

【作者】 周志彬

【导师】 谢克庆;

【作者基本信息】 成都中医药大学 , 中医医史文献, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 联合国教科文组织分别于1972年、1997年、2003年和2005年通过了《世界文化和自然遗产公约》、《建立口头和非物质文化遗产的决议》、《保护非物质文化遗产公约》和《保护和促进文化多样性公约》,我国分别签署了这些公约。自20世纪80年代以来,随着“世界遗产热”的升温,我国的世界文化和自然遗产的保护工作越来越受到政府和社会各界的关注与重视,政府在文化和自然遗产的申报和保护方面投入了巨大的精力,取得了丰硕的成果。截至2007年6月,我国已成功申报世界遗产39项。尤其是《保护非物质文化遗产公约》和《保护和促进文化多样性公约》通过以后,在政府有关部门和社会各界有识之士的努力下,我国加大了对非物质文化遗产的整理、研究、抢救、保护的力度,2005年,首届国家级非物质文化遗产的申报活动在全国展开,目前全国各地已申报国家级非物质文化遗产共计518项,申报世界非物质文化遗产的工作也正在有序的进行当中。作为在现代仍然具有巨大使用价值的传统医学,以及由于她在中国古代和现当代科学技术文化史上的独特地位,中医药在近年来受到了社会的广泛关注。人们逐渐意识到,中医药不仅有完整的理论体系和丰富的临床经验,而且有着深刻的文化内涵,她不仅是一门自然科学,同时也具有显著的人文科学特征。同时,在全球性的经济和改革浪潮的冲击下,中医药和其他的传统文化一样,也面临着关乎生死存亡的巨大的挑战,因此,作为“文化”、“非物质文化”以及“非物质文化遗产”,中医药正慢慢掀开其神秘的面纱,而以崭新的姿态展现在世人面前,中医药申报世界“人类非物质文化遗产代表作”的工作也已提上了日程。国家中医药管理局自2003年开始酝酿中医药申报世界非物质文化遗产,并组织相关专家,成立了“中国传统医药申报世界人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录”委员会,对中医药和民族医药进行了大量的调查研究,拟定了申报保护内容。申报方案草案确定将中国传统医药整体“打包”申报世界非物质文化遗产,申报保护内容涉及中医生命与疾病认知方法、中医诊法、中药炮制技术、中医传统制剂方法、针灸、中医正骨疗法、同仁堂中医药文化、胡庆余堂中药文化、藏医药等9个项目。2006年,中医药申遗工作正式启动。围绕中医药申遗,产生了一系列的问题,诸如中医药的学术和专业特点、中医药申报非物质文化遗产的意义、中医药的科学性与文化性、中医药的原生性和现代性、中医药的繁荣性和濒危性及其与中医药申报非物质文化遗产的关系等,也出现了反对中医药申遗、甚至“否定中医”、“取消中医”、“告别中医”的不同声音。因此,很有必要对这些问题问题进行深入的探讨。而对这些问题的讨论,可以使我们从社会学、文化学人类学、经济学等视角而非过去纯粹以医学理论和技术为主的角度对中医药文化进行一次全新的理解和诠释。本文共分为以下7个部分:(1)中医药与非物质文化遗产概说:对中医药的界定、发展简史、学术和专业特点、中医药在中国和世界上的历史价值和现实意义以及中医药非物质文化遗产的主要内容进行了介绍和分析。对已确定的国家级非物质文化遗产“传统医药”的9个项目:①中医生命与疾病认知方法;②中医诊法;③中药炮制技术;④中医传统制剂方法:⑤针灸;⑥中医正骨疗法;⑦同仁堂中医药文化;⑧胡庆余堂中药文化;⑨藏医药等,进行了简单的介绍。(2)中医药申报世界非物质文化遗产的背景和意义:阐述了中医药“申遗”的文化背景及其对发展中医药和中国传统文化事业的重要意义。(3)中医药的科学性与文化性:阐述了中医药的科学性与文化性以及二者之间的关系。(4)中医药的文化渊源与文化表现形式:对中医药的文化表现形式进行了比较系统的阐述,包括10个方面:①汉语、汉字与古籍文献;②社会、哲学和宗教思想;③伦理道德;④历史、文学、艺术;⑤民俗节庆;⑥师传、家传与官办教育;⑦武术气功:⑧百年老字号;⑨医圣药王;⑩文物考古。(5)中医药的原生性与现代性:对中医药的原生性与现代性进行了阐述。(6)中医药的繁荣性与濒危性:分析了中医药的繁荣性与濒危性。(7)对中医药申报非物质文化遗产的建议:提出了补充中草药栽培技术、推拿、养生等3个项目,单独申报针灸,以及建立包括立法保护、博物馆保护、命名保护和教育保护的中医药非物质文化遗产保护体系的建议。通过对上述问题的探讨,我们得出以下结论:中医药兼具科学性和文化性,而在表现形式上具有显著的人文特征;中医药兼具原生性和现代性,中医药非物质文化遗产的保护和传承必须处理好二者之间的关系;中医药兼具繁荣性和濒危性,中医药申报非物质文化遗产,同时不应否定当代中医药的既有成就。最后,对中医药申报非物质文化遗产提出了一些建议。我们认为,本文的工作不仅对中医药的保护、继承、发展和创新具有较强的理论和现实意义,而且对其他传统文化和非物质文化遗产的保护和传承也将具有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO) separately passed 4 documents during past 30 years,i.e.Convention Concerning the protection of the World Cultural And Natural heritage(1972),Resolution of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity(1997),Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural heritage(2003),and Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Culture Expressions(2005) for the sake of preserving the humanity heritages.The Chinese government,as one of the members of the UN has also signed these documents.Since 1980s,with the wave of World Heritage-Crazy,the preservation of cultural and natural heritages in China has gained more and more attentions from all walks.Chinese Government has been invested huge energy in cultural and natural heritages declaration and protection,which has yielded substantial result.Up to June,2007,China has succeeded to declare 39 world heritages, concluding 6 world natural heritages,26 world cultural heritages(including 1 cultural landscape),4 world cultural and natural heritages,4 world humanity oral and intangible cultural heritages.Especially after the UNESCO successively in 2003 and 2005 passed the documents Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural heritage,and Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Culture Expressions,and with the effort of all involved government departments and the men of insight,China has enhanced the arrangement,research,rescue,and protection of the Intangible Cultural heritage.In 2005,the First Declaration for Intangible Cultural Heritage launched in the nation.So far,among the nationwide 518 intangible cultural heritages have been declared,and in the future the declaration is in an orderly way.Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM),for her great medicinal value which rises to her unique status in the antiquity and both the modern scientific-technical history, has attracted extensive social attention.People gradually notice that TCM not only concludes complete theory system and abundant clinical experience but also contains profound meaning.TCM is a course of natural science with distinct feature of humanities.At the same time,under the pressure of global economy and reform,like other traditional cultures,TCM reaches the time for its very survival.Therefore,TCM is opening its mystery veiled face,and present to the whole world a brand-new gesture as Culture,Intangible Culture and Intangible Cultural heritage.Furthermore, the declaration of TCM as the masterpiece of intangible cultural heritage is on the schedule.Since 2003,the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine has begun to prepare the declaration for TCM as intangible cultural heritage.The committee for this purpose was organized by the experts from all related areas and with a great deal of investigates about TCM and other ethnic minority medicine,the content of declaration has been drawn out.The draft decided to declare TCM as a macrocosm system,with details which involved the areas of TCM cognitive method on bionomy and diseases,TCM diagnostics,procession of Chinese crude drugs,TCM preparation method,acupuncture and moxibustion,Traditional Chinese Orthopedics and Traumatology,Culture of Tong Ren Tang Traditional Chinese Medicines,Culture of Hu Qing Yu Tang Traditional Chinese Medicines,and traditional Tibetan medicine. In 2006,the declaration for TCM as intangible cultural heritage formally started.The declaration also brought a lot of questions,such as the meaning of the declaration,the scientific and cultural feature,the original nature and modernity,as well as the flourish and endangerment of TCM,and the relations between these aspects and the declaration.At the same time,there is another voice which opposes TCM and even more asks to negate,abolish,and say farewell to TCM.Therefore,it is necessary to discus these questions concern on the declaration.By discussing these questions,we can refresh our understanding and definition of TCM from the angles of sociology,anthropology,and economics areas,instead of the points of view from pure theory and technique of medicine which we used to research into.There is theoretic and practical significance on the declaration,and also an excellent reference for the preserve of other traditional cultures and intangible heritages.This thesis is divided into 7 sections:(1) The panorama of TCM and intangible cultural heritage.Introducing and analyzing the definition of TCM,its brief history,its science system,the academic and professional specialty,the historic value as well as the practical meaning in the range of China and even the whole world in a certain extent;briefly introduce 9 items which was confirmed as the national intangible cultural heritages,i.e.①TCM cognitive method on bionomy and diseases,②TCM diagnostics,③Procession of Chinese crude drugs,④TCM preparation method,⑤Acupuncture and moxibustion,⑥Traditional Chinese Orthopedics and Traumatology,⑦Culture of Tong Ren Tang Traditional Chinese Medicines,⑧Culture of Hu Qing Yu Tang Traditional Chinese Medicines,⑨Traditional Tibetan medicine.(2) The background and meaning of the declaration of TCM as one of the intangible cultural heritages.Setting forth the cultural background of the declaration of TCM,and the promoting meaning for the development of TCM and traditional Chinese culture.(3) The scientific and cultural feature of TCM.Discussing the relationship of these two aspects.(4) The representation of TCM.Expatiating on the cultural presentation of TCM in System,which contents the below aspects.①Chinese,Chinese literature,and ancient documents,②Social,philology,and religious ideas,③Ethics and morals,④History,literature,and arts,⑤Folk customs and festivals,⑥Learning with masters,family and in government schools,⑦Wushu and Qigong,⑧Famous herbal medicine shop with hundreds years,⑨The Saint of TCM and the King of medicine,⑩Cultural relics and archeology.(5) The original nature and modernity of TCM.Describing the two opposite and complementary parts of TCM..(6) The flourish and endangerment of TCM.Anglicizing the paradoxical two parts.(7) Some advices for the declaration.Promoting to add 3 more contents: cultivation of herbs,massage and health preserving.Declaring acupuncture as independent project,building up the protective system for TCM as the intangible cultural heritage concluding by legislative protection,the protection of the museum, named protection and education protection.Through the discussion of the questions above,we can reach to the conclusion that TCM both has the scientific and cultural features,and with the specific presentation of humanity.The original nature and modernity of TCM decides that we should perfectly harmonize the relations of them for the declaration.The flourish and endangerment of TCM asks not to deny the achievement of TCM.At last,the author would like to give some advices for declaration.What we have discussed in this paper has profound theoretical and practical significance in the preservation,inheritance,development and innovation of TCM, and also has the reference meaning for the preservation and inheritance of other traditional cultures and intangible cultural heritages.

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