

A Study on the Co-ordinated Development of Local Industries in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region

【作者】 张凯

【导师】 徐长生;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 西方经济学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 京津冀地区同属一个经济区,地缘、人缘、业缘具有天然联系,在产业、基础设施、环境保护等方面已有一定程度的合作,但由于长期受计划经济和行政区划经济的影响,市场经济意识淡薄,区域合作意识不强,京津冀经济圈区域合作仍处于初级发展阶段,区域一体化的体制、机制尚未建立。与长江三角洲、珠江三角洲区域一体化进程相比,仍然存在很大差距。尤其是在产业发展方面,产业合作十分有限,区域之间没有形成合理的产业分工,上下游相关产业联系很少,尚未形成有效的产业价值链;产业规划仍然限制在行政区范围内,缺乏区域层面的统筹协调,竞争资源等矛盾突出,导致区域整体发展相对缓慢。在全球区域合作和经济一体化进程加快的背景下,面对当前国内外的竞争压力,如何推动京津冀地区的产业协调发展,提升区域综合实力和整体竞争力,实现地区经济一体化,从而缓解南北经济发展差距问题,改变中国经济“南快北慢”的局面,形成东中西互动、优势互补的区域协调发展格局具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。首先,本文以区域分工与合作理论、聚集经济理论、区域产业结构理论及产业与区域发展理论为基础,对京津冀地区的区位状况和经济发展状况以及产业结构、发展前景进行了深入分析,发现京津冀地区处于产业弱协调发展阶段。尽管近年来,在政府的推动下,京津冀各地区加强了经济联系,工业化进程不断加快,产业结构也发生了深刻变化,但是,京津冀地区在产业布局、产业结构安排以及政府行为之间均存在一些问题,产业布局不合理,产业发展不均衡,京津两市、河北省各城市之间存在产业结构趋同现象;京津冀地区产业链断裂明显,以及京津冀地区之间没有形成良好的产业转移;政府合作缺乏激励机制等等。其次,本文通过对地区间政府竞争状况及影响的分析,提出了京津冀区域间政府竞争与合作的重要性以及应适当引导和规范区域间政府竞争的政策建议。第三,在对产业布局、产业结构、产业分工与合作的现状及问题进行定性及定量分析基础上,提出了京津冀区域发展布局模式的选择和京津冀经济一体化合作关系。利用区域间投入产出模型和层次分析法对京津冀各地区的主导产业进行选择,并通过区位商进行验证,对京津冀地区主导产业选择、产业定位和产业结构调整进行了研究,提出北京的产业定位应该是知识型区域,重点发展高新技术产业、文化产业、现代服务业等;天津的产业定位应该是加工型区域,重点发展以非农产品为原料的现代加工制造业;河北的产业定位应该是资源型、加工型双重区域,重点发展采掘业、能源原材料工业、机械制造加工业、重加工工业和产业化的农业。第四,本文采用比较研究方法,对京津冀与长三角、珠三角产业结构状况、产业发展特征及模式进行了深入分析,并通过构建产业相对竞争评价指标体系,对三大经济区的产业相对竞争力水平进行评价,发现长三角地区和珠三角地区分别处于工业化发展的中期阶段和后期阶段,京津冀地区正处于向工业化中期迈进的阶段,同时长三角地区和珠三角地区的产业相对竞争力也明显优于京津冀地区。因此,从提升产业相对竞争力的角度看,京津冀为提高产业竞争力,还有必要加快产业的发展,可以围绕提升产业发展速度、优化产业结构水平、推进产业的非国有化水平、提高科技进步水平、降低劳动力成本、降低能源资源消耗、提高产业的外向度等途径进行。最后,在理论研究、经验研究及比较研究基础上,提出京津冀地区应加强产业集群的发展、建立和完善区域市场体系、促进民营经济的发展以及构建地区产业协调机制等产业发展的策略。

【Abstract】 In the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, though there are natural connection in space, culture, and economy and cooperation in industrial development, infrastructure construction and environmental protection, the traditional planned economy system and administrative management system draw back the development of united marketing economy and cooperative awareness, which result in the weak development of economic cooperation and regional economic integration, compared to Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta. Especially in the industrial development, limited industrial cooperation, no reasonable industrial distribution, less connection between the upper and lower industries make no effective industrial chains; and industrial planning restricted in administrative regions, no examination from regional level and fierce fight for resource cause the slow development of whole regional economy. With the rapid pace of regional cooperation and economic integration in the world and fierce competition in and out of our country, it is meaningful both in theory and reality how to promote the coordinated industrial development in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, to enhance regional comprehensive power and totally competitive ability, and realize regional economic integration so as to narrow the gap between the Southern and Northern economic development, change“South-fast-and-North- slow”situation of China’s economy and form the balanced developmental structure between the East and West.Firstly, Based on the Theory of Regional Division and Cooperation, the Theory of Industrial Clusters and the Theory of Regional Economy and overall survey of the location, economic development and industrial structure, this dissertation found Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region in a place of weak coordinated development in spite of the recent connection between the parts, the rapid industrialization and great change of industrial structure under the governmental interference. Many problems still exist such as irrational industrial distribution, unbalanced industrial development, similarity in industrial structure and a clear gap in these three parts, no good industrial transfer between these parts and a lack of inspiration system in governmental cooperation.Secondly, with an analysis of the competition between the governments and its influences, the author put forward a viewpoint that the competition and cooperation are important between the Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei governments and a policy suggestion to guide and regulate the competition should be made.Thirdly, with an Input-and-Output Model ,the author made a qualified and a quantity analysis of industrial location, industrial structure and industrial distribution and cooperation , I think the industry of Beijing should be talent-oriented, focusing on the development of high technology, cultural industry and modern service industry, the industry of Tianjin should be processing-oriented, processing non-agricultural materials, and Hebei should be both resource-oriented and processing-oriented, mainly developing mining ,power materials, machine manufacturing, heavy industry and industrialized agriculture.Fourthly, by comparing the industrial structure, developmental characteristics and pattern, evaluation system of industrial competition, and the competitive power of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yang??e River ??lta and Pearl River Delta, the a??hor found Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta are in the middle and later stage of industrialization, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region is towards the middle stage of industrialization, at the same time the industries in Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta are more competitive than that of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region. Therefore, the competitive ability and faster industrial development could be achieved by promoting the pace of industrial development, optimizing industrial structure, promoting the development of privat economy, improving science and technology, lowering labor cost and the consumption of power and resource, and expand the export-oriented economy.Lastly, on the basis of theory, experience survey and comparison analyses, I hold an opinion that Beijig-Tianjin-Hebei Region should enhance the development of the industrial cluster, perfect regional market system, accelerate the development of non-stated owned economy and construct the strategy of coordinated development of regional industries.
