

Study on Nonlinear Galloping Theory for Long Conductors of Power Transmission Lines

【作者】 黄涛

【导师】 王乘; 樊建平;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 系统分析与集成, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 高压输电线舞动会给电力设施造成巨大灾害,但是由于舞动的复杂性,人们对舞动机理还没有完全认识清楚,因此很难在实践中对症下药做好防治工作。为了保障电网的安全可靠运行,必须对输电线舞动现象进行更深入的研究。本文在总结归纳前人研究的基础上,首要任务是尝试建立一套研究舞动理论的完整系统方法,各个章节都围绕此问题展开。本文首先研究输电线的静力特性,这包括两个方面:输电线初始平衡构形分析和输电线静态响应分析。本文提出将索结构的找形方法用于确定输电线路的初始平衡形状,对精确有限单元法进行了补充和推广,使之适用于更复杂载荷情形和多跨输电线的找形分析。在确定了输电线的初始平衡构形和张力后,本文采用非线性有限单元法计算输电线在气动力作用下的静态响应,首先运用虚功原理推导出全Lagrange格式的非线性索单元的一般表达式,然后在此基础上给出一种具有转动自由度的五结点空间索单元的具体表达格式,该索单元不仅适用于分析一般索结构,而且适用于舞动的研究。本文还对用于输电线找形的有限元方法和用于输电线静态响应分析的有限元方法进行了比较。通过算例,证实了提出的单元和算法的正确性和可靠性。本文深入研究了输电线舞动有限元模型。详细推导了三自由度舞动模型的位移关系,给出了舞动有限元方程的建立方法。对于建立的非线性舞动方程,首先分析传统时间积分算法无法对其求解的原因,然后在此基础上给出一种改进的时间积分算法,并对该算法的稳定性进行研究,得出了稳定性条件。除了改进算法,本文通过分析舞动有限元方程的特殊性,还提出将Runge-Kutta法用于该方程的求解,并给出了具体的求解步骤。由于用改进算法或Runge-Kutta法直接求解原方程计算量较大、且过程较复杂,因此本文在分析输电线舞动特点的基础上,采用振型叠加法将舞动方程转换到振型空间中求解。运用建立的有限元模型和给出的非线性舞动方程求解算法对某一实际输电线路进行了自由振动和舞动分析计算,计算结果与观测数据吻合较好。本文深入研究了输电线舞动振子模型。给出了建立振子模型的一般方法,并统一采用无量纲方程表达振子模型。采用相对风速的精确表达式重新研究了单自由度舞动振子模型,给出了起舞的临界风速和舞动振幅的解析表达式,对舞动周期解的稳定性进行了分析,并对该模型与另两种简化模型进行了比较,指出采用单自由度振子模型分析输电线舞动时,系统阻尼不可忽略,而相对风速可以采用近似表达式而基本不影响求解精度。提出了一种新的考虑垂向振动和横向摆动耦合的二自由度振子模型,通过对该模型的分析得出结论,横向摆动对引起输电线舞动起重要作用,同时指出气动力系数格式中的常数项不仅影响输电线的静构形,也会对舞动产生影响。分别研究了垂向振动和轴向扭转耦合二自由度无偏心振子模型和偏心振子模型,得出了它们的解析解,并在此基础上研究舞动方程的非线性局部性态,同时用数值方法对解析解进行了验证。对研究舞动的振子模型和有限元模型进行了比较,指出了各自的优缺点和适用范围。本文首次对输电线舞动的全局性态进行了研究。采用普通胞映射法和Poincare型胞映射法分别对单自由度舞动振子模型和二自由度无偏心舞动振子模型进行了分析计算,验证了单自由度振子模型舞动周期解的全局稳定性,并对二自由度无偏心振子模型存在的多个稳定周期解(舞动)进行了识别、划分了各自的吸引域,还清晰的给出了该模型存在的一个奇怪吸引子。研究结果深化了对舞动机理的认识,并为输电线舞动的防治提供了理论依据。

【Abstract】 Galloping of power transmission lines can lead to severe disruptions in the electrical power supply. But because of the complexity of the galloping, its mechanism hasn’t been understood clearly. So it’s difficult to prevent and cure the galloping in practice. In order to guarantee the safety and reliability of electrical network, the galloping phenomenon of power transmission lines must be studied seriously.In this dissertation, the studies on nonlinear galloping theory for long conductors of power transmission lines are described. With the objective to develop a complete set of methods for galloping research, this project consists of a few tasks: static analysis of power transmission lines, galloping finite element modeling, development of galloping oscillator model and studies on global behaviors of nonlinear galloping.The static analysis includes tow aspect: form-finding analysis and static response analysis. In this dissertation, the method for form-finding of cables is applied to compute the initial equilibrium state of power transmission lines. The exact element method is developed and expanded, so it can be used for analyzing more complex loading cases and for the form-finding analysis of multi-span power transmission lines. After determining the initial equilibrium state and tension of power transmission lines, a nonlinear finite element method is applied to compute the static response of power transmission lines under aerodynamic forces. The general expression of Lagrange nonlinear cable element is established firstly by using virtual work principle. And then occording to the properties of the iced cable, a 5-node cable element having rotational degree of freedom is derived. The difference between the exact element method and the nonlinear finite element method is also discussed in this thesis. The correctness and reliability of the element and the arithmetic proposed in this chapter are approved by several examples.The displacement relationship of a three-degree-of-freedom model for galloping is derived and the general method for establishing galloping finite element model is provided. For the nonlinear galloping equations, the limitations of the traditional time integral scheme are given first. An improved time integral scheme is then introduced with fine details. The stability of the improved scheme is also studied and the stability condition is given. Except for the improved scheme, the Runge-Kutta method is also introduced to solve the galloping equations, and the detailed steps are given. The mode superposition method is used to overcome the difficulty brought by geometric nonlinear. The finite element model of an actual power transmission line is established. Using this model, the free oscillation analysis and galloping analysis of the power transmission line are performed. The results match well with the experimental findings.Single-degree-of-freedom and two-degree-of-freedom oscillator models are studied. In this study, dimensionless form is used to express each oscillator model. The single-degree-of-freedom oscillator model is studied by using the exact expression of relative wind velocity. The analytical expressions of the critical wind velocity and the galloping amplitude are given and the stability of the periodic solution is also studied. By comparison the model proposed in this dissertation with other tow simplified models, conclusions can be drawn that the system damp can’t be ignored, but the relative wind velocity can be expressed by approximate formula. A new two-degree-of-freedom oscillator model that couples with the lateral and plunge vibrations is established. By analyzing this model, conclusions can be drawn that lateral vibration plays an important role in galloping and the constant items of aerodynamic coefficients not only affect the initial equilibrium of power transmission lines but also affect galloping. The non-eccentricity and eccentricity two-degree-of-freedom oscillator models are studied respectively and their analytical solutions are given. The local behaviors of nonlinear galloping equations are also studied. Moreover, a numerical solution is used for verifying the analytical solution.By comparing the galloping finite element model and the galloping oscillator model, the advantages, the disadvantages and the scope of application for each model are found.This study on the nonlinear global behavior of galloping equations is carried out for the first time. The single-degree-of-freedom and non-eccentricity two-degree-of-freedom oscillator models are studied respectively by using cell mapping method and the Poincare cell mapping method. The global stability of the periodic solution of single-degree-of-freedom oscillator model is verified. The stable periodic solutions of non-eccentricity oscillator model are recognized and their domains of attraction in a determined state space are presented. Moreover, a strange attractor of this model is given clearly. The results do not only deepen the understanding of galloping mechanism, but also provide a theoretical basis for preventing and curing power transmission line galloping.
