

Study on Key Technoloies in Scheme Design of Self-elevating Drilling Unit

【作者】 王运龙

【导师】 纪卓尚;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 船舶与海洋结构物设计制造, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 石油是经济的血液,拥有充足的油气资源,保证油气资源的稳定供给,是经济平稳发展的必要条件。进入21世纪后,世界已经逐渐步入能源稀缺时代,许多国家把目光转向海洋,投入了大量的人力和物力进行海洋能源开发。自升式钻井平台是目前世界上广泛采用的海洋钻井装备之一,主要是在滩涂和浅海区域作业,近年来,自升式钻井平台的建造量逐年增加,我国在海洋钻井平台的设计、建造、检验和科研方面都迫切需要发展,特别是在海洋钻井平台的基本(技术)设计上,我国在独立设计方面尚有一定的差距,大多依靠外国设计技术。因此,开展上述相关方面的研究工作,是提高我国海洋结构物设计制造能力的需要,也是提高海洋平台设计国际竞争力的需要,这对于我国海洋资源的开发和我国海洋工程事业的发展都具有重要意义。方案设计在很大程度上决定了最终产品的性能、创造性、价格、市场响应速度和效率等,因此,对自升式钻井平台方案设计的相关技术进行研究,实现可行方案的快速生成、技术参数指标综合评价、最优系统决策,具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。本论文主要做了以下研究内容:针对自升式钻井平台方案设计的具体情况,将系统工程的理论和方法用于其方案设计整个过程中,提出了针对自升式钻井平台方案设计的系统分析步骤,并根据霍尔三维结构模型,结合平台方案设计系统的任务特点,提出了平台方案设计系统三维结构模型,用于指导自升式钻井平台方案设计的实现。多功能自升式钻井平台是目前自升式钻井平台的一个发展趋势,本文将综合安全评估技术用于新型多功能自升式钻井平台方案设计前期的可行性论证,可以从安全分析的角度论证新增功能实现的可能性,提出合理且有效地控制风险的措施,指出在设计、使用过程中应注意的问题,在增加新功能的同时,可以有效地提高海上安全的程度,是新型自升式钻井平台方案设计的前提。作为实例,在分析总结应用自升式钻井平台安装简易平台的作业特点、探讨其工作原理和工作流程的基础上,将综合安全评估技术应用到安装海上简易平台的新型多功能自升式钻井平台方案可行性研究中,论证了该方法的可行性和有效性。在自升式钻井平台的方案设计过程中,目前没有用于可行方案生成的平台主尺度数学模型,本文利用收集到的船型资料,应用系统建模的理论和方法,分别建立了自升式钻井平台主尺度的单变量预测模型和多变量预测模型。该模型的建立有利于分析和掌握自升式钻井平台主尺度要素变化规律,同时在自升式钻井平台设计时,可根据已知信息量的多少,选择合适的模型进行主尺度的预测,开展平台设计初期的经济论证和方案设计。对于如何从若干个自升式钻井平台可行方案中选出最优方案,是方案评价过程中所要解决的主要问题,目前没有相应的评价指标体系。结合近年来对自升式钻井平台方案设计所作的研究工作和相关方面专家的建议,本文建立了一套针对自升式钻井平台的方案评价指标体系,并对其评价方法进行了研究。在建立评价指标体系的基础上,采用AHP法和改进的灰关联分析法进行平台方案的优选,初步分析和计算实例表明,该评价指标体系和评价方法是适用和可靠的;通过对灰关联分析方法进行改进,建立了适用于自升式钻井平台方案选优的灰关联多目标综合评价模型,该模型既在一定程度上考虑了设计方案各指标间的关联性,体现了事物的客观本质,又能反映船东的主观偏好和设计者的设计需要。同时,针对已按设计建成并投入使用的自升式钻井平台,尝试建立一套合理、完整、科学和实用的性能水平等级评价方法,对其先进性水平进行评定,利用获取的评价结果,可对设计平台的先进性水平进行定位,评估设计是否达到预期效果及其改进方向,对今后自升式钻井平台的方案设计起到借鉴作用。智能方案设计已经成为当前方案设计领域的一个研究热点,在前面工作的基础上,本文就自升式钻井平台的方案设计智能决策支持系统的理论框架和实现方法进行了初步研究。提出了自升式钻井平台方案设计的智能决策支持系统的体系结构和具体实现方法。该系统既可以根据需要生成自升式钻井平台的设计方案,形成可行方案集,又可以根据技术经济性、船东偏好等对可行方案进行评定,选出最优方案,提高了产品设计质量,缩短了产品的设计周期,使评价更为可靠,为设计、决策提供了有力的支持工具。

【Abstract】 With the development of worldwide exploitation for ocean resources, offshore platforms are playing a dominant role in the oil and gas industry for exploration and production of natural resources, which have been designed to operate at various locations with different sea-bed conditions, great water depths and under various sea conditions. Self-elevating drilling unit which was invented in 1950 and used for exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons from the ocean beds is a main structural type of mobile platforms, and it accounts for about 65% of the mobile platform market. Now the world has entered the era of scarce energy gradually, many countries have turned their attention to the ocean, and put a mass of manpower and resources into exploiting marine energy. Self-elevating drilling unit owns the low cost, less steels and conducting drilling operations steadily under different sea conditions so that it becomes the main force in the shallow drilling operations. In recent years, more and more self-elevating drilling unit is designing and building. it needs to develop urgently in the design, construction, inspection and research of the self-elevating drilling unit in our country, especially in the basic design of the marine drilling unit. In our country, there’s a big gap in independent designing, the most of the technologies are dependent on foreign country. So developing this field research is needs to increase the capabilities in the marine construction design and the international competition in the marine drilling unit design. It has great significance not only in exploiting the marine resource but also in developing the marine engineer career.To a great extent, the scheme design decides the performance of the final product, creativity, price, the market response speed and efficiency. So it has great theory significance and practical value in researching the key technology of the scheme design about the self-elevating drilling unit, realizing the feasible scheme speedily, technical parameters indicators comprehensive evaluation and the optimal decision-making system. This paper has mainly done the following work:According to the specific circumstances of the scheme design about the self-elevating drilling unit, systems engineering theories and methods are applied to the whole process of the scheme design, advancing the steps in the system analysis of scheme design about the self-elevating drilling unit. According to the Hall’ three dimensional structural model and the traits of the scheme design in drilling unit, advancing the three-dimensional structural model system in drilling unit, guiding and realizing scheme design of the self-elevating drilling unit.New type self-elevating drilling unit with multifunction is a trend on the drilling unit design. The methods of formal safety assessment (FSA) is applied to the feasible research of new type self-elevating drilling unit with multifunction, it can prove the possibility of the new function from the aspect of the safety analysis, advance the effective measures to control the risk and point out the problems which should pay more attentions to the process from the design to the operation. It is the precondition of the new type self-elevating drilling unit design with multifunction, it can increasing the new function; moreover, it can improve the safety level effectively. As an example, integrating the methods of formal safety assessment (FSA) is applied to the feasible research of installing the facility platform with self-elevating drilling unit, proving the feasibility and validity of this method, all this is based on applying analysis and summary about operation trait of the self-elevating drilling unit, discussing the working principle and the workflow.In the process of the scheme design about the self-elevating drilling unit, there aren’t any mathematical models of the main dimensions, that is applied to the feasible scheme at present. This paper according to the model data have been collected, apply the theories and methods of the system models, separately build the forecast models with the single variable and multivariable on the main dimensions of the self-elevating drilling unit. All this is helpful to analyze and grasp the change rules of the main dimensions factors about the self-elevating drilling unit. According to the known information, design the self-elevating drilling unit; moreover, select the right models to forecast the main dimensions, develop economic demonstration and scheme designs of the drilling unit designs.How to select the optimal one from the feasible schemes is the main problem that it needs to solve during the scheme evaluation of self-elevating drilling unit, there isn’t a corresponding evaluation criteria system at present. Combine research task and experts’ suggestions of the scheme designs about self-elevating drilling unit, this paper builds a series of scheme evaluation criteria system and studies evaluation method of the self-elevating drilling unit. Base on these, select the optimal scheme with the analysis hierarchy process (AHP) and improved the grey relation analysis (GRA). Primary analysis and practical experience show that the evaluation criteria system and the evaluation method are applicable and reliable. By improving grey relation analysis (GRA), building the grey relation multi-objective combinatorial optimization model is applied to the best scheme of self-elevating drilling unit. To a certain extent, it thinks over the connection of the indices reflecting the objective true nature of the things, and also considers the ship owners’ subjective interest and the designers’ needs. At the same time, according to design of the self-elevating drilling unit that have been built and used, try to build a series of function level grade evaluation method, that will be reasonable, unabridged, scientific and easy, assess its advanced level. Make use of the known evaluation result, carry out the advanced level grade in the same type platforms, whether the evaluation design has achieved the desired results and improvement direction. It plays an important role in scheme designs of the self-elevating drilling unit for the future.The intelligent scheme design has become a research hotspot on the field of scheme design. On the basis of previous work, the paper studies initially the design theory framework and concrete methods of the intelligence decision support system about the self-elevating drilling unit scheme design, advances the system structure and the specific method of the intelligence decision support system about the self-elevating drilling unit scheme design. Not only does it form the feasible designs, according to the demand to form scheme designs of the self-elevating drilling unit, but also it selects the optimal scheme from the feasible designs under technical economy and ship owners’ subjective interest. It will be helpful to improve the design quality of the products, shorten the design circle of the products, make the assessment more reliable. This will provide powerful support tools for designers and decision-makers.
