

On the Fresh Product Operation Process Management in Chain Supermarket Based on Workflow for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering

【作者】 刘怡

【导师】 张子刚;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 生鲜货品是连锁超市经营中的重点和难点,如何有效突破生鲜货品流程瓶颈,优化流程管理,对于实现连锁超市的工业化运营具有重大意义。工作流管理系统提供了实现物流、资金流、信息流及其涉及的相关过程与应用的集成机制,从而使得企业能够实现业务过程集成、业务过程自动化与业务过程的管理。本文从基于Petri网的工作流建模、工作流引擎的调度、工作流管理系统的体系结构、企业应用集成等方面研究了基于工作流的连锁超市生鲜货品经营流程管理系统,较好地实现了生鲜货品经营的流程优化、结构完善和系统整合。结合工作流管理技术产生与发展现状,介绍了工作流管理的相关术语和工作流标准化组织提出的工作流标准,分析了作为独立软件系统的工作流管理系统的应用情况,探讨了工作流管理技术的发展趋势。系统论述了工作流建模理论,对Petri网的特性、Petri网的扩展、以及基于Petri网的工作流建模方法进行了研究,利用Petri网对建模后的正确性进行分析。分析了生鲜货品的特点以及经营流程中存在的缺陷,从供货商管理、采购、配送和店面管理等四个方面提出了生鲜货品营运流程的改进路经。在此基础上,将Petri网技术应用于生鲜货品营运流程的工作流建模,优化了连锁超市生鲜货品的运营流程。针对解决连锁超市生鲜货品经营流程中含有模糊特征的工作流任务排序问题,提出了一种集成了模糊规划器的工作流管理调度模型。该模型支持模糊特征的任务排序,根据工作流任务的特点,通过模糊规划器确定任务的优先等级,形成参与调度的任务序列。在建立任务特征体系的基础上,运用基于模糊一致矩阵的模糊层次分析法,实现工作流任务的合理排序,使任务的调度更加科学,提高了工作流管理系统的总体服务能力。为了解决连锁超市生鲜货品经营流程中的半自动和手动工作流任务分配问题,提出了支持负载平衡和经验值的任务分配策略,并进行了仿真。该策略把抽象的角色和最终的任务执行者联系在一起,在对任务参与者进行负载预测的基础上,综合考虑了任务分配过程中交付任务的要求、参与者的工作负荷、经验、兴趣等因素,量化参与者的负载,通过动态重组形成候选集合。在分配策略的实施过程中,根据预测负载偏差,对参与者的负载进行等级划分,并从轻载集合中选出经验值高的参与者作为任务的具体执行者等具体步骤完成任务分派,在实现负载平衡的同时充分考虑了参与者的经验和兴趣,较好地实现了任务的合理分配,提高了面向角色的工作流管理系统的运行效率。提出了一种基于Web服务的工作流管理系统结构模型。该结构模型在消息格式、数据传输、服务描述以及服务发布与发现等方面定义了统一的规范,可以集成异构组件以及遗留系统,具有统一、友好的Web用户使用界面,能较好地适用于连锁超市生鲜货品经营流程所处的分布、异构环境。提出了一种基于工作流的连锁超市应用集成框架。通过对当前企业集成技术和连锁超市现有的应用系统的分析,将基于Web服务的工作流技术应用于连锁超市生鲜货品经营,实现了连锁超市内部原有应用系统的集成,满足了包括生鲜货品在内的连锁超市各项业务流程化管理以及规模化扩张的需求。论文最后对全文的工作进行了总结,并对今后的研究工作进行了展望。

【Abstract】 The operation of fresh product is one of the most important and difficult part in chain supermarket. How to break the neck-bottle of the process management and optimize process management is significant to the industrialized operation of chain supermarket. Workflow management system provides a mechanism which integrates logistics, information flow, capital flow and corresponded processes and application. Therefore the integration, automation and management of business process in enterprises can be implemented. This dissertation studies the management system of fresh product operation process based on workflow in the aspects including workflow modeling based on Petri net, architecture of workflow management system, scheduling of workflow engine and integration of enterprise application systems, and realizes the optimization of process, perfect of architecture and integration of process in the operation of fresh product.In this dissertation, connected with the present situation and background of emergence, development and application of workflow management, the terms of workflow management and the standards proposed by WfMC are introduced, the application of workflow management as independent software is analyzed, and the development of trend of workflow management is explored. On the other hand, the theory of workflow modeling is defined systematically. The characteristics and expansion of Petri net and the methods of workflow modeling based on Petri net are studied in-depth. The validity of modeling is analyzed by Petri net.The characteristics of fresh product and the defects in the operation process are analyzed, and the methods of improving process management are proposed in the aspects including provider management, purchasing, distributing and local management. Then Petri net is applied in the workflow modeling to optimize fresh product process.To deal with the tasks ranking issue with fuzzy characteristics in fresh product operation process of chain supermarket, a scheduling model integrated with fuzzy planners is proposed. This model supports the ranking of tasks with fuzzy characteristics. According to the characteristics of workflow tasks, it gets the priority ranks of tasks by fuzzy analytic hierarchy, and causes the tasks series concerned with scheduling. Based on constructing a characteristics system of tasks, the tasks ranking with fuzzy characteristics are implemented in reason by FAHP. Consequently the scheduling is more scientific and the service of workflow management system is improved obviously.To deal with the issue of manual and semi-automatic tasks assignment in the process of fresh product operation, a strategy supporting load balance and experience value for task assignment of workflow is proposed and simulated and applied in the tasks assignment of operators in chain supermarket. On the basis of predicting the load of task actors, the strategy bridges the gap between abstract roles and real task actors, takes the following factors into account: the demand of tasks, the load of task actors, the performance and interest of accepting different categories of tasks, and forms a set of candidates by dynamic reassembling. In the implementation of the strategy, according to the prediction of load deviation, the load of task actors is divided into several sets,the tasks is assigned to the actor who has the highest experiential value in light load set.Assignment of tasks can be well implemented with the strategy, simultaneously the goals of load balance and considering of experience value can be achieved. The efficiency of role-based workflow management system is improved to a great extent with the strategy. A model of workflow management architecture based on Web service is proposed. This model defines the format of information, data transmission, describing of service, publishing and locating of service. It also integrates heterogeneous components and legacy systems, has friendly and consistent interface, and can be applied in distributed and heterogeneous environment.A frame of integration of application systems based on workflow management in chain supermarket is proposed. By the analysis of the integration techniques and application systems in chain supermarket, workflow management based on Web service is applied in the integration of application systems in chain supermarket, and satisfies the demand of all kinds of processes (including fresh product) management and expansion of chain supermarket.At the end, the entire dissertation is concluded and the future research is described.
