析了经济系统的缺陷,对经济系统与生态系统进行了类比,提出了循环经济系统的构建战略,即技术-产业-制度的生态化战略。2、研究了南宁糖业股份有限公司发展循环经济的具体模式,提出了企业层面循环经济的一般运行模式:(1)详细分析了南宁糖业股份有限公司发展循环经济的模式,并进行了理论总结:合理的生产结构、原材料优势、技术可行性和正确的多元化是南宁糖业股份有限公司成功发展循环经济的四个关键因素,联合型企业的管理模式是其成功的潜在因素。(2)研究了企业层面循环经济的一般运行模式,指出向循环型企业的转型要求传统企业在发展战略、组织机构、环境管理模式、技术支持系统及企业文化等方面进行变革,循环型企业的运行要以循环经济理论为指导,从战略、组织及实践三个层面展开。3、研究了日照生态产业园发展共生产业的具体模式,提出了园区层面循环经济的一般运行模式:(1)详细分析了日照生态产业园产业共生的模式,并进行了理论总结:在大环境规划自身发展,围绕传统产业的生态转型,通过优化产业结构、加强循环耦合、延伸和拓展产业链、加强管理及理顺体制等手段进行生态产业的整合和设计。(2)研究了实体生态产业园和虚拟生态产业园的一般运行模式。指出实体生态产业园的构建策略包括核心企业、材料或副产品交换、资源回收系统和能源连接;园区的环境管理分为园区、企业和产品三个层次;我国生态产业园较理想的开发方式是环保局与经贸委和规划部门在市长的指导下进行合作;提出实体生态产业园的构成要素分成直接支持服务系统、企业群落和间接支持服务系统三大类。研究了虚拟生态产业园的运行模式,认为虚拟生态产业园是较符合我国中小企业发展循环经济的模式;信息集成共享系统是虚拟园区的“中央总部”,构成要素包括园区核心系统、园区支持系统和基本信息系统三个子系统;信任是虚拟园区强有力的“软性治理工具”。4、研究了资源县发展生态县域经济的具体模式,提出了区域层面循环经济的一般运行模式:(1)详细分析了资源县探索生态县域经济的模式,从发展循环经济的实质、指导观念、如何发展循环经济及政府职责四个方面进行了理论分析与总结。(2)研究了区域层面循环经济的一般运行模式。循环型区域的四大要素为产业体系、基础设施、人文生态和社会消费,诸要素的形成途径包括七个方面的内容,即制定规划、建立综合决策和协商机制、将发展循环经济与经济增长模式及产业结构的战略性调整结合起来、制定循环经济法规政策体系、鼓励科技创新、抑制过度包装、加强宣传和教育以倡导绿色消费理念。5、研究了我国循环经济运行的动力问题。分析了国外发展循环经济的动力因素及我国企业、园区和区域发展循环经济的动力因素;指出我国目前循环经济动力不足的原因;提出政府应通过规范、引导、培育、激励、惩罚等途径解决动力不足问题。6、针对动力不足问题,构建了我国循环经济的政策支撑体系框架。循环经济政策支撑体系包括法律法规体系和政策体系两部分,法律法规体系包括基本法、专项法、标准体系的制定以及相关部门法的修订,政策体系主要包括税费政策、财政政策、价格政策、产业政策、废弃物交易制度、信息公开制度等。

【Abstract】 Natural resources and ecological environment is the basic conditions for human survival and development. The situation of global resources and environment are becoming increasingly serious, and therefore sustainable development has become the focus of the world. The sustainable development of China is also facing the severe challenges of natural resources and ecological environment, and we must change the traditional mode of "resources-products-wastes", and make efforts to explore new modalities and new channels of sustainable development. Circular economy is precisely such a mode featured "resources-products-secondary resources" in line with the concept of sustainable development. For this new mode of economic development, research on how to run is a very important issue with great practical and theoretical values.On the basis of research results about the development patterns and policies of circular economy of domestic and foreign scholars, combining with China’s realities, surrounding on the main line "how to run for circular economy in China", this paper starts from the basic issues-the connotation and extension of circular economy in China, and then analyzes the construction of the circular economy systems, and then theoretically constructs the operation modes of circular economy on the enterprise level, the park level and the regional level on the basis of cases studies, then does a more comprehensive analysis to identify the driving forces of the circular economy in China, finding the reasons for the lack of the operation forces, and its solution. The main research and creative work are as following:1. Systematically analyzes the research status of the development modes and policies of circular economy in domestic and international academic fields. Analyzes the connotation and extension of circular economy in-depth, and the four environmental protection strategies of today, being cleaner production, eco-industrial parks, circular economy and sustainable development, pointing out the contact and distinction between them. Analyzes the shortcomings in efficiency, optimum and sustainability of the economic system, gives the analogy between the economic system and the ecosystems, points out that an ecological strategy of "technology-industry- system" can be implemented to build circular economy systems.2. Makes a case analysis of the circular economy model of Nanning Sugar Co., Ltd and constructs a general operation mode of circular economy on the enterprise level:(1) Analyzes the development mode of circular economy of Nanning Sugar Co., Ltd and summarizes it in theory: rational structures of production, raw material advantages, technical feasibility and the right diversity are the four key economic factors of the success, and the joint-management mode of the business is also a potential success factor.(2) Studies a general operation mode of circular economy on the enterprise level, points out that the changes of corporate culture, corporate strategy, environmental management mode, the necessary organizational changes and the establishment of technical support system are the five major contents of the construction of circular enterprises, puts forwards that circular enterprises should take circular economic theory as a guide, runs on three levels of strategic, organizational and practice.3. Makes a case analysis of the industrial symbiosis model in RIZHAO eco-industrial Park and constructs a general operation mode of circular economy on the park level:(1) Analyzes the industrial symbiosis model of RIZHAO eco-industrial Park and sums up theoretically: plans its own development according to environmental development; centering on the ecological transformation of traditional industries, integrates and designs eco-industries by optimizing the industrial structure, strengthening the cycle coupling to improve the system coordination, extending and expanding the industrial chain, strengthening management and rationalizing the system, and other means.(2) Studies general operation modes of entity eco-industrial parks and virtual eco-industrial parks. Points out that the construction strategies of entity eco-industrial parks include the core enterprises, the exchanges of materials or by-products, the resources recovery systems and energy connection; the environmental management of parks can be on three levels of parks, enterprises and products; an ideal ways to develop eco-industrial parks in China is the cooperation of EPA, the Economic and Trade Commission and the planning department under the guidance of mayoral; points out that the constituent elements of an entity eco-industrial park can be divided into three categories of direct support services, enterprises community and indirect support services system. The operation mode of virtual eco-industrial parks has also been researched, and virtual eco-industrial parks are more in line with the development of circular economy in SME in China, an integrated information-sharing system being its "central headquarters", whose constituent elements being a park core system, a park supporting system and a basic information system, and trust being a strong "soft management tool" of a virtual park.4. Makes a case analysis of ZIYUAN County of developing ecological economy and constructs a general operational mode of circular economy on the regional level:(1) Analyzes the experience of ZIYUAN County to develop ecological county economy and summarizes theoretically from the development essence of circular economy, the guiding concept of the development of circular economy, how to develop circular economy on a regional level and the responsibilities of government in the development of circular economy.(2) Studies a general operation mode of circular economy on a regional level. The four main factors are industrial system, infrastructure, humanistic ecology and social consumption. Point out the seven main aspects of forming circular area: framing layouts, founding synthesis decision-making and consulting mechanism, combining the development of circular economy on a regional level with the strategic readjustment of industrial structure, constituting the law and policy system of circular economy, reanimating science and technology innovation, restraining excessive packing, strengthening publicizing and education to spark plug green consumption.5. Studies the driving forces of circular economy. Analyzes the driving forces of circular economy in foreign countries and those of three levels in China, points out the reasons for the current lack of motivation for circular economy, and the government should solve this problem by regulating, guiding, cultivating, prompting and punishing.6. Constructs a policy support system framework aiming at the power shortage problem of current circular economy in China. The policy support system framework includes the system of laws and regulations and the system of policies, laws and regulations include the basic law, special law, the formulation of standard system and the amendment of the relevant departments; policy system including tax and fee policy, fiscal policy, price policy, industrial policy, waste trading system and information disclosure system.
