

The Young Companion, the Visual Annals of the Times

【作者】 刘永昶

【导师】 申凡;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 新闻学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 《良友画报》是上个世纪二三十年代中国现代性进程中应运而生的商业媒介典型。在社会资金的支持、媒介商业竞争的激励以及一批接受过新式教育的知识分子的持续努力下,《良友画报》成为当时中国最有影响的新闻性综合画报。作为有责任感的知识分子,《良友画报》的几任主编保持了办刊思想的一贯性,并在编辑方法、编辑策划、媒介活动、营销活动等业务领域均能做到与时俱进、推陈出新,不仅堪称当时画报的典范,也足以为今天的平面视觉媒介留下诸多宝贵的经验。作为中国现代性进程的产物,《良友画报》又反哺于中国现代性的成长。基于对民众的启蒙意识,《良友画报》的内容充满了对于中国现代性进程的反映与追求,因而具有了图像志的意义。《良友画报》对于中国现代性的理解主要表现为工商精神气质建构与现代文化环境建设,而它开阔的国际化视野则体现了其对现代性“他者”的关注,从它的国别选择倾向、中西比较视野等可以看出《良友画报》建立在本土发展基础上的对于“西方”的特殊关注,也体现了传媒之于“流动的现代性”的传播功能。都市作为现代性特征最为集中的场域,为《良友画报》提供了良好的成长环境,也得到了《良友画报》的充分认同。《良友画报》对都市现代性的理解主要从都市环境、大众文化、人的现代化三个向度展开。首先表现为对“摩登”都市空间氛围的认同与营造,并在叙述中刻意削弱都市阴暗面的表达;其次表现为对以电影为代表的大众文化的理解,无论杂志对电影“工业化生产”的认知还是“消费主义”的报道策略,都体现了大众文化的现代性特征;再次表现了对于人的“现代化”的诉求,以女性形象为例,《良友画报》认同的现代女性是独立(知识化与职业化)、时尚(具有消费能力)、美丽(健康与自由)的都市女性。在中国现代性进程遇到阻碍时,《良友画报》表现出了富有责任感的媒介姿态。它对国内动荡不安的政治局势与军事形势保持密切关注,对人民遭受的苦难表示深切同情,并因之进行了严肃的批判与反思;在日本对华侵略愈加张狂的历史时期,《良友画报》的涉日报道出现了明显的转变,并表现出了通常不为我们所关注的商业媒介同样坚守的民族责任感,这对于其他商业性质的媒体具有普适性意义。

【Abstract】 The Young Companion is a typical commercial medium growing out of China’s modernity process from 1920s to 1930s. With society’s financial support, commercial media competition’s advocacy and the consistent efforts of its successive editors-in-chief, it became the most influential comprehensive news pictorial of China in those days. As intellectuals with high sense of responsibility, its successive editors-in-chief carried on its consistent editing ideas, advancing with the times in all kinds of fields such as editing approaches, editing strategies, media activities and sales activities. All these make it the pictorial model of those days and leave invaluable experience to today’s visual media.As a product out of China’s modernity process, the pictorial also helps improve the growth of China’s modernity. Built on its enlightenment significance on people, Young Companion’s reflection and pursue of China’s modernity process make it worthy the name of the Visual Annals of the Times. Its understanding of China’s modernity expresses itself as construction of industrial and commercial spirit and the construction of modern culture environment. The pictorial’s open and broad international vision indicates its concern with modernity from“other perspectives”. Its nation choosing tendency and its contrast between Chinese and western vision express its particular concern with western countries based on its domestic development, and they also embody media’s transmission of“mobile modernity”.As the most concentrated field of modernity, urban areas provide The Young Companion with an excellent growing environment. They are also sufficiently accepted by the pictorial. It expresses its understanding of urban modernity from the perspectives of urban environment, mass culture and human’s modernization. Firstly, it accepts and develops a modern urban atmosphere; it also intentionally weakens its description of the dark side of urban areas. Secondly, it includes its understanding of mass culture represented by films; its knowledge on films’“industrialized productivity”and reporting strategies of consumerism display mass culture’s modernity. Thirdly, the pictorial reflects human’s seeking for modernization; taking the female image as an example, Young Companion recognizes modern urban females as independent (equipped with knowledge and a profession), fashionable (holding certain consuming capacity) and beautiful (healthy and liberal).The Young Companion demonstrates a highly responsible media attitude when China’s modernity process met with difficulties. It keeps close concern with our nation’s unsteady political and military situation. It shows great sympathy for people’s sufferings and gives serious criticism and reflection on them. During the period of Japan invading China, its Japan-related reports displays a dramatic change and expresses its sense of national responsibility hold by some commercial media which are always ignored by us, which is of universal significance among other commercial media.

【关键词】 《良友画报》现代性启蒙都市
【Key words】 The Young Companionmodernityenlightenmenturban areas