

A Study of Chinese Ergative Alternation

【作者】 倪蓉

【导师】 梅德明;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 自Perlmutter( 1978)提出著名的非宾格动词假设(Unaccusativity Hypothesis)以来,学者们广泛赞同不及物动词实际上是不同质的,可分为两大次类:非作格动词(unergative verb)和非宾格动词(unaccusative verb)。这种对立是“跨具体语言的,是适用于各种自然语言的”(徐杰,2004:29)。本文的讨论限于狭义的非宾格动词,即能够参与起动/使动交替的动词结构,亦称作格动词。虽然汉语并未被证实属作格语言(吕叔湘,1987:5),但作格作为一个普遍现象,在汉语中同样存在。遗憾的是,汉语的作格交替现象尚未引起足够的重视。本文研究汉语作格交替现象旨在对引起交替的语义和句法因素给予详尽的描述,并通过对作格结构与其它结构(如被动句、中动句、把字句、主题句和重动句)的比较,希望对作格的特征有个更为细致深入的认识。与以往的文献不同,本文的重心放在汉语的动结式(RVC)作格性的描述和解释,试图回答以下问题:作格RVC如何分类?是否所有的RVC都参与作格交替?作格RVC的语义和句法特征是什么?作格RVC的诊断式是什么?本文属句法-语义界面研究,认为作格结构的解释是句法和语义互动的结果。如作格动词的致使义对结构具有依赖性,必须在带宾语时才能体现出来;另外,对同一RVC而言,如“吃饱”,在不同的结构下,其作格交替能力也是不一样的。在该理论基础的指引下,本文首先对作格动词和作格RVC分别加以了分类论述。其中作格动词分为四类:物理状态变化动词;心理状态变化动词;形容词转动词;自我变化动词。至于后者,本文发现汉语作格RVC根据其在使动句中主语的特征可以分为三种情况:(1)主语为施事(Agent)兼致事(Causer),即所谓的施事使因(agentive causer),V1和V2的语义指向为异指(disjoint referential),可以发生交替,简称A类。(2)主语既可以是施事兼致事,V1和V2的语义指向为异指,不可发生交替。主语也可以是独立的致事,即非施事使因(non-agentive causer),V1和V2的语义指向为同指(co-referential),指向役事(causee),可以发生交替,简称B类。(3)主语只能是非施事使因(non-agentive causer),V1和V2的语义指向为同指(co-referential),指向役事(causee),可以发生交替,简称C类。然后,本文就与作格交替能力相关的语义因素从以下五个方面加以了论述:状态变化;使动性;施动性;有界性;以及内论元的生命度。本文并对汉语作格动词和作格动结式的诊断分别加以了讨论。对前者而言,首先,作格动词可以进行“NP1+V+NP2”和“NP2+V”的交替;同时,作格动词所在的及物句可以转换成“使”字句,即“NP1+使+V+NP2”。但就动结式而言,情况略为复杂。虽然不管动结式中的V1是及物动词、非作格动词或形容词,所有的作格动结式都可以参与“NP1+V+NP2”和“NP2+V”的交替,但是我们发现并不是所有的作格RVC都可以转换成“使”字句,例如A类中的作格动结式。因此,我们提出相对“使”字句而言,“把”字句可以认为是更为理想的诊断式。最后,本文对小句理论(Hoekstra 1988; Sybesma 1999)加以改进,将小句理论与轻动词双重投射结合起来,试图解释施事使因和非施事使因的产生机制。根据致使结构的词汇语义表征[[x DO-SOMETHING]CAUSE[y BECOME STATE]],功能语类轻动词发生三次投射,分别为vP[DO],vP[CAUSE], vP[BECOME],其中vP[BECOME]即对应于小句(small clause),所以本文主要讨论前两者。当第一层投射是vP[CAUSE],说明V1的主体与V2的主体必须不能同一,因而通过外层功能投射vP[DO],加入了外部施事成分,即施事使因。当第一层投射是vP[DO],说明V1的主体与V2的主体必须只能同一,通过外层功能投射vP[CAUSE],加入外部非施事性的致事成分。

【Abstract】 Ever since Perlmutter’s Unaccusative Hypothesis, researchers have widely accepted the view that intransitive verbs are subdivided into unergative verbs and unaccusative verbs. Our discussion is restricted to those unaccusative verbs that can participate in inchoative/causative alternation, namely, ergative verbs. As a language without overt morphological change, Chinese is hard to be defined as an ergative language; however, as a universal linguistic phenomenon, ergativity also exists in Chinese. It is a pity that Chinese ergative alternation has not received adequate attention, considering its importance.This thesis investigates Chinese ergative alternation, chiefly aiming to provide an exhaustive characterization of semantic and syntactic features that are responsible for alternation. We hope that a deeper understanding can be gained of the nature of ergativity in Chinese and its relationship with other constructions, such as the bei-construction, the middle construction, the ba-construction, the topicalized structure, the verb-copying construction and so on. Deviant from the previous literature, this dissertation attaches great significance to Chinese resultative construction, since many Chinese RVCs (Resultative Verb Compounds) exhibit ergative nature. Some answers are to be provided concerning the following questions: What is an ergative RVC? In what way can RVCs be classified? Do all RVCs participate in ergative alternation? What are the semantic and syntactic characterizations of ergative RVCs? What are the diagnostics for ergative RVCs?The theoretical underpinnings of this study are syntax-semantics interface approach, in which both the syntax and the lexicon constrain the association of possible interpretations with possible structural positions. Following this interface approach, firstly, this dissertation gives an account of the classification of Chinese ergative verbs and RVCs respectively. The former are divided into four categories: verbs of change of physical state; verbs of change of psychological state; deadjectival verbs; verbs of self change. As for the latter, in light of the nature of the subjects in their corresponding causative structures, we claim that ergative RVCs fall into three groups: a) the subject is agentive causer (Group A); b) the subject can be either agentive causer, or non-agentive causer (Group B); c) the subject can be only non-agentive causer (Group C). After that, semantic features are elaborated that contribute to ergative alternation from five aspects: change of state; causativity; agentivity; telicity; and animacy of the object.After an overview of the semantic characteristics of ergative expression, we go on to explore the workable diagnostics for ergative verbs and RVCs in Chinese. Doubtlessly, an ergative verb can enter the alternation between“NP1+V+NP2”and“NP2+V”; at the same time, an ergative verb can appear in the periphrastic causative structure“NP1+shi‘make’+NP2+V”as well. As far as Chinese ergative RVCs are concerned, it is found that they can alternate between“NP1+VP+NP2”and“NP2+VP”, no matter whether V1 is transitive, unergative or adjective. However, considering that not all ergative RVCs are able to fit into the shi-construction, we, in turn, suggest that the ba-construction be used as a more favorable diagnostic. While discussing the diagnostics for Chinese ergative expressions, we differentiate intransitve ergative structures from passivization, topicalization and middle construction in the hope of having a better understanding of the attribute of ergative alternation.Followed is the discussion on how the subjects of different attributes are selected in the derivation from intransitive ergative to causative ergative structures. Ergative RVCs are only those that can adhere to Simpon’s Generalization (resultative attributes are predicated of objects, whether surface objects or underlying objects), which serves as a theoretical foundation of the Small Clause theory. In view of the inadequacy of this theory, we put forward an Improved Small Clause theory, proposing dual vP projection, including vP[CAUSE]and vP[DO]. The former indicates that the logical subjects of V1 and V2 are different. The latter suggests that the logical subjects of V1 and V2 are the same. It is revealed that the lower vP decides the nature of the higher vP, exhibiting some complementary distribution.In summary, the present dissertation constitutes one of the pioneering studies of Chinese ergativity and purports to supplement data from Chinese in the hope of stimulating further and more systematic study on the lexical-semantics and syntax relationship.

  • 【分类号】H15
  • 【被引频次】4
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