

Towards a New Model of Rhetorical Criticism

【作者】 袁影

【导师】 胡曙中;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 现代修辞批评自维切恩斯《演讲的文学批评》(1925)发表以来,在西方修辞学界广受重视,取得了引人注目的成果,已成为当代修辞学研究领域里的一大中心。目前我国在这一方向上的著述还十分稀少并且明显滞后,还未出现对修辞批评所作的系统性研究。而西方修辞批评研究中有相当一些批评模式或存在修辞本位不清,或范畴笼统、所指不明,或适用范围小等情况。鉴于国内外在这一领域的研究现状,本文通过聚焦于修辞批评的模式研究对修辞批评进行系统探索,以推进其本位性、可操作性以及适用性,并努力构建一个符合此三种条件、适于分析多种语篇类型的修辞批评新模式。本项研究重点参考质的研究方法,研究手段采用以语言为主附加文字图表的描述性分析,通过层层论证,以严谨的逻辑性获取效度。修辞批评新模式的应用分析依据质的研究中目的性抽样原则下的具体策略,从五种语体中分别选取两个代表性语篇来验证所构模式的可操作性和适用性。此外,本研究还吸收了哲学(尤其是逻辑学)、语言学(语法学、语义学及语用学)、心理学(社会心理学)等学科中的相关原理和方法。而对修辞理论的借鉴,本课题始终以西方古典修辞学为基石,以当代修辞学研究为走向,以中国修辞学相关成果为参照,各项论证倚重一手资料,在吸收与反驳、继承与创新并举中不断推进研究的深入。在构建和应用修辞批评新模式的过程中,本研究在以下几个方面作出了有意义的推进:1)合理界定了关键术语“修辞批评”;2)明确了修辞批评的本位功能;3)首次对五个具有代表性的西方修辞批评模式进行了多维度的综合对比研究,揭示了各自存在的主要问题;4)在严实论证的基础上构建了一个范畴围绕策略(本位鲜明)、范畴间关系明确、范畴内部层层细化(操作性强)的修辞批评新模式;5)通过对广告、新闻、演讲、公文及科学五种语体中的十个语篇的详尽分析和评价验证了修辞批评新模式的广泛适用性、可操作性和解释力。此外,本研究对颇具争议的修辞批评对象、修辞批评的过程步骤,以及对“修辞发明”、“争议点”、“修辞推论”等概念的辨析,在比较和论证的基础上都提出了自己具有一定创新意义的观点。本项研究最主要的创新体现在通过重新界定和分层细化两大途径丰富和发展了修辞学研究中一些不可或缺的核心概念,使其由原先的模糊笼统而变得清晰具体,如对“修辞批评”和“修辞情景”所作的合理化新界定以及对所创模式中“修辞发明”、“文体”和“修辞情景”三个范畴的多层细化。在应用分析中本文将“修辞发明”下的争议点和修辞推论相结合,并将“文体”与此两要素相联系来评断其得体性与清晰性,突破了已有修辞批评分析中的单一维度或隔离状况。该项系统研究将有助于确立修辞批评在我国语篇分析众多方法中不可或缺的地位,展现其独特的解释力和理论价值。围绕模式的本位性、可操作性和适用性所作的探索可为已有修辞批评模式的改进和新模式的构建提供理论参照。本研究还将为语篇分析和写作教学提供直接可行的方法,对演讲、广告设计等实践性领域也具有启发和指导作用。

【Abstract】 Rhetorical criticism (RC) has become the central activity in contemporary Western rhetoric since Herbert Wichelns published in 1925“The Literary Criticism of Oratory”. In the last few decades, an increasing number of articles and works have appeared, probing RC theoretically or applying its various models to the areas of politics, religion, science, etc. However, according to the survey of the major models, there exist the problems of rhetorical distinction, of easy operation, of wide applicability. As to the case in China, the term of“rhetorical criticism”still sounds exotic to the majority of researchers, and lacks a systematic study. This project, therefore, will conduct a systematic inquiry into RC by focusing on its model, with the aim of promoting rhetoricity, operativity, and applicability, by proposing a new RC model which satisfies all three qualities.This investigation primarily adopts a qualitative research method, progressing logically with verbal description assisted by tables and diagrams where necessary; its principle of criterion sampling has been employed in selecting representative texts from different genres for the application of the new model. In addition, this study takes in related theories from philosophy (logic, esp.), linguistics (syntax, semantics, pragmatics) and psychology (social psychology) as its methodological tools. As to the rhetorical theory itself, the exploration is based upon classical Western rhetoric, supported by its contemporary research, and related Chinese works; the discussions mainly rely on first-hand sources to guarantee validity; and the whole project progresses, soundly, in the process of digestion and creation.The present research makes contributions to the following aspects: 1) redefining properly the key term of“rhetorical criticism”; 2) clarifying the essential function of RC; 3) systematically contrasting five major RC models and revealing their respective limitations; 4) justifying a new RC model with distinct rhetoricity, easy operativity and wide applicability; 5) applying successfully the new RC model to the interpretation and evaluation of ten discourses from advertisement, news reporting, speech, business letter and academic writing. Moreover, upon comparison and demonstration, answers to the controvertial object of RC and procedure steps of RC have been suggested; and new light has been thrown on comprehending conceptions of“invention”,“stasis”,“enthymeme”, etc. The originality of this inquiry lies chiefly in redefining the crucial concepts, such as“rhetorical criticism”,“rhetorical situation”, and in extracting convincingly elements and subelements from the categories of“invention”,“style”and“rhetorical situation”(which constitute the new RC model), so that those former vague terms turn out to be clear, concrete and applicable. Also manifest is the originality in the analysis of the discourses with the new RC model. Here, not only is stasis combined with enthymeme in interpreting“invention”strategy, but propriety and clarity of“style”are judged upon stasis or enthymeme, overcoming the former single dimension or category isolated criticism.With the newly constructed RC model and its application, this study shows RC’s unique interpretation which may help establish, in China, RC’s indispensable position in discourse analysis. It is envisaged that the exploration of RC’s rhetoricity, operativity and applicability may provide theoretical reference for the improvement of existing RC models and for the construction of further new RC models. The findings will also serve as feasible methods in both discourse analysis and composition teaching, and may offer instructions for other applied areas such as speech making and advertisement designing.

【关键词】 修辞批评模式修辞情景修辞发明文体
【Key words】 rhetorical criticismmodelrhetorical situationinventionstyle
  • 【分类号】H05
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】1092