

The Counterespionage Policy of CPC and the Insurgence of Kuomintang Army (Sep. 1945-Jun. 1950)

【作者】 闫明

【导师】 郑德荣;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中共党史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 解放战争时期是中国社会激荡嬗变的历史时期,各种政治力量集团纵横捭阖、或沉或浮。中国共产党在这场没有和棋的牌局背后破冰潜行,导演了波澜壮阔的“和平之路”,从1945年9月到1950年6月共有国民党军118万多人起义(包括和平改编),促使近50%的国土实现和平解放。这不仅加速了国民党统治集团分化瓦解,推进了解放战争胜利进程,而且对于减少人民生命财产损失、壮大人民力量乃至新中国的建设都产生了重要而深远的影响。也正因为如此,解放战争不同于以往的战争模式而更具颠覆性。本文将以马列主义、毛泽东思想为指导,在深入、细致挖掘史料的基础上,综合运用历史学、政治学、情报学、心理学、宣传学等多学科理论,采取文献分析与理论分析相结合、定性分析与定量分析相结合、横向比较与纵向考察相结合、历史学考证与现代政治学的决策理论分析相结合等多种研究方法和手段,在对中共策反策略的形成、发展及国民党军起义的历史过程有较为全面把握的基础上,剖析中共策反策略的思维机理,探讨其体系建构,分析其存在的必然性,阐释国民党军起义发生的合理性,破解中共策反策略与国民党军起义的逻辑关系,评估中共策反策略的效能及影响性因素,并揭示本题的研究价值,以求有裨于该问题的研究。导言部分就国内外学术界对中共策反政策和国民党军起义的相关问题的研究进行考察,并指明目前这类研究存在的尚须深入探讨的问题;对本文研究目标与方法、研究意义和选题创新进行阐释;指明本文具有对中共策反所依托的军事环境、策反对象的思想动态以及策反工作的实践展开3者间关系的论述,对起义者生存意识、仕途观念等方面的考察,对起义者的思想动态作文化层面上的解读,对策反国民党军起义从失败和成功两方面进行对比性探讨,从而得出经验教训,对中共策反政策的理论与实践作系统化研究,并对其进行哲学分析等创新之处。第一章对中共策反国民党军起义情况从解放战争的过渡阶段、战略防御和战略进攻阶段以及战略决战和战略追击阶段进行分别考察,指出在总体上解放战争的发展形势与中共策反工作的效果成正比,策反工作是以解放战争时期的军事形势为依托,并与之相配合开展的,这是一种以斗争求团结,以团结赢得斗争的方式,它体现了军事与政治间的辩证统一关系。第二章对中共策反策略的实践展开进行系统剖析,就策反策略的组织领导和其性质,策反策略的执行者和策反对象,对策选择与行动探析等问题加以探讨,对中共策反国民党军起义的思维进行透视,指出主观性与客观性、对立性与同一性、普遍性与特殊性、偶然性与必然性、曲折性与前进性、量变与质变、局部与全局、精英与群众的辩证统一,这些不仅是马克思主义理论的精华,也是中共策反国民党军起义重要的思维特点,中国共产党人正是将马克思主义中国化到具体实践中,才取得了策反国民党军起义的重大胜利。第三章就国民党军起义将领思想动态进行分析,指出对于多数起义而言,政治前途这一根植于起义将领内心的价值考量是促成起义的最根本性内动力,它的附加值便是生命财产得以保全;根据对国民党军起义的不同研究视角,可以将其分为多种不同类别并对3类6种起义类型进行详细分析,指出相对而言,原发型的起义部队性质转变得比他导型和渐进型更彻底一些,突发型部队在起义后则需要对其进行比渐进型和他导型更多耐心、细致的改造工作,从而使他们真正接受无产阶级政党的领导,坚定走革命道路的信念。第四章对中共策反国民党军起义的经验教训进行总结,指出这些起义失败的教训也正是更多起义成功的经验。在解放战争时期,中共对敌工作者和国民党军起义将领就是凭借着顽强的意志、周密的策划、审慎的部署以及果敢的行动创造了战争史上规模空前的兵不血刃的奇迹;对策反国民党军起义的历史意义进行考察,指出中共策反工作和国民党军的起义不仅促使国民党阵营的分化瓦解,加速解放战争的胜利进程,而且对于减少人民生命财产损失,挽救国家资财,增进民主人士对中共政治主张的认同,巩固统一战线,以及为国家建设储备人才,壮大国防力量都具有重要的历史意义,中共策反策略的理论与实践不仅丰富了我军的对敌斗争经验,也创造了世界军事史上的光辉典范。结论部分指出策反国民党中民主、进步的力量和动摇的中间力量并与之建立统一战线,孤立、打击坚决反动、顽固的势力,同时进行武装的解放战争,这种策略在解放战争中具有极其重要的地位,它以非常规的形式配合军事打击,有着不可替代的特殊历史作用。揭示中共的策反策略不是一种通用模型,但对它的研究具有在化解由意识形态的对垒而造成的误解、紧张和冲突方面给人们以借鉴和启示的现实意义。

【Abstract】 China’s War of Liberation is a historical period full of dramatic changes in Chinese society, with maneuvering among various political groups. The Communist Party of China (CPC) broke the ice in the life and death struggle, leading a“peace road”with magnificent sweep. Kuomintang army totaling over 1.18 million rose up (including peaceful reorganization) between September 1945 and June 1950, causing peaceful liberation of nearly 50% of the land of China. It accelerated the disintegration of the ruling clique of Kuomintang, facilitated the progress of war, and also exerted significant and far-reaching impact on reducing the loss of lives and properties, expanding people’s forces and building New China. Therefore, the War of Liberation, different from previous war patterns, is more subversive.This dissertation will analyze the thinking mechanism of the counterespionage strategy of CPC, discuss the structure of the system, analyze the inevitability of its existence, explain the rationality of the breakout of the insurgence of Kuomintang army and the logical relationship between the counterespionage strategy of CPC and the insurgence of Kuomintang army, evaluate the effectiveness and impacts of the counterespionage strategy of CPC and reveal the research value of this topic so as to benefit the research of this topic. This dissertation is under the guidance of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought; on the basis of studying historical documents in depth and in detail; using theories of history, politics, informatics, psychology, propaganda and other disciplines comprehensively; combining many research methods and measures including combination of historical document analysis and theoretical analysis, combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, combination of horizontal comparison and vertical review, combination of textual research of history and analysis of policy-making theory of modern politics; on the basis of an overall understanding of shaping, development of the counterespionage strategy of CPC and the historical process of Kuomintang insurgence.Introduction reviews the study of issues relating to the counterespionage policy of CPC and the insurgence of Kuomintang army in domestic and overseas academic circles and points out the issues to be solved urgently in the research of this kind. Introduction explains the research target and method, research purport and innovation of topic selection, points out such innovation that this dissertation summarizes the relationship among military environment on which the counterespionage policy of CPC relies, development of the thoughts of counterespionage targets and the practical unfolding of the counterespionage. The innovations also include the review of the survival ideology, views on official career of insurrectionists, etc. and explanation on development of thoughts of insurrectionists on the level of culture; comparative analysis of CPC’s counterespionage of Kuomintang army’s insurgence from the perspectives of failure and success so as to draw experience and lessons; systematic research and philosophical analysis on theory and practice of the counterespionage policy of CPC.Chapter One reviews the CPC’s counterespionage of Kuomintang army’s insurgence from the perspectives of transitional stage of War of Liberation, stage of strategic defense and strategic offense, and the stage of strategic decisive battle and strategic pursuit. It points out that the development trend of the War of Liberation is in proportion to the effect of counterespionage of CPC. Counterespionage relied on the military situation during the War of Liberation and was carried out with the progress of the War, which manifests a relationship of dialectic unity between military affairs and politics: unity is achieved through fighting and fighting is achieved through unity.Chapter Two makes a systematic analysis on the practice of counterespionage policy of CPC, discusses the organizational leadership and nature of this policy, the executors and targets of counterespionage, selection of countermeasures and actions, see through thinking of CPC’s counterespionage of Kuomintang army’s insurgence, and indicates the dialectic unity relationships between subjectivity and objectivity, antinomy and identity, universality and particularity, chanciness and inevitability, tortuosity and advancement, quantitative change and qualitative change, part and whole, elite and mass. These relationships are not only the essence of Marxism but also the key characteristic of the thinking of CPC’s counterespionage of Kuomintang army’s insurgence. It is because CPC applied Marxism to practical situations of China that CPC won the great victory of counterespionage of Kuomintang army’s insurgence.Chapter Three analyzes thinking movements of insurgence generals of Kuomintang army and indicates that for most insurgences, political future, a value consideration rooted in the mind of insurgence generals, is the most fundamental internal force for engendering the insurgence; the added value is that the life and property can be saved. According to different research perspectives of the insurgence of Kuomintang army, the insurgences can be classified into different types and the insurgences hereby fall into 3 categories and 6 subcategories for detailed analysis. Comparatively speaking, the nature of the primary type insurgence army changed more downright than external factor-driven type and progressive type; more patient and detailed reconstruction was needed for abrupt type army than progressive type and external factor-driven type army after the insurgence, so as to make them accept the leadership of proletariate regime and have a firm faith in taking revolutionary road.Chapter Four summarizes the experience and lessons of CPC’s counterespionage of Kuomintang army’s insurgence and indicates that the lesson of the failure of these insurgences is definitely the experience in achieving success of more insurgences. During the War of Liberation, CPC members working against the enemy and the insurgence generals of Kuomintang army made a miracle of winning victory without firing a shot in the war history in virtue of strong will, detailed masterminding, prudent deployment and courageous and resolute action. This chapter also reviews the historic significance of the insurgence of Kuomintang army, indicates that the counterespionage of CPC and the insurgence of Kuomintang army not only facilitates disintegration of Kuomintang, accelerates the victory progress of the War of Liberation, but also has historic significance to reducing the loss of lives and properties, saving national assets, enhancing acceptance of CPC’s political propositions by democratic personages, consolidating unified united front, reserving talents for building the nation and expanding national defense power. The theory and practice of counterespionage policy of CPC enrich our experience in fights against the enemy and set a brilliant example in the war history of the world.Conclusion points out that the following strategy has highly important status in the War of Liberation: CPC’s counterespionage of democratic and progressive forces of Kuomintang and wavering middle forces to establish united front with them, isolating and beating reactionary and stubborn forces and staging armed war of liberation at the same time. This strategy worked with military attack in an unconventional manner and played a special and irreplaceable historic role.It reveals that the counterespionage strategy of CPC is not a universal model, but the research on it has realistic significance of reference and revelation in clearing misunderstanding, tension and conflict that are caused by crash among ideologies.

【关键词】 中共策反国民党起义
【Key words】 CPCcounterespionage policyKuomintanginsurgence