

Research on the Strategies of Knowledge Transfer: A Social Relationship Perspective

【作者】 邓灵斌

【导师】 陈传夫;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 图书馆学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 在当今知识经济时代,知识已经成为在竞争中获得成功的决定因素之一。知识的获取、转移和创新是知识管理过程的主要活动,其中知识转移是实现知识创新的前提和基础。作为一种社会活动,知识转移发生在全社会整个联系系统中。较多的案例证明,我国知识转移的效果不容乐观,这其中主要的原因应该还是知识转移的策略问题。因此,从社会关系视角出发研究社会知识转移的策略在当前知识管理领域显得重要而迫切。本文以社会关系为研究视角,突出社会网络关系中的知识转移。按照“基本概念——理论分析——案例评述——综合策略——研究展望”的思路,较深入地研究社会知识转移的动因、影响因素与障碍及推进策略。全文共分七大块,具体内容如下:引言:包括5个部分。分别是问题的提出与研究意义、国内外研究述评、本文的研究思路与研究内容、研究的主要方法及拟创新点。第一章为知识转移概述,包括2个部分。分别是知识转移的涵义以及知识转移的过程与社会网络模型。尽管知识转移成为目前知识管理领域研究的热门话题,但由于认知和习惯等原因,人们在使用中并不十分了解知识转移的涵义。理论认识上的模糊弱化了知识转移的研究效果,同时也会影响知识管理实践的研究进展。因此,文章首先对知识转移的涵义及其过程等进行了分析,以便为后文的研究作铺垫。在了解知识的属性和分类的基础上,综合目前的研究文献,从社会关系视角出发对知识转移的涵义进行了界定;然后分析了知识转移的过程模型与社会网络模型。第二章为社会关系中的知识转移动因分析,即研究人们进行知识转移的动机和原因,包括3个部分。知识特别是隐性知识作为一种有价值的劳动产品,其获得需要所有者本人付出时间、脑力、体力、财富等代价;作为知识的拥有者,其转移知识给他人的行为,必有其相应的动机和原因。文章对社会关系中的知识转移动因进行了探讨,即研究人们进行知识转移的动机和原因,认为由内驱力和外推力共同组成:内驱力是促使人们进行知识转移的根本动力,而外推力是人们完成知识转移的催化剂。只有通过外推力来推动内驱力因素的产生、强化,才能实现有效的社会知识转移。借鉴马斯洛(Maslow)的层次需求理论对知识转移的内驱力给予社会学解释,指出知识转移首先是为了满足人们自我实现的需求,并把人们转移知识的内在驱动力归结为组织情感和责任心、个人成就、声誉、兴趣爱好、互惠互利五个方面。接着分析认为,知识转移也是人们节约知识获取成本的需要,如时间成本、物资投入成本、注意力成本、知识服务支付成本;降低知识接受成本可采取建立知识资源公共库的方式。最后从全社会层面探讨知识转移的外推力:知识转移也是实现社会知识创新、知识共享的需要。在知识经济时代,共享知识成为发展的必然趋势。但是,知识共享发生在整个社会关系中,实现社会知识共享也存在一些阻碍因素,主要有个体知识共享的意愿、社会组织制度等。第三章为知识转移的影响因素与障碍,包括2大部分。知识转移的发生并不是一帆风顺的,要受到诸多因素的影响与制约,且存在着一些障碍因素。知识转移的影响因素一直是知识转移研究学者们关注的重点内容之一。尽管各人论述的角度不尽相同,但也达成了某些共识,即一致认为影响知识转移的主要因素不外乎三个方面:知识发送方、知识本身的性质、知识接受方。论文从正反两方面进行阐述,首先综合原有的研究成果,从社会关系角度总结出知识转移的6个影响因素,分别为社会关系质量、社会联系强度、知识的粘性、知识发送方的动机和表达能力、知识接受方的吸收能力以及知识转移的网络媒介。然后从反的方面研究知识转移的主要障碍,主要有社会心理障碍、组织结构障碍、社会环境障碍与深层交流障碍。对此问题的研究方法主要是实地调查法,以南华大学经济管理学院、信息管理系的师生员工为考察对象,针对知识转移的影响因素问题展开调查,采取现场访谈的形式而获得一些数据源。第四章为知识转移案例评析。为了系统、更贴实际地说明问题、贯彻理论联系实践的原则,在前面三章理论阐述的基础上,特专门增设有关案例评析的内容。通过对教育机构、企业等知识转移典型案例的分析与评价,为制定科学、合理的知识转移策略打基础。文章首先指出案例分析法是一种行之有效的研究方法,接着选取现实中的6个(组)典型案例进行评析。第五章为提高知识转移效率、推动社会知识转移的策略。这是全文的重点所在,通过前面几章有关理论和案例的探讨和分析,从不同侧面总结出推动社会知识转移的综合策略,主要有:营造和谐、友善的社会环境氛围;充分利用现代信息技术推动知识转移;选择合适的知识转移方法,提高知识转移的能力;建立社会成员间稳固的信任关系以及建立知识转移的激励机制。其中具体的策略分别表现为:营造和谐、友善的社会环境氛围主要包括:构建融洽的知识交流网络环境,提高知识转移的效率;净化网络文化环境,推动社会知识转移。充分利用现代信息技术推动知识转移主要包括:利用信息技术建立知识转移平台;合理选择知识转移中的信息技术;利用知识网格技术实现知识资源整合,促进知识转移。选择合适的知识转移方法,提高知识转移的能力主要包括:选择合适的知识转移方法,如深入理解知识的过程;挖掘知识情境预设条件;积极获取隐性知识并转化为能力;提高知识转移的能力,如强化学习氛围,形成良好的学习机制,加强知识转移双方的知识能力;重视教育培训,提高接受方吸收知识的能力。建立社会成员间稳固的信任关系主要包括:理解信任对知识转移的促进作用;建立促进知识转移的人际信任体系,如诚信为本,提高知识转移参与者的信誉;倡导树立相互信任的风气等。建立知识转移的激励机制主要包括:理解精神激励促进知识转移的优势作用;了解传统激励模式的激励困境;建立知识转移的激励机制,如综合运用物质激励和精神激励,并兼顾环境激励;建立知识转移激励的考核制度;建立有利于知识转移的学习激励机制。并通过高校知识转移中的教师激励这一实例加以说明。第六章为总结与研究展望。对本文的研究进行总结与思考,说明其中的不足之处,并对未来的研究方向作了展望。

【Abstract】 In the modern Knowledge-Economics era, knowledge has already become one of the key factors of success in the competitive environment. The access, transfer and innovation of knowledge are the main activities of knowledge management, of which knowledge transfer is the precondition and basis of knowledge innovation. As a social activity, knowledge transfer occurs in the whole relationship system of society. Many cases prove that the effects of knowledge transfer are not worthy of optimism. This should be mainly because of the strategies of knowledge transfer, so the research on the strategies of social knowledge transfer with a social relationship perspective seems important and eager in the modern area of knowledge management. With a social relationship perspective, the paper emphasizes the knowledge transfer within social network relationship. According to the following research clue“the basic conception—the theory analysis—the cases evaluation and analysis—the comprehensive strategies—the research prospect”, the paper carries through a more deep research on such problems as knowledge transfer’s motivation and causality, affecting factors & obstacles and prompting strategies.The whole dissertation consists of seven chapters and the specific contents are as followings:The first part is preface, which is composed of five parts. They are the questions asking and research meaning; a synthesis of abroad and domestic research; this paper’s research clue and research contents; the main research methods and innovation points.Chapter one is mainly about the summary of knowledge transfer, which is composed of two parts. They are the meaning of knowledge transfer and the process & social network model of knowledge transfer. Though knowledge transfer has become the hot research topic of knowledge management area at present, people don’t fully understand the knowledge transfer’s meaning during the course of using because of cognition and habit etc. The faintness of theory recognition brings about the feeble effect of knowledge transfer research, and also affects the research prospect of knowledge management practice. So firstly, the paper analyzes the knowledge transfer’s meaning and its process etc. so as to give a mat for later research. Based on the understanding of knowledge’s attribute and classification, summarizing the current research literature, the paper gives a boundary of knowledge transfer’s meaning starting from social relationship perspective; then analyzes the process & social net work model of knowledge transfer.Chapter two is mainly about the motivation and causality of knowledge transfer within the social relationship, which is to research the motivation and causality of people’s knowledge transfer activity. The chapter is composed of three parts. Knowledge especially tacit knowledge, as a kind of valuable labor product, its gain needs the owner’s cost such as time, brainwork, physical strength and wealth etc. As the knowledge owner, his behavior of transferring knowledge to others must exit the corresponding motivation and causality. The paper discusses the motivation and causality of knowledge transfer within the social relationship, which is to research the motivation and causality of people’s knowledge transfer activity, thinks that they are made up of inner driving force and external prompting force. The inner driving force is the ultimate force of spurring people to transfer knowledge, and the external prompting force is the catalyst of people’s knowledge transfer behavior. Only via the external prompting force impelling the inner driving force factors’producing and strengthening, the efficient knowledge transfer within the whole society may be realized. Using Maslow’s theory of level demand for reference, the paper gives sociological explanation of knowledge transfer’s inner driving force, points out that knowledge transfer is firstly to satisfy the demand of people’s self-realization and sums up the people knowledge transfer’s inner driving force to five aspects such as organization sensibility and responsibility, individual achievements, reputation, interests & tastes and benefits each other. Then analyzes and thinks that knowledge transfer is also the demand of saving the cost of people’s knowledge access such as time cost, material devotion cost, attention cost, knowledge service payment cost. To reduce the cost of knowledge acceptance may adopt the means of establishing knowledge resource public warehouse. Finally discusses the knowledge transfer’s external prompting force from the level of whole society, thinks that knowledge transfer is also the demand of social knowledge innovation and sharing. In the modern Knowledge-Economics era, sharing knowledge has become the inevitable development tendency. But knowledge sharing occurs in the whole social relationship, its realization exits some main obstacle factors such as the will of individual knowledge sharing and social organizational systems.Chapter three is mainly about the effecting factors and obstacles of knowledge transfer. This chapter is composed of two parts. The occurrence of knowledge transfer doesn’t mean plain sailing, instead it is affected and restricted by many factors, and also exits some obstacle factors. The affecting factors of knowledge transfer have always being one of the important contents for knowledge transfer researchers. Though each one’s discussion perspective isn’t wholly the same, but they come to some agreements, which means they unanimously think that the affecting factors of knowledge transfer aren’t outside of three aspects: knowledge senders, the inward attribute of knowledge and knowledge recipients. The paper analyzes from the positive and negative two aspects. Firstly, the paper gives a comprehension of the original research achievements and summarizes the six affecting factors of knowledge transfer from social relationship perspective. They are the quality of social relationship, the strength of social ties, the stickiness of knowledge, the motivation and expressing ability of knowledge senders, the absorption ability of knowledge recipients and the network media of knowledge transfer. Then researches the main obstacles of knowledge transfer from the negative aspect. They are mainly social psychological obstacle, the organization structure obstacle, the social environment obstacle and the deep inter-exchange obstacle. The research method of this problem is mainly field survey. To take the teachers and students of Economics Management School and Information Management Department in Nanhua University as review objects, the author spread survey aiming at the problem of knowledge transfer’s affecting factors, obtain some data source by the means of on-the-spot visiting and talking.Chapter four is mainly about the evaluation and analysis of knowledge transfer cases. To give a more system and practical explanation of problems, stick out the principle of theory combining practice, the paper specially adds some relevant contents of cases evaluation and analysis based on the theory explanation of the previous three chapters. By the evaluation and analysis of education institute and enterprise’s typical knowledge transfer cases, the paper is to construct the basis for working out the scientific and reasonable strategies of knowledge transfer. Firstly the paper points out that the case analysis method is a kind of effective research method, then choose six (group) practical and typical cases to put up the evaluation and analysis.Chapter five is mainly about the strategies of increasing the efficiency of knowledge transfer and prompting the social knowledge transfer, which is the most important content of the whole paper. By the discussion and analysis of theories and cases in the several previous chapters, the paper summarizes the comprehensive strategies of prompting the social knowledge transfer from different aspects. They are mainly as followings: to build the harmonious and kind social environmental atmosphere; to prompt the knowledge transfer activity by making full use of modern information technologies; to choose the adaptive methods and increase the ability of knowledge transfer; to construct the steady trust relationship between social members and the motivation mechanism of knowledge transfer. Some of the specific strategies respectively represents as following: to build the harmonious and kind social environmental atmosphere mainly includes: to construct the placatory network environment of knowledge communion so as to increase the knowledge transfer efficiency; purify the network culture environment so as to prompt social knowledge transfer. To prompt the knowledge transfer activity by making full use of modern information technologies mainly includes: to build knowledge transfer flat roof by making use of information technologies; to rationally choose the information technologies of knowledge transfer; to realize the knowledge resource integration using knowledge grid technology so as to accelerate knowledge transfer. To choose the adaptive methods and increase the ability of knowledge transfer mainly includes: to choose the adaptive methods, for example, understanding the knowledge’s process thoroughly; digging the advance condition of knowledge complexion; accessing the tacit knowledge and transforming into ability actively. To increase the ability of knowledge transfer, for example, strengthening study atmosphere and forming the favorable study mechanism so as to enhance the knowledge ability of knowledge transfer both sides; attaching importance to education and cultivation so as to increase the recipient’s absorption knowledge ability. To construct the steady trust relationship between social members mainly includes: understanding the acceleration function of trust vs. knowledge transfer; to construct the inter-personal trust system of prompting knowledge transfer, for example, taking honesty and trust as the root principle so as to increase the knowledge transfer participant’s credit standing; advocating building up the vogue of trusting each other etc. To build the motivation mechanism of knowledge transfer mainly includes: understanding the advantageous function of spiritual motivation vs. knowledge transfer; comprehending the stimulant mess of traditional motivation model; constructing the motivation mechanism of knowledge transfer, for example, comprehensively exerting material motivation and spiritual motivation as well as environmental motivation; constructing the checking system of knowledge transfer motivation; constructing the study motivation mechanism which is in favor of knowledge transfer. To demonstrate this problem, the author takes the teachers’motivation of knowledge transfer in university as example.Chapter six is mainly about the summarization and prospect of research. The author summarizes and rethinks the whole paper’s research contents, points out some shortcomings and gives a prospect of future research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期
  • 【分类号】C912
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】2429