

The Research on Managerial Coaching Behavior Model

【作者】 张丽艳

【导师】 陈树文;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代管理教练技术被引入中国。作为一项人才开发的有效技术,管理教练得到了越来越多的重视。组织利用这种技术为组织成员提供学习与发展的机会,进而帮助组织在激烈竞争的市场环境中获得竞争优势。但管理教练的实践远远走在理论的前面。虽然管理教练已被公认为是人力资源开发的有效技术,但是管理教练具有哪些行为?被教练者对管理教练行为的认知受哪些因素影响?如何检验管理教练行为的有效性?这些问题都由于缺乏经验证据而出现理论缺口。本研究从被教练者的角度,探讨管理教练行为特点、构建管理教练行为模型,寻找并分析其主要影响因素以及所能产生的教练效果,剖析管理教练行为与影响其认识的前因变量,以及管理教练行为的结果变量之间的相互关系,为了解我国组织中的管理教练现状、检验以及提升管理教练有效性提供有益的指导。本研究开展了如下几项研究工作:(1)管理教练行为模型的构建研究。在系统的文献回顾以及专家访谈的基础上,构建了管理教练行为的理论框架,并开发了《管理教练行为量表》。通过对340位被教练者的问卷调查,采用探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析和内部一致性检验,考察了量表的效度和信度,并发现管理教练行为可以被提炼为自我意识启发、心理支持、职业发展和角色规范四个维度。此外,研究结果表明了参与本次调查的我国组织中的管理教练行为实施的总体水平较低。(2)管理教练行为认知的前因变量研究。在对各个前因变量的效度和信度进行检验的基础上,分别考察了被教练者的个体特征(包括心理控制源、目标导向、个体差异),组织变量(组织支持),以及教练者与被教练者的性别组成对被教练者对管理教练行为认知的影响程度。研究发现:具有内控倾向的被教练者比具有外控倾向的被教练者认知到更多的管理教练的自我意识启发行为和职业发展行为;具有学习导向的被教练者对四种类型的管理教练行为的认知程度都要高于绩效导向的被教练者;教练者与被教练者的不同性别组合会使被教练者对管理教练行为产生不同的认知;组织支持对被教练者对管理教练行为的认知产生正向的影响。研究结果为提升管理教练行为有效性提供了途径。(3)管理教练行为的结果变量研究。为检验管理教练行为的有效性,本研究分别考察了管理教练行为对被教练者的任务绩效、情境绩效、工作满意度和离职倾向的影响程度。此外,本研究还对教练者与被教练者的性别组成的调节作用,以及不同类型的被教练者在管理教练结果方面的差异进行了比较分析。研究发现:管理教练行为有助于提升员工的任务绩效、情境绩效和工作满意度,并降低员工的离职倾向;管理教练行为所产生的正向影响会由于教练者与被教练者不同的性别组成而被加强或减弱;具有不同个体特征的被教练者的工作绩效、工作满意度和离职倾向具有显著差异。

【Abstract】 In the 1990s, managerial coaching was introduced into China. Managerial coaching has increasingly been considered as a tool to improve Chinese talent as China seeks to fuel its rapid economic growth. Participating and competing in Chinese markets have led Chinese organizations to attempt to provide their employees with extensive learning and development opportunities for their organizations. However, there has been a lack of theoretical or empirical research on the topics of specific behaviors of managerial coaching in the Chinese context. And the empirical studies about the antecedent and outcomes variables of managerial coaching are lack.From the coachee’s perspective, the research examines the characteristics of managerial coaching behavior, its significant antecedent and outcomes variables, the relationship among them, and based on the analysis, constructs the managerial coaching behavior model. The results of the study provide helpful instrction for understanding managerial coaching behavior, validiating and improving the effectiveness of managerial coaching. The research works in the paper present as follow:(1) The research on managerial coaching behavior model construction. Based on systematical literature review and specialists interviews, the research constructs the theoretical framework of managerial coaching behavior, and develops the managerial coaching behavior questionnaire. Using a sample that consists of 340 employees, this study explored the construct of the managerial coaching behavior model. The four-factor model was proposed by exploratory factor analysis, and validated by confirmatory factor analysis. These factors are labeled as following: self-awareness enlightenment, psychological support, vocational development, and role modeling. The instrument was proved to have reached the high reliability and validity. In addition, the result of this study shows that there is a gerneral low-level managerial coaching behavior of the Chinese organizations that participate in this study.(2) The research on antecedent variables of managerial coaching behavior’s cognition. On the basis of reliability and validity tests of the antecedent variables, this study explores the influence degree of personal characteristics of coachee (i.e. locus of control, goal oriention and individual difference), organizational variavle (i.e. organizational support) and the gender composition of coaching relationship on the managerial coaching behavior, respectively. The results indicate that coachee’s internal locus of control is more positively related to his/her cognition of self-awareness enlightenment and vocational development from his coach than coachee’s extenal locus of control; coachee’s learning oriention is more positively related to his/her cognition of four managerial coaching behaviors from his coach than coachee’s performance oriention; there are significant differences in coachee’s cognition of managerial coaching behaviors among different gender composition of coaching relationship; organizational support has positively related to coachee’s cognition of managerial coaching behaviors. These results provide the approaches for improving the effectiveness of managerial coaching behaviors.(3) The research on outcome variables of managerial coaching behavior. To test the effectiveness of managerial coaching behavior, this study explores the influence degree of managerial coaching behavior on the coachee’s task performance, context performance, job satisfaction and turnover intention. In addition, the study tests the moderating effects of gender composition of coaching relationship, and the differences in coaching outcomes among different types of coachee. The results indicate that managerial coaching behaviors have positive impacts on task performance, contextual performance and job satisfaction, and have negative influences on turnover intention; the positive effects of managerial coaching behavior would be enhanced or reduced by the impacts of different gender composition of coaching relationship; there are significant differences in the performance, job satisfaction and turnover intention among different personal characteristics of coachee.
