

Research on the Customer Participation in Customerization

【作者】 张祥

【导师】 陈荣秋;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 传统企业孤立的价值创造模式由于排除了顾客而日渐丧失其效用。顾客参与价值创造是未来的主要竞争模式,顾客化定制是这一模式在运作管理中的表现形式,是定制生产的新阶段,其显著特点是顾客参与定制。然而现有对顾客化定制的研究仍停留在概念阶段,对顾客参与的研究则分散在不同领域,两者之间缺乏联系,更缺乏对顾客化定制中顾客参与的研究。本文旨在弥补这一不足,目的是研究顾客化定制中顾客参与价值共创的内在机制及其对企业竞争优势的影响。本文主要运用实证研究方法,采用实地研究、访谈、大样本调查、多元统计分析和结构方程模型等方法,通过对多个行业企业的调查和调研,对顾客化定制中运作方式和策略的选择及其与顾客的关联性、职能策略与顾客策略的匹配以及顾客参与价值共创对企业竞争能力的影响进行了研究。具体来说得出了下列新结论。提出了顾客订单驱动和预测驱动两种生产方式的不同运作逻辑,证实了产成品库存的高低和不同的生产方式相关。分析结果表明订单生产方式能克服传统预测生产方式的诸多弊端,并和顾客参与现象存在着对应关系。发现快速响应和定制产品多样性之间存在显著关联性,并对企业绩效产生不同的影响。加快响应速度有助于提升企业的短期绩效,而增加品种数有助于提升长期绩效。本文还划分出订单到交货(OTD)时间的三阶段分布结构,发现订单处理时间和生产时间相互独立,加快订单处理时间是企业应重点关注的部分,缩短生产节拍则可减少生产时间;增加产品族会延长订单处理时间,而生产运作阶段对定制产品多样性的包容性更强。证实了职能策略和顾客策略间存在显著关联性,取得职能策略和顾客策略协调一致的企业竞争能力更强,比未能取得协调一致的企业在成本、速度、柔性和服务方面更具优势。论证了顾客参与链模型,将顾客参与价值创造过程划分为三个阶段和九种互动活动,并对应一系列方法。该模型有助于系统地分析顾客参与价值创造的各阶段、活动、方法和所产生的独特竞争优势。发现对共创价值的重视能明显增强企业的顾客化定制能力,这种能力不仅显著区别于传统的竞争能力,而且对传统竞争力具有促进作用,能显著提高柔性,加快响应速度,是一种新的核心能力。研究结果还形成了共创活动、顾客化定制能力和服务竞争要素三套信效度经过检验的量表。本文研究结果打破了传统的企业价值创造过程应与顾客隔离的观念,揭示出顾客化定制和顾客参与之间的内在联系,为探索顾客化定制和实现顾客参与价值创造提供了理论指导和实证依据,也为企业迎接即将到来的挑战提供了相应的原则、方法和工具。

【Abstract】 Traditional operations strategy isolates customers from value creation and is losing its utility today. Co-creating value with customers is the future of competition. Customerization is the strategy for such a value co-creation system, and is the next revolution in mass customization. Customer participating the value co-creation is an important feature of customerization. However, the study on customerization is in its early stage, mainly in the concept development, while the study on customer participation scatters in different areas, with few studies exploring the influence of customer participation in customerization. This dissertation is an attempt towards this direction. The purpose of this research is to study the mechanism and the strategic impacts of the value co-creation with customers on firm’s competitive advantage in customerization.Based on the data collected in multi-industry, and using multi-method approach of empirical study, mainly including filed study, interviews, large-scale survey, multivariate statistical analysis and structural equation modeling, this dissertation studied the forcast-driven and customer-order-driven production, the congruence of functional strategies and customer strategies, as well as the impacts of co-creation on firm’s competitive advantages. Based on the analysis, this research makes the contributions in the following aspects.The research provides a framework to illustrate the different operational logic of customer-order-driven production and forecast-driven production. The empirical results demonstrate that firms adopting different operations strategies may lead to significantly different finished stock level. The study reveals that customer-order-driven production is a more promising way that can overcome the drawbacks of forecast-driven production, and is corresponding to the phenomena of customer participation.This study demonstrated the significant association between product proliferation strategy and fast response strategy. Both strategies impact significantly on firm’s performance, however, on different aspects. Fast response time helps increase sales in a short term while companies with more product proliferation benefit higher growth rate in a long term. Moreover, this study provides an empirical examination into the order-to-delivery time structure and finds that order processing time is independent from producing time. Reducing order processing time can significantly shorten order-to-delivery time while reducing cycle time may significantly compress production time. More product families significantly increase order process time while production stage may contain more product proliferation.This study found that both functional strategies coordination and customer interaction significantly associate with each other. Firms with aligned customer strategy and functional strategies can achieve significantly better competitive advantages in cost, speed, flexibility and service.This study presented a customer participative chain model that facilitates a systematic analysis of a co-creation system. The model separates the co-creation process into three stages, containing nine co-creating activities, and supported by different co-creation methods. These interactive activities together with different methods and tools facilitate firms turning customer competence into the unique competitive advantages.The research results indicated that customer participation of co-creation system can significantly increase firm’s customerization capability which is significantly different from those generated from traditionally isolated value creation system. Further, this study evidenced that with higher customerization capability, firms have significantly higher flexibility and faster response, thus forming a new source of competence.The results of empirical analysis also provided three sets of tested measurement scales, including the co-creation activity, the customerization capability and the service priority.The results of this research help guide companies to breakthrough the traditionally isolated way of value creation. Moreover, the research reveals the association and mutual mechanism between customerization and customer participating value co-creation. The results deepen the understanding of value co-creation system by providing the empirical evidences and tested principles, and enable practitioners to find new ways to create sustainable competitive advantages by providing tested theories, methods and tools.

  • 【分类号】F274;F224
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1193
  • 攻读期成果