

A Study of Third-party Logistics Mode Based on Mass Customization

【作者】 李燕

【导师】 马士华; 刘志学;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 顾客对低价格地获得个性化产品的强烈需求,促使大规模定制(Mass Customization,MC)成为当前主要的生产模式。对于制造行业而言,物流管理在实现MC中起着关键性的作用。为了提高物流的效率和效益,很多MC企业及其供应链将物流外包,但并不是所有的物流外包都能达到预期的结果。第三方物流提供商(Third-party logistics providers, TPLs)需要提供一种与MC相匹配的物流模式,从而来增强供应链的竞争力。基于此,本文深入研究了基于大规模定制的第三方物流模式。主要的研究内容如下:(1)构建了第三方物流模式与大规模定制的匹配模型。首先以客户订单分离点(Customer order discoupling point, CODP)为切入点,从生产运作特点、流体特性和客户特点三方面分析了CODP前后的不同物流需求特性,提出了MC的物流管理战略目标。通过比较多种物流模式的特点,提出了第三方精敏物流模式的概念,构建了第三方物流模式与大规模定制的匹配模型:整个供应链对应第三方精敏物流模式,CODP前对应第三方精细物流模式,CODP后对应第三方敏捷物流模式。(2)建立了第三方精细物流模式的集成模型和第三方敏捷物流模式的集成模型。已有的文献对第三方物流的研究侧重于从某一方面进行,缺乏从系统的角度对其集成的探讨。本文根据CODP前最小化物流成本的战略目标和CODP后最小化物流时间和提高柔性的战略目标,分别构建了一个从上至下分别为原则层、规划层和操作层的第三方精细物流集成模型和第三方敏捷物流集成模型,各层之间从上至下是逐层指导的关系,从下至上是逐层映射支撑的关系。并深入探讨了各层要素之间的内在关系。(3)构建了第三方敏捷物流模式的时间-收益决策模型。已有的文献缺乏专门对物流时间的定量研究,而最小化物流时间是第三方精敏物流模式最重要的特征。本文在一个由一个组装制造商、处于同一地点的n个客户和一个第三方物流企业构成的供应链系统中,以物流时间和供应链产品价格为决策变量,建立了分散和集中两种决策模式下的供应链响应时间—收益决策模型。通过对两种决策模式下的最优性分析和数值计算比较,得到了能够实现整体收益最大化的决策模式。(4)设计了第三方敏捷物流系统的柔性决策机制。柔性是第三方敏捷物流模式的另一重要特征,已有的文献甚少从系统的角度研究物流系统柔性决策。本文建立了第三方敏捷物流系统的柔性决策机制:先从市场需求的角度对柔性的基本要素进行匹配判断,形成外部决策;再从市场盈利性的角度运用价值工程方法进行系统内部决策,最终形成物流系统柔性的总体决策。

【Abstract】 Mass customization (MC) has become the main mode of production because customers strongly access to customized products with low price. For the manufacturing industry, logistics management plays a key role in achieving MC. To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of logistics, many MC enterprises and their supply chain outsource logistics. But not all of third-party logistics providers (TPLs) can achieve their customers’desired results. In order to enhance the competitiveness of the supply chain, TPLs must provide a logistics mode to match MC. Therefore, the research focuses on third-party logistics mode based on MC. The main content includes:(1) A match model between third-party logistics mode and MC was constructed. Based on Customer order discoupling point (CODP), the pre-CODP and post-CODP logistics demand characteristics were firstly compared from production operation, physical, and customers. And the strategic goals of logistics management in MC were proposed. Then, after comparing servaral logistics mode, the concept of third-party leagile logistics was introduced. Finally, a model matched third-party logistics mode with MC was constructed: third-party leagile logistics matches MC supply chain, third-party lean logistics and third-party agile logistics respectively matches pre-CODP and post-CODP supply chain.(2) An integrated model of third-party lean logistics and third-party agile logistics was respectively constructed. Few existing literature on third-party logistics studied from the perspective of integration. According to the objective of minimizing logistics costs before CODP, an integrated model of third-party lean logistics was constructed, which was divided into three hierarchies, from top to bottom namely the principle tier, planning tier, and tactic tier. According to the relationships of top-down guidance and bottom-up support, the main elements of every tier were detailed. Study on an integrated model of third-party agile logistics is similar to the above.(3) Decision-making model of response time-benefits of supply chain in third-party agile logistics was established. In the existing literatures there is lack of logistics time with quantitative research; however, minimizing logistics time is the most important feature of third-party agile logistics. Firstly, A supply chain was constructed, which was composed an assembly manufacturer, some (n) customers, and a third-party logistics enterprise. Then, logistics time and product price of the whole supply chain was chosen to be decision-making variables, and separately established model of response time-benefits of supply chain in decentralized and centralized decision-making. Finally, through optimal analysis and numerical computation comparison of the above two decision-making mode, the mode is found to achieve the maximization benefits of the whole supply chain.(4) Decision-making mechanism of flexibility in third-party agile logistics was established. Flexibility is another important feature of third-party agile logistics, however few literature research it. A decision-making mechanism of flexibility in third-party agile logistics was established: firstly, matching judgment on the basic elements of the flexibility with market demand to make an external decision; then, using Value Engineering method to make an internal decision based on productiveness; finally, combining the external and internal to make an overall decision.

  • 【分类号】F252;F224
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1953
  • 攻读期成果