

【作者】 李保明

【导师】 王重鸣;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 目前在学术界,针对我国家族企业领导行为开展的实证研究比较少见,而对家族企业领导行为、家族企业治理模式和绩效的关系开展研究的更是稀少。本研究以我国家族企业为研究对象,采用访谈研究、问卷研究、案例研究和实验研究等方法对中国文化背景下家族企业创业领导者领导行为概念构思理论模型,影响家族企业领导行为的主要因素,家族企业领导行为两维关系、治理模式两维关系以及家族企业领导行为与治理模式的关系,家族企业整体绩效模型,家族企业领导行为、治理模式、以及它们的交互组合影响家族企业整体绩效的机制,家族企业领导行为对员工工作态度的影响等问题开展了一系列深入的实证研究,得出了一些有价值的研究成果。研究一是中国文化背景下家族企业领导行为概念构思理论模型的开发验证研究。包括了两个子研究。子研究一为访谈研究与案例研究(开发研究)。我们通过对12家家族企业的8位创业领导者和4位高层管理者的现场深入访谈,运用关键事件技术和行为事件访谈等方法,识别中国文化背景下家族企业创业领导者领导行为的关键行为特征;采用内容分析等对访谈资料进行编码分析,对家族企业创业领导者在企业经营管理活动中的关键行为特征加以总结提炼。接着,通过一个完整的家族企业案例来更深入形象地认识探索家族企业创业领导者的领导行为表现。提出了包含三个维度的愿景任务型领导行为和四个维度的责任关怀型领导行为的家族企业领导行为初步理论模型。案例研究中,我们还对不同于非家族企业的独特治理模式进行了分析探讨。子研究二为问卷研究(验证研究)。在子研究一的基础上,我们结合文献研究,设计了领导行为的调查研究问卷,运用两套样本和统计分析软件,对114份问卷数据进行了探索性因素分析、对228份问卷数据进行了验证性因素分析和结构方程理论建模,构建出了中国文化背景下的家族企业创业领导者领导行为概念构思理论模型。该修正模型包含了三个维度的愿景任务型领导行为和三个维度的责任关怀型领导行为。接着我们对家族企业与非家族企业领导行为的差异进行对比分析;发现他们在一些维度上确实存在着显著的差异。最后,我们采用方差分析等方法,深入分析了受访者与创业领导者不同的关系,不同强度的家族导向企业,以及不同的企业背景等对创业领导者领导行为的影响。研究发现,不同强度的家族导向企业的创业领导者领导行为在集权威权维度上表现出了显著的差异,领导行为的集权威权维度在高家族导向的企业表现出比较高的分值等。这些研究结论对正确理解影响创业领导者领导行为的前因变量提供了理论依据。研究二构建了家族企业整体绩效理论模型。本研究结合现场访谈、文献研究,采用因素分析法对问卷数据进行分析,构建并验证了由企业成功和家庭成功两方面组成的家族企业整体绩效理论模型。该理论模型为检验家族企业管理实践的有效性提供了稳定和良好的效标,同时也为家族企业的相关研究提供研究基础,实现了理论创新。研究三探讨了家族企业领导行为、治理模式与家族企业整体绩效的关系。我们运用统计分析软件,对107家家族企业的228份问卷数据进行了探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析、均值分析、方差分析、相关分析和回归分析等,探讨了领导行为与治理模式的关系,建立了家族企业领导行为、治理模式以及它们之间的交互对家族企业整体绩效的影响模型。研究发现,家族企业领导行为的两个维度及家族企业治理模式的两个维度都有同时增强或减弱的趋势;采用高关系治理模式或高契约治理模式家族企业的创业领导者会更趋于采用正面的愿景任务型和责任关怀型领导行为。研究发现,家族企业创业领导者的正面领导行为(包括构建愿景、开拓创新、监控运营、仁慈关爱和责任融洽维度)对企业两维绩效有显著的影响或正相关。研究还发现,家族企业的关系治理和契约治理模式对企业两维绩效产生显著的影响作用;家族企业的关系治理模式对家庭成功产生显著的影响作用。愿景任务型领导行为与关系治理模式的交互、责任关怀型领导行为与关系治理模式的交互、愿景任务型领导行为与契约治理模式的交互都对企业两维绩效产生显著的影响作用。研究四探讨了家族企业领导行为与员工工作态度关系。通过两个模拟实验(246位被试和126位被试)以家族企业创业领导者领导行为为研究核心,主要关注领导行为对工作态度的影响、领导行为与治理模式的交互对工作态度的影响等问题,得出了有意义的结论。研究发现,家族企业创业领导者的愿景任务型和责任关怀型领导行为对员工组织承诺和组织公民行为的提升都有着显著影响。即无论企业治理模式处于哪一种水平模式,家族企业创业领导者表现出的愿景任务型和责任关怀型领导行为越强,那么员工组织承诺和组织公民行为的表现也越强。研究还发现,家族企业治理模式对愿景任务型领导行为与组织承诺的关系起到了缓冲作用。企业采取不同的治理模式时,当创业领导者采取从低到高不同的愿景任务型领导行为时,对员工组织承诺的提升幅度是不同的。最后,本研究总结了研究主要结论,探讨了本研究的创新进展和实践意义,并指出了研究中存在的主要局限以及有待进一步解决的研究问题。

【Abstract】 This research takes family business in China as the research object. On the basis of literature research, a series of empirical sub-studies were conducted on the leadership behaviors of family business entrepreneur-leader (LBFB), the main factors which influence the LBFB, the relationship between the two dimensions of LBFB. the relationship between relational governance and contractual governance, the relationship of LBFB, governance and family business performance, and the mechanism that influence family business performance. Some original, valuable and meaningful research achievements were got.The first study was composed of two sub-studies which explored and confirmed LBFB construct model in Chinese organizational contexts. In sub-study 1, we first made a semi-structured interview with entrepreneur-leaders of family businesses to identify the key behavioral attributes of LBFB with critical incident technique. Then a content analysis was conducted based on the interview data. After that, we put forward an initial LBFB construct model which includes vision-task leadership behavior (3 dimensions) and responsibility-consideration leadership behavior (4 dimensions). At last, case study was used to explore the leadership behaviors of LBFB and family business governance.In sub-study 2, we empirically validated LBFB construct model. Based on the literature review, interview study and case study, leadership behavior questionnaire was developed and delivered to the top and middle level managers of family businesses. A total of 114 valid questionnaires for exploratory factor analysis and 228 valid questionnaires for confirmative factor analysis were returned from 107 family businesses. We performed an exploratory factor analysis on the data from sample 1 and a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) on the data from sample 2. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis revealed a new LBFB construct model in the organizational contexts in Chinese culture which include 3 dimensions of vision-task leadership behavior and 3 dimensions of responsibility-consideration leadership behavior. Then, the study made a comparison study to probe into the discrepancy of the leadership behaviors between family businesses and non family businesses, and found that there were significant discrepancies at some dimensions of the leadership behaviors. Lastly, we analyzed that how relationship between the respondents and the entrepreneur-leaders, and how strength of the family orientation would affect LBFB. The results show that the strength of the family orientation had some affects on LBFB. The study also probed into the discrepancy of the leadership behaviors with different organization background.StudyⅡdeveloped and constructed a family business integral performance model. On the basis of the interview and literature research, adopting structural equation modeling, we developed and validated the family business integral performance model which contains business success and family success.StudyⅢexplored the relationship among LBFB, governance and the family business integral performance. Based on the anaysis of 228 valid questionnaires, we constructed the relational model of LBFB, governance, the cross forms between the LBFB and the governance, and the family business integral performance.The research found that the two dimensions of LBFB and the two dimensions of family business governance have the tendency to increase or decrease at the same direction and at the same time. The research results show that the entrepreneur-leaders in the family business with high relational governance or high contractual governance have a tendency to adopt positive leadership behaviors.The research found that the positive LBFBs have a significant impact on the two-dimension performance, or have a positive correlation with the two-dimension performance. The research found that the relational governance and the contractual governance had significant impact on the two-dimension performance; and the relational governance had significant impact on family success.The research also found that the cross form of the relational governance and the vision-task leadership behavior, the cross form of the relational governance and the responsibility-consideration leadership behavior, and the cross form of the contractual governance and the vision-task leadership behavior had significant impact on the two-dimension performance.StudyⅣexplored the relationship among LBFB, governance and employee attitude through experimentation. The study includes two sub-studies of 2×4 between-subjects design with a sample of 246 and 126 MBA students respectively. The research found that both the vision-task leadership behavior and the responsibility-consideration leadership behavior had significant impact on the organization commitment and the organizational citizenship behavior. And the family business governance had moderating effects on the relationship between the vision-task leadership behavior and the organization commitment.Finally, the main conclusions of this research were summarized. The theoretical developments, the practical implications as well as the limitations of the research and the directions for future research were discussed.

【关键词】 家族企业领导行为治理模式绩效
【Key words】 family businessleadership behaviorgovernanceperformance
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期
  • 【分类号】F276.5;F272
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】2757
  • 攻读期成果