

Research on Intelligent Control of Material Flow in Sheet-Metal Blanking Workshop and Storage Management System

【作者】 高昊江

【导师】 张宜生;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 材料加工工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 随着全球化制造组织的发展,一些汽车车体制造厂放弃了原有的落料工序,改由拥有先进的开卷落料堆垛生产线的专业化落料工厂按时、按需提供规格坯料。这些专业化落料工厂,为了保证准时供应多品种板料,往往设有存放母材(非标准型钢卷)的仓库(大型置场)。如何对此类仓库和车间物流进行有效管理,具有重要的理论和实际意义。迄今还有众多的企业(包括采用准时生产方式的企业)仍然采用的是纸质看板管理方式,出现流程管理过分依赖管理人员,信息流与物流不同步、数据差错率高,作业顺序及货物堆垛混乱,生产浪费严重,管理困难等问题。在进行企业调研的基础上,按照先进制造与管理的思想,提出并实现了一种满足大型板料加工车间物流智能控制及仓储管理的信息系统。它可以对车间内多生产线、多工序的物流作业进行智能化调度,自动求解并发布每台天车的搬运作业日程表,自动计算不同规格母材对应的最优货位,自动配置生产资源的共享顺序,并实时监控生产执行进度和仓储作业情况。针对大型板料加工前置处理的关键环节——天车作业调度,建立了计算模型。阐明了天车作业调度与其他车间作业调度问题的不同之处。对描述车间作业调度问题的析取图模型做了改进,增加了单向资源约束弧,并在单工序要求多台设备资源时,允许出现双向合取弧,以便能够准确判定调度可行性。在系统的实现上,采用了基于规则推理的天车作业调度算法,对多工序流程进行了分段处理,降低了单次求解的复杂度。定义了覆盖生产作业过程的丰富规则,建立了以满足生产适应性为目标的作业优先权原则,并处理时序冲突问题,用以获得车间作业调度问题的最优解。货位分配问题是一个多目标综合优化问题,在“优质高效”和“安全第一”的双重原则约束下,要求解决多目标问的相互矛盾和规则冲突问题。在反复实践的过程中,提出了一种分类定位机动共享存储策略,并给出了一系列优化货位分配的规则。由于采用了具有缓冲区的置场设计方案,在保留了分类存储策略和定位存储策略优点的同时,舍弃了按“最大可能在库量”设计货位容量的一般规则,实现了仓库资源的机动共享优化方案。采用基于货位状态图的求解方法,保证了计算的收敛性并能够获得稳定的最优解。提出了一种基于“生产计划—时间窗”的母材库存控制策略和算法,提高了库存计划调整的敏捷性。在J2EE框架中采用AJAx技术,改善了仓储监控电子看板和无线移动作业指示电子看板的动态显示及数据传输特性。为了保证信息传输安全,自主设计了一种混沌加密算法。这些策略和方法,对系统的实现并获得成功应用具有重要意义。

【Abstract】 With the development of global manufacturing organizations, some automobile body companies outsource blanking process to the professional factories which have decoiling & blanking & stacking production lines. In order to supply kinds of sheet-metal just in time, the blanking factories often have large-scale warehouse of nonstandard coils. So workshop-material-flow and warehouse management became a hot research issue. Traditional Kanban management is generally used, but it has the defaults, such as, manual business process management, information flowing delay after material flowing, high mistakes ratio, stacking and crane job schedule in a state of chaos, very much production waste, and hard to manage the storage.After investigation and study of blanking factories, an Intelligent Control of Material Flow in Sheet-Metal Blanking Workshop and Storage Management System is proposed to solve the difficulties by following advanced manufacturing and management theories. The system can intelligently do multi-process material-flow-job scheduling, calculation and allocation of storage space, storage monitor, and production execution monitor.Crane job is pre-process of blanking. A calculation model for Crane job scheduling problem (CJSP) is proposed. The difference between CJSP and other workshop job scheduling problems was presented. The author improved on traditional disjunctive graph model so as to investigate job schedule feasibility of CJSP, by added bidirectional conjunction arc (when the process needs two or more machines) and single-direction resource bound arc. A RBR (rule based reasoning) based carne job scheduling algorithm (RCJSA) is proposed. It breaks up the whole multi-processes into parts, and reduces the complexity of calculation of CJSP. Many rules and job priority principle for production suitability were defined, in order to solve time sequence conflict and obtain the optimum CJSP solution.Storage space allocation issue is a multi-objective optimization problem. Because of the double principles, fine quality and fast and efficient process principle and safety first principle, there is some conflict between the objectives and rules. To solve these problems, this paper proposed a freight-classification freight-orientation flexible-share storage strategy and many storage space allocation rules. This strategy includes the merits of freight-classification strategy and freight-orientation strategy, but cut off theirs shortcomings, such as storage space quantity designed as the max possible at storage freight quantity. It sets buffer storage space, and uses flexible-share rules and state chart of storage space to get the optimum calculation result. A materialstorage control strategy based on production plan and time window has been presented, which can improve the storage change agility.AJAX was used in J2EE framework to improve the real-time part-refresh ability of storage monitor E-Kanban and wireless moveable task direction E-Kanban. A chaotic encryption algorithm was designed to protect the wireless communication. The system, based on above strategies and methods, has been implemented and putted to use in a large-scale automobile sheet-metal blanking company, which improves automated administration level.
